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You listened to Xue Weidong's explanation

"That is to say, the original abnormal creature research department in the Heavenly Palace is going to be split off to set up a research institute to do research properly?"

Xue Weidong nodded:"Yes, the research on ghosts was very slow before, but when you came, we found that you would not be affected by ghosts, and your thinking would not be distorted and confused, so……"

Qin You had never had this concept before.

His feeling towards ghosts is nothing more than... a little cold sometimes.

For example, Fang Ziheng, seemingly harmless, but in fact, whenever she appears, the cold and gloomy air will cover a large area around her.

In fact, in addition to this, a ghost of Fang Ziheng's level, even if he just chats with you with a smile, normal people will gradually fall into the devil's disease, the so-called ghost-bewitched.

Over time, the thinking will gradually collapse and distort.

Xue Weidong's face was solemn:"In fact, various countries around the world have made efforts to study the characteristics of ghosts, but many tragedies have also occurred.

Some researchers, after staying with ghosts for a period of time, began to feel inexplicably depressed, painful, entangled, sad, and infected by negative emotions.

In severe cases, they suffer from schizophrenia, paranoia, and even worse, there seems to be no problem in the short term, but suddenly one day, they inexplicably pick up weapons and kill their colleagues, or even relatives, or commit suicide.


"I have heard a little bit about it."

Qin You also learned about these things after entering the Tiangong.

Xue Weidong sighed:"We have also observed you for a period of time. Although we don't know why, you are indeed able to remain unaffected. Therefore, you are the most suitable person to do this. I know that you also hope to be able to do this, otherwise you would not have proposed that the Tiangong set up a research institute."

Of course Qin You wanted to!

He wanted to think about it so much!


But before he could say anything, the old man next to Xue Weidong, wearing a white coat and with a stubborn face, said:"How old are you? Judging from your age, you haven't graduated from college yet?"

Qin You looked at the old man, then at Xue Weidong.

"Who is this……?"

Xue Weidong quickly introduced:"This is the former head of our research department - Professor Sha Shixin, a theoretical physicist at the academician level. Now that we are setting up a research institute, he will naturally be the dean, and you will be his deputy."


That's the same level as my previous life.

Qin You, who used to be a big shot at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, didn't care.

He replied half-jokingly:"Hello, Professor Sha, I... haven't gone to college yet. I'm a sophomore in high school and it's summer vacation. I come here to work and study and work part-time to earn some pocket money."

Sha Shixin is usually busy. People of this age don't care about the Internet, let alone the news inside the Tiangong.

So when he heard Qin You say that, he felt terrible.

His face changed, and he said angrily:"Xue Weidong, what do you mean? Ah? My thesis has also been published in Science magazine! It's okay if you don't assign me a doctoral student, but what do you mean by assigning me a high school student? Are you insulting me?"

Scince, translated as Science, is an American journal and one of the more authoritative academic journals in the world.

Qin You smiled and said,"Sience is not very difficult to get into".

Sha Shixin frowned, looking sullen.

Qin You deliberately wanted to provoke this bad-tempered old man:"Although Science also has authoritative academic papers, its emphasis is still on scientific quality, that is, it can be read by the general public. It is not very professional, and is not even as good as Nature and APS, let alone Research and Arle.……"

Both of them were stunned.

Sha Shixin was stunned for a while, then he reacted and pointed at Qin You's nose and scolded:"You little brat, don't think you can act so powerful just because you have heard of the names of a few world-renowned journals! You are just a high school student! How dare you talk to me like that!"

Qin You was very dissatisfied with this man's temper.

So he turned around and said to Xue Weidong:"I am willing to help with the research, but I don't want to be his deputy. This professor may not be qualified."

Sha Shixin blew his beard and glared:"What did you say!"

He never expected that the little brat he despised would dare to despise him in return!

However... this kid actually knows those journals... This is a bit unexpected.

Xue Weidong was busy trying to smooth things over:"Hey, that, Professor Sha, don't be angry, and monk, don't be irritable.……"

Sha Shixin said dissatisfiedly:"If you don't want to be my assistant, then study hard! Wait until you are admitted to graduate school! Then I will consider letting you be an intern doing odd jobs!"

Xue Weidong covered his forehead with his hands.

Qin You said seriously,"Dean, give it to me and I will do it."

Sha Shixin's eyes popped out:"I think you are crazy!"

Qin You glanced at him,"How about, how about a competition?"

Sha Shixin said angrily,"How to compete? What can you compare with me?"

Qin You asked,"There should be research journals on ghosts in China, even if it's just for internal discussion?"

Sha Shixin:"Yes! What do you want?"

Qin You said,"It's very simple. We set a time limit and each of us publish a paper. Then let other experts judge it."

Sha Shixin laughed in anger:"Hahaha! This is the first time I've heard of such an arrogant request! You're a kid who hasn't even finished high school. What do you know about writing a paper? You can't even write the format!"

Qin You said lightly,"Just say whether you dare or not."

Sha Shixin treated it as a bet and played with him:"Okay, what's the argument?"

Qin You:"Whatever, as long as it's about ghosts, I think the whole world lacks understanding of ghosts. No matter from which angle you analyze it, if it's useful, everyone can see it."

""All right!" Sha Shixin said aggressively:"If you lose, you will do odd jobs for me for a year. If I ask you to deliver food, you will deliver food. If I ask you to clean the toilet, you will clean the toilet."

"Sure." Qin You asked back:"What if you lose?"

Sha Shixin sneered, how could he lose? So he was fearless:"I will give you the position of dean! I will be your deputy!"

Qin You nodded:"It's a deal."

Sha Shixin:"It's a deal!!"

Then the two turned around and left.

Xue Weidong was left alone to feel sad.

He looked left and right, and his bitter face wrinkled:" two...this is too much of a joke!"

Then he didn't know who to chase, and after thinking about it, he decided to chase Sha Shixin, who had more experience and a higher status.


Qin You returned home and just walked to the entrance when he received a small task assigned by Tiangong on his mobile phone.

"There is a ghost in the temple?"

He looked at the danger rating.

It was only C-level.

It was estimated to be an ordinary evil ghost.

It was a list that could be handled by one person, so Qin You clicked and grabbed it.

Then he looked up at the beautiful hanged ghost in the living room and shouted:

"Let's go, I'll take you to dinner."

Fang Ziheng, who was hanging there and swaying slightly, suddenly opened her eyes.

Her eyes were pure black, and the black energy gradually gathered and condensed in the depths of her eyes.

She said anxiously:"Monk... are you sure you want to take me out? I have a strange feeling... It seems that I am about to break through some kind of shackles."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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