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Qin You's popularity nowadays is self-evident. He is definitely a G-station brother.

In addition to the common title of monk in and outside the Heavenly Palace, he has many other titles.

What are the"Buddhist Gunman","Blood Hand Killer","Ghost Terminator","Grumpy Soul-Saving Brother" and so on?’……

There are many more.

Some other UP hosts copied his videos and made secondary creations. He wanted to laugh when he saw those titles.

After Qin You sent the simply edited video to G Station, it took a long time to review.

He estimated that the background of G Station was related to Tiangong, and the content of the videos he posted was often extremely sensitive.

But now Tiangong also agreed with his approach.

Before the supernatural events are fully unblocked and made public, he, the Internet celebrity monk, will take the lead and infiltrate the world's horrific truth to netizens little by little.

Then plan the next step.

The video passed the review.

The title is very simple

【Human gluttony + infant + clan fighting, this world is dirty again】

After Qin You finished posting, he turned off the computer and went to take a shower and sleep.

Lying on the bed, he took out the stone he took from the vampire count Richard.

The so-called holy weapon of the vampire

"What did he say? The Magic Eye of Time?"

The system popped up an introduction bar

【The Eye of Time: The Final Round of the 2019 Chinese Drama……】

Qin You was stunned.

What was this, garbled text?

He soon confirmed that it was indeed garbled text.

Because the system popped up another dialog box.

【Energy traces from other planes have been detected. The trial system may need to be updated.】

【Updating will consume 100 fear points, do you want to update? 】

Qin You never expected that his system could be updated!

"This thing... is from another dimension?"

"It's interesting.

Qin You chose to update without hesitation.

【1000 points of fear have been deducted, the system is updating for you, please use it later. 】

Then a black and white progress bar appeared in front of him, the white one was slowly advancing, and there was an update percentage next to it.





【The official version of the Earth New God editing system has been updated】

"Earth New God System... I actually just learned the name of my system now."

Qin You couldn't help but complain:"No wonder the previous ones were so crude, they were all trial versions?"

He thought and opened the equipment bar.

He called up the Time Magic Eye equipment again.

【(6 stars) Time Eye: Once the eye of a god in the multiverse, it possesses the supreme power to control time.】

【Advice: Don’t try to find the original owner of the eye, it has many eyes anyway】

【How to use: Extract a certain amount of blood from the user, within a certain range, to control the flow of time; the host can use the fear value instead. The specific amount of fear value to be deducted depends on the range and time used by the host. This is a complex formula】

"This thing seems to be similar to a ghost relic."

Qin You suppressed his excitement and analyzed:"If time is a kind of ability, it must be the most advanced ability... Eh? The updated system also has a star rating function."

For comparison, he looked at Miss Mary's phone again.

The result was only a two-star rating.

Qin You looked at the star rating criteria again.

【The star rating mechanism in the system is a comprehensive evaluation that will assess the value of the host's skills or ghost relics from all aspects.】

【Generally speaking, the older, more powerful, and more destructive to the existing world rules, the higher the rating.】

【There are ten stars in total, and the ratings are from low to high. 】

Qin You found that this system was becoming more and more interesting.

"Miss Mary's cell phone is a ghost relic that can travel across space, and its function is enough to destroy the rules of the world."

"It seems that this magic eye that looks like a duck egg has even more powerful functions."

When Old Richard used this trick, all his clones lost contact.

Fortunately, Qin You kept a trick and hid outside the range.

So he was very interested in this blood clan holy weapon.

Qin You wanted to test it out, so he thought of an operation.

‘I want to stop the time of the entire earth for one hour.

The system reacted for a while.

【The host's blood essence is not enough to consume. If the fear value is used, 206623... points of fear value are needed. 】

Qin You looked at the long string of numbers and counted them. There were actually ten digits!

"Can't afford to spend money……"

But he at least confirmed one thing.

If the consequences were not considered, this magic eye of time could really stop the time of the whole world!

"What if you want to pause the time within a hundred meters? Pause for ten seconds"

【Consume twenty kilograms of blood essence, or 15,540 points of fear. 】

Qin You never tires of testing:

"Same range, but twice the acceleration time?"

"What about slowing down five times?"

"What if you pause for one second within a one-meter range around you?"

【Consumes 2000 fear points.

Qin You finally found out that the minimum usage standard of this magic eye is actually 2000 fear points. It is

4 times more expensive than Miss Mary's mobile phone!

But... it's worth it!

Qin You carefully put it away, and prepared to go back and make a stronger chain to hang this time magic eye.

Even if the time stops for only one second, it is enough to save his life.

And if in the future... he has endless fear points.

With this holy weapon alone, Qin You almost became a god.

Before going to bed, the factory owner of the Heavenly Palace... the leader of the interrogation team, sent a message to Qin You.

【Monk, that earl has been shouting that you took away some holy artifact of their blood clan. Did you take it? If it is with you, you must hand it over tomorrow! 】

Qin You decisively replied:

【I am not, I didn’t, don’t talk nonsense! 】

Factory Manager:……


The next day, Qin You got up early.

As soon as he entered the living room, he was startled by Fang Ziheng hanging (sleeping) there.

""When did you come?"

Qin You asked.

Fang Ziheng opened his eyes and said,"I've always been here, but I just didn't show up."

Qin You wanted to say something to her, but when he thought of the scene yesterday when the vampires almost escaped and Fang Ziheng helped to harvest them, he smiled and shook his head.

Fang Ziheng was stunned.


Qin You turned around:"What's wrong?"

Fang Ziheng murmured:"You look so beautiful when you smile, so sweet.……"

Qin You immediately put away his smile

"Come on, accompany me to the Heavenly Palace."

Fang Ziheng was a little entangled:"Can I not go?"

Qin You asked curiously:"Don't you like going out? Why don't you want to go to the Heavenly Palace? The last time I asked you to accompany me, you were not very willing.……"

Fang Ziheng was silent for a long time:"Don't you always want to know how I died? I'll tell's related to the Heavenly Palace."

Qin You stood at the entrance, in a daze without moving.

"What happened?"

Fang Ziheng said sadly,"It's a long story."

Then he smiled brightly,"I'll tell you when you come back!"

Yes, bright.

Qin You had never thought that a red-clothed ghost with a strong sense of malice could be described with this word.

"Becoming more and more like a human……"

He was very worried. Was Fang Ziheng 's 'evil' going to be upgraded?

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