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Officer Xu led the way and sent them to the residential area where the crime occurred in a police car.

The couple's family conditions were average, and their place of residence was relatively remote, not in the city center, but near the urban-rural junction.

They lived on the 6th floor of an old-fashioned house built in the 1990s.

"This is it."

Officer Xu pulled open the cordon, opened the door and walked in, introducing:"There were no signs of struggle at the crime scene. According to the female victim, the ghost swallowed her husband in one gulp."

Qin You and the blind man also walked in.

There was nothing special about the living room. It was a little messy, but it was full of daily necessities. The curtains were still drawn and the light was dim.

Qin You asked:"Have you done an on-site investigation?"

Officer Xu shook his head:"No, according to the current rules, as long as it is initially determined to be a supernatural case, we will contact you directly. Otherwise, what if we destroy the scene instead, right?"

That's right.

It seems that the situation of supernatural revival is really serious.

Qin You thought, otherwise, the police would not talk about this matter so frankly, without even a trace of doubt, and had completely given up their efforts. The blind man said

:"Thank you, Officer Xu, you go back and do your work first, we will investigate here."

Officer Xu seemed to be relieved:"It's okay, I'm not busy now, I'll wait for you in the car downstairs, and contact you at any time."

Then he pointed to the bedroom where the crime occurred.

In fact, there was no need to do so, as the house was very small and there was only one bedroom.

After Officer Xu left, Qin You and the blind man wandered around the bedroom.

The bed was messy, and there were some bloodstains, but not much.

The blind man twitched his nose:"It's the blood of the pregnant woman Zhou Min."

Qin You was surprised:"You can smell that, too?"

The blind man laughed and said,"After I became blind, my sense of smell is sharper than a dog's nose. I just saw Zhou Min, and when I smelled this bloodstain, I could confirm it at once."

Qin You gave him a thumbs up and walked closer to the bed to take a look.

He knew that this bloodstain was most likely left by the ghost when he did something else.

"Amitabha, not suitable for children."

After clearing the imaginary picture in his mind, Qin You was about to speak, but he saw that the blind man's expression was a little unnatural.

His eyebrows were furrowed and his face was twitching.

"What's wrong? Are you having a seizure? You didn't say you have this disease.……"

The blind man covered his forehead and said:"No... what are you talking about... I think……"

He said seriously:"The preliminary judgment is that the level of this ghost is Yaksha level, right?"

Qin You nodded:"Yes, it has reproductive consciousness, entity, can have sex, and is bloodthirsty... According to the standards of the Heavenly Palace, it is a Yaksha."

The blind man said:"I have never seen a Yaksha level ghost, but the danger level of this thing is only classified as B level, which doesn't seem reliable."

Qin You:"What do you mean?"

The blind man:"I have a high sense of perception, you know. Even if I poke out my titanium alloy dog eyes, I can still feel ghosts... Even in the Nether Sea, there are ghosts who don't show up, I can."

He pointed behind himself casually:"The red-clothed ghost Fang Ziheng, is behind me, right?" In the weak light layer of the Nether Sea, Fang Ziheng exclaimed,"Eh", and was horrified:"This blind man actually saw me?!"

Qin You glanced at that position,"I think so, I asked her to come with me, but I didn't use a special method to enter the Nether Sea, so I couldn't see her."

The blind man nodded. Although he was a little uneasy, he still believed in Qin You

"I have a strong innate inspiration, very strong, this is my ability."

He"scanned" the room as if he could see it:"Different ghosts will leave different auras. This ghost has an extremely strong aura... ancient... wild……"

The blind man has a strong sense of perception, so he is more easily invaded by the special chaos and evil of ghosts. The more he feels, the more he trembles, and he is afraid from the bottom of his heart.

Qin You wanted to help, but he couldn't, so he could only press the blind man's shoulder:"Don't be afraid, I'll protect you."

The blind man smiled slightly, and he seemed to feel more at ease:"Thank you."

Qin You did not waste time:"Is there any way to find this ghost?"

The blind man frowned:"Finding the traces of ghosts is a difficult problem for the whole world." He suddenly had an idea:"I would like to know how you found the ghosts? The previous ones, you seemed to be able to find them whenever you wanted."

Qin You didn't plan to talk about the ghost relics for the time being. He just said simply:"I'll tell you later. In short, I need to know the specific characteristics of the ghosts before I can find them. I have never seen the appearance of this ghost, and the female donor didn't explain it clearly, so I can't find it." The blind man said:"So that's it.……"He suddenly tilted his head:"Do you smell a bad smell?"

Qin You's five senses are sharp now, but his sense of smell is still not as good as the blind man.

He took a deep breath:"It's the smell of the room, right? The smelly socks on the ground next to it have a sour smell."

The blind man shook his head, twitching his nose while walking to the bed:"It's a smell... of death and decay."

Qin You was helpless at this stage.

The blind man smelled from the bed to the ground.

Suddenly he became a little excited.

"This ghost has a physical body, so there are footprints. There is not much dust in the room, and I can smell the pungent smell where he stepped on the place although I can't see it!"

"Here, here, there are his footprints!"

Qin You squatted down and looked at the place he pointed to.

There was nothing.

He scanned it carefully with his spiritual sense, but there was no obvious discovery.

His current spiritual sense can ignore most obstacles and sense a distance of several hundred meters at most, but it is still relatively rough.

No matter how deep you hide a big thing, Qin You's spiritual sense will reveal it immediately.

But if it is too subtle, he currently has no way to see the molecular structure or anything like that. Even as small as dust and sand, his spiritual sense cannot see it clearly.

The blind man sniffed all the way to the window.

"The ghost did jump down, let's go down and look for it! It hasn't rained these two days, I hope the smell is still there!"

After saying that, he turned around and was about to go out.

Qin You said,"Let's take this road, faster."

The blind man was puzzled:"Which road? Isn't there only one way?……"

Qin You picked up the blind man by the waist with one hand and jumped out of the window!


The blind man's screams fell from the sixth floor to the first floor with a bang!

Fang Ziheng was very happy to see this, clapping her hands and said happily:"Ahahahaha! Finally someone feels the same way as me!"

She had not forgotten the terrifying experience of being led by Qin You to jump from dozens of floors.

Then, her body sank and went straight through the floor, falling down one floor at a time.

The blind man breathed a sigh of relief, and soon found a manhole cover by following the smell.

Qin You lifted the manhole cover, not afraid of getting dirty, and jumped down directly.

"Hurry up." He shouted to the top.

The blind man looked painful, pinched his nose, gritted his teeth, and jumped down.

After going down, the blind man was stunned:"Fuck, it stinks here, I... I'm blind!"

Qin You was more optimistic:"You don't need to smell it, he should be here."

The sewer was narrow and dark, and the stench was overwhelming.

Sewage flowed at their feet, and there was no place to walk.���The space was narrow, only wide enough for them to walk one after the other.

All kinds of garbage and filth were piled up here, and cockroaches and rats would run over from time to time.

Qin You saw something.

On the ground, every few meters, there was a piece of thick black rotten meat.

He scanned it with his spiritual sense.

This evil aura was the same as the breath of the ghost baby, there was no escape! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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