"Monk, be careful! When the Viscount has red eyes, it means he is about to start a big move!"

Nanbei saw this and hurriedly reminded him.

Qin You looked at those eyes.

He knew the danger, but he couldn't help being excited.

"What is his ultimate move?"

Nanbei shouted hurriedly,"I don't know! I'm just an intern! I just know that blood clan members above the Baron have extraordinary abilities inherited from the ancestor Cain!!"

Qin You felt greatly the trouble brought by information asymmetry.

He had no idea what extraordinary abilities the blood clan had.

They said they were going to fight ghosts, but vampires are also ghosts?!

He could only concentrate on dealing with it.

William's voice became empty and cold, his eyes red:"Human, have you seen God?"

Due to the difference in accent,

Qin You misheard,"Yeah, I exercise regularly."


"I'm talking about... God! Have you ever seen God?"

Qin You frowned:"Do you want to compete with me in push-ups, sit-ups, or Thomas full spins?"

"Forget it."

William didn't want to argue with him anymore, lest he lose his dignity.

He crossed his hands, forming a stable triangle.

A little red light flashed through it, and then suddenly spread out!

Qin You was surprised to find that everything around him seemed to be stained with a faint blood color.

William finished his lines calmly.

"From the moment you open your eyes and see God, your life is over in a flash"

"Goodbye, see you in hell."

Qin You sensed an unprecedented strong danger, and his pupils suddenly shrank into needles!

The Heart Sutra made his nerve reflexes speed up several times.

The narrow alleys became more and more cramped at this moment.

The walls on both sides seemed to extend out...

Is it an illusion?

Qin You did not hesitate and rushed forward!

Sure enough, for some reason, more than a dozen thorns suddenly pierced the walls on both sides!

If Qin You did not move, he would have been pierced with at least thirty transparent holes at this moment!

Qin You jumped sideways and dodged several thorns on the ground!

It was as if... the walls and the ground seemed to have life, trying their best to keep his life!

What is this? Not an illusion?

As soon as he landed, his feet were stuck.

Looking down, he saw that the cement road was constantly surging, and one after another slender ghost hands turned out!

Grabbing his ankles layer by layer, and then solidifying quickly!

Qin You guessed:

"His ability is to change the form of the surrounding matter at will?……"

This is an almost unsolvable ability!

Moreover, the opponent is ruthless and efficient!

Without a word of nonsense, he immediately killed the man when he saw him caught.

A sharp axe suddenly turned out from the ground in front of Qin You, and it chopped directly on his forehead!

Nanbei chopped with a sword, and it hit him with a bang!

The giant axe transformed from the concrete ground only broke a section, but the huge recoil force caused Nanbei to lose his sword and fly backwards!

He spat out a mouthful of blood in the air.

And the giant axe was quickly replenished.

As long as there is matter around, William has no shortage of weapons for this ability.

At the critical moment, Qin You's mind moved


The skill panel appears.

【Skills (Mind Skills) Heart Sutra lv3】

【[Remaining Fear Value 2200]

These fear values were left over from the previous research on the bald ghost and the cursed doll.

The main contribution was from the cursed doll.

He had already realized the limitations of his mental method, so he wanted to save some fear value to use on more practical skills.

Who knew that before he could find any skills, he would encounter a situation where he was doomed to die.

No reservations!

【Do you agree to consume 400 fear points?】

【Do you agree to consume 500 fear points?】

【Do you agree to consume 600 fear points?】

【Do you agree to consume 700 fear points?】

【Remaining Fear Value 0]

The level behind the Heart Sutra kept flashing and improving.

Finally it became……

【Skill (Heart Sutra) Great Prajna Dragon Elephant Heart Sutra lv7]

Effect: Condensed relics, greatly increased mana, and comprehensively strengthened the body.

In a very short period of time, Qin You seemed to have experienced a cosmic explosion in his body.

He seemed to have seen the truth. He suddenly realized the mysterious realm.

From William's point of view, the young monk in front of him... suddenly... glowing!

With a painful and constipated expression on his face, and then the whole body was emitting a hazy three-color light.

The mist evaporated from the body and floated above the head for a while, like a white lotus.

After dissipating.

A lot of black dirt squeezed out of the surface of his skin again.

"Cool……"Qin You made a strange sound.

William was a little uneasy. The monk in front of him suddenly had a surge of spiritual power!

Upgrading on the spot?!

"Fortunately, you don't know how to use your power at all."

In fact, William saw early on that Qin You's spiritual power was off the charts, but he didn't know how to use it at all.

"You're still going to die!"

In front of Qin You, a giant axe that seemed to grow out of the ground chopped down again!


It was earth-shattering!

A crack appeared on the ground, but Qin You had disappeared. Only Qin You's shoes and socks were left in the two raised cement blocks on the ground.

"Stop struggling, my friend.

William looked around and up at the sky, but couldn't find any trace of Qin You.

"Dying with dignity is the last dignity of a gentleman"

"My ability allows me to transform the surrounding materials at will. No matter how strong your spiritual power is, you are no match for me."

Nanbei saw hope, covered his chest and stood up, struggling,"Qin You, run! Don't worry about me! The reinforcements will be here soon! You are no match for him!"

William suddenly heard Qin You's voice behind him.


William turned back calmly. The moment he turned back, dozens of sharp cement thorns had already pierced the ground at the same time! The thorns pierced nothing.

His tall nose bridge was hit hard by the brass knuckles made of rosary beads!

At the same time, it hit his eyes!

"Ah——! Fxxk——!"

Qin You's voice, which came from left to right, reached his ears.

"Conjunctivitis makes it difficult to see, so use potassium permanganate drops in your eyes."

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