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Wild knocks on the door, accompanied by Pei Hongyu's excited shouts

"Monk! Get up! It's time to bask in the sun!"

At 8:30 in the morning, Pei Hongyu, along with Nanbei and the blind man, who were clearly still asleep, knocked and shouted at Qin You's door.

There was no response from inside.

The elevator door opened, and Qin You came over with a bag of breakfast.

He complained,"Who would still be sleeping at this hour?……"

The blind man silently raised his hand.

Nanbei's eyelids drooped, with dark circles under his eyes:"We will……"

Qin You has nothing to say

"You suddenly came to me, what's the matter?"

Pei Hongyu held the phone, with a look of shock:"It's the task reminder of Tiangong APP! Don't you guys read it?! It's a mission! This time it's outside Jianghai City! A public-funded outing!"

Qin You walked over and took a look:"What mission?"

Pei Hongyu put away the phone:"It's your own."

Qin You opened the APP and took a look.

The AP created by Tiangong itself does release some task information, but Pei Hongyu usually contacts in the group, so he often forgets to read it.

Before he could see it clearly, he was dragged down by Pei Hongyu

"Let's go! My car is parked on the side of the road, and I need to put a ticket on it! We'll see on the way!"

Qin You's bald head was held under Pei Hongyu's elbow, and he said helplessly:"Can you give me some time to get ready?"

Pei Hongyu didn't understand:"You are a grown man, what do you need to prepare before going out?"

Qin You said casually:"Change a pair of socks."

Pei Hongyu:...

Ten minutes later.

Qin You reappeared at the door.

The three were stunned.

"Didn't you say you would just change a pair of socks?"

The Qin You they saw had a bulging body.

Qin You opened his jacket, revealing the tactical vest underneath.

"Yes, I changed my socks... and took my filming equipment, another phone (Ms. Mary's phone), Kunwu sword, Shenyu revolver, pistol bullet bag, and of course toilet paper.……"

Pei Hongyu's cheeks twitched, and she looked behind him:"What's in this luggage bag that's big enough to fit you?"

Qin You said as a matter of course:"Heavy weapons. In case we are surrounded, heavy weapons can help us hold out for a while until support arrives."

Nanbei hugged his head:"You think too much!"

Qin You smiled:"It's better to be prepared."


Pei Hongyu changed her car again.

She originally drove an MVP, but in order to make it easier for Qin You to bring his luggage, she just rented a motorhome temporarily.

Nanbei was very excited and was fluttering on the bed in the motorhome.

"Ahhhh... this is life!"

Qin Youze studied the mission this time.

"The code name is Borrowing Seed Ghost?"

"The ghost's strength level is rated as Yaksha level, so high? Then why is the overall danger only B level?"

The blind man explained:"Because this ghost should have a physical body, with a physical body and obvious consciousness, it is easy to be rated as Yaksha level"

"The level of the ghost itself is proportional to its danger."

"The danger of a ghost is mainly determined by the number of people it harms... This ghost doesn't seem to have killed many people."

Qin You was reading the information and said dissatisfiedly:"Our classification of ghosts is messy and can easily mislead people... We should change it in the future."

They drove to their destination and quickly figured out the specific situation on the way.

The accident happened in Taicang City, not far from Jianghai City, the county seat of Xiaozhu County.

In this county, there has always been a terrifying urban legend.

That is, the legend of the borrowed seed ghost.

Nanbei drew the curtains and shone a flashlight on her chin to create a childish sense of terror.

She said:"Legend has it that Xiaozhu County has had a ghost called the borrowed seed ghost since ancient times... Every ten years, he will find a beautiful pregnant woman in the town, yes, it must be a pregnant woman who has just become pregnant!"

"He would hide in the closet in the bedroom in advance, and then when it was late at night, he would come out of the closet, climb onto the bed, and……"

Seeing Nanbei's constipated face, he seemed to not know how to describe it.

Pei Hongyu, who was driving, said,"Then it is the friendship of life and death, ghosts and humans, and the fusion of yin and yang." The blind man stretched out his hand and clapped silently.

"Snap, snap, snap, snap……"

Nanbei looked at them with a constipated look on his face:"You are all old drivers."

Qin You was more concerned about the legend itself:"Since you want to borrow the seed of a ghost, it means... the pregnant woman will give birth to his child in the end, right?"

Nanbei said:"Yes, the pregnant woman will give birth to a child, but that child... is not a human, but a ghost baby. When it is born, the pregnant woman will also die."

Qin You said:"So this ghost will only kill one person every ten years, so the danger level of the case is set very low?"

Pei Hongyu snapped her fingers:"Bingo! Correct!"

Qin You asked:"Has no one dealt with this ghost before?"

The blind man said:"No, mainly because the casualty rate is too low, and people didn't pay much attention to supernatural events in the past... In fact, even now, if the police over there hadn't contacted us and we happened to be free, otherwise, Tiangong would not send someone to deal with this matter specifically, mainly because the impact was too small."

Nanbei nodded and said:"Yes, there are supernatural events everywhere now. In fact, many times, there are not enough manpower. After all, Tiangong only has branches in a few first-tier cities. In other wider areas, they can only send people to deal with it occasionally, otherwise they will be too busy."

Qin You looked at the information again

"The pregnant woman was traumatized and is now in a mental hospital. Her belly has grown as if it were inflated. The B-ultrasound shows that the baby in her belly has no heartbeat, but is still growing. At the same time, her husband is missing and suspected of having suffered an accident. The police realized that this case is very similar to a series of previous cases, so they contacted the Tiangong, right?"

Nanbei nodded:"That's it."

Qin You turned off his phone and thought for a while,"Have you noticed that the last case of the same type happened five years ago... and before that, it was indeed as the legend said, once every ten years."

"That is to say, the time interval this reduced by half."

After hearing this, everyone was silent.

What does this mean?

"in addition……"

Qin You added:"I killed one person every ten years, so I was classified as Class B. No one has dealt with it, but I have an immature little problem.……"

Qin You raised his eyes and looked at the three people:

"Where did those ghost babies go?"

After hearing this, everyone, including Pei Hongyu who was driving, felt a chill on their backs and their scalps went numb.


Where did those ghost babies go? _Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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