From the perspective of the clone, look at the portrait of the Rainy Night Girl at this moment.

Originally, the portrait looked extremely clean, with the girl in the center occupying a large area of space, and the victims sucked into the painting were just like tiny backgrounds in the distance. Even if you don't look carefully, you may not notice them.

But now it's different.

The painting is full of bald heads of all sizes!

What's the most terrifying thing?

Qin You used his clones to build a human wall!

On the side of the Rainy Night Girl, the bottom Qin You took a horse stance, and then another Qin You stood on his shoulder, and this Qin You also stood on... The clone that absorbed the spiritual power of the world in the painting was already quite large. There were about thirty people stacked up like this, and the top one had climbed onto the shoulder of the Rainy Night Girl. Their final solidified appearance... can be described as a variety of poses!

Some people made faces at the front; some people shouted at the Rainy Night Girl's non-existent ears, and the one who climbed onto the shoulder had a face like an old rogue, leaning sideways, and hugged the Rainy Night Girl's slender neck.

The Rainy Night Girl was no longer calm, but had a constipated expression on her face.

Once again, the Rainy Night Girl stretched out her hand from the picture with an ugly expression, grabbed Qin You's clone, and dragged him in.

After entering, the clone tried to breathe, and grew wildly, and was already tightly attached to the other clones.

This space is not infinite.

It just looks like there is no boundary, but in fact there is.

Several clones are already attached to an invisible wall.

This painting... has been filled up.

Another clone walked into the office.

"I can play with you until dawn."

The Rainy Night Girl opened her tired eyes, came out again, and grabbed him.


Qin You outside the office showed a cunning smile.

Sure enough.

I filled you up.

When the Rainy Night Girl grabbed the clone back, it seemed that she was a little overwhelmed.

It was particularly slow.

The clone began to pull a tug-of-war with her.

The ghost girl frowned tightly, and a painful cry came from the depths of her throat.

"What? Constipated?"

Qin You was so happy.

His clones were still no match for the girl in the rain in this tug-of-war of power.

But soon, a group of Qin You rushed in from outside the door!

The original Qin You was struggling to use his spiritual sense to control these dozen clones at the same time.

He didn't dare to expose himself for the time being.

Some of the dozen clones grabbed the girl in the rainy night with her hands, while others grabbed her long neck and even her hat.

Then they all exerted force together!


"Pull out the radish~Pull out the radish~Hey yo hey yo pull out the radish~"

"One, two, one! One, two, one!"

More than a dozen clones shouted at the same time! They exerted their strength suddenly! With a swish!

The girl on the rainy night was pulled out!

She fell to the ground, feeling that the power to protect herself was rapidly fading.

【You discovered the Rainy Night Girl's weakness - out of the portrait! Weakness critical hit!】

【Fear value from the Rainy Night Girl +1932! 】

She howled again!

She stood up as if to fly back!

One of the clones kicked her!

Then the other clones... kicked her again and again!

After the Rainy Night Girl left the portrait, she was so weak. She was beaten up by the clones, her face was unrecognizable, and her facial features were distorted!

Qin You's real body finally walked in openly.

"Hello, can we communicate?"

The clone made way for her, and the girl on Rainy Night raised her beaten face and looked at Qin You.

She made a sound that sounded like a roar and a wail.

Qin You was very disappointed.

It's fine if we can't communicate.

"Amitabha, may you ascend to paradise soon."

After he finished speaking, a thick streak of lightning appeared from his palm, which pierced through the soul of the girl on the rainy night.

Her two eyes, one on the top of her head and the other on her chin, were wide open.

Then the whole ghost exploded!

It disappeared into thin air.

【The Rainy Night Girl has been reduced to ashes. The remaining fear value from the Rainy Night Girl before her death +1330】

The clones disappeared one after another, and the unconsumed spiritual power returned to Qin You's body.

He walked over and looked at the painting.

The painting was now full of himself.……

"It just... looks strange."

He reached out and took the painting off.

The system prompts:

【Ghostly relics - contain some uncontrollable supernatural power】

【(Three stars) Canvas of the Rainy Night Girl: She was once an insecure and irritable mother who always felt a lack of companionship, so she imprisoned and tortured her own daughter for a long time, until later she was locked in a portrait by her daughter.】

【Behind the canvas is another independent dimension】

【Function: The canvas of the Rainy Night Girl is missing, and only the storage function remains. You can choose to use it to contain any ghosts that have lost their resistance, and you can also let ghosts enter voluntarily.】

【Small function: It can also store some materials, fruits, vegetables and meat can be well preserved~】

【Cost of use: Each time you open it, you will permanently lose some of your happy emotions.】

【The host can use 300 points of fear to replace this price. 】

Qin You was overjoyed

"Space-type relics? Only 300 points of fear can be used? In comparison, it is really good value for money."

He was also very happy that he didn't use the Time Magic Eye this time, and he felt that he had saved 100 million.

Qin You found that the frame could be removed, so he rolled up the scroll and held it in his hand.

Then he left the office.


"Gone? Really gone?"

Zhu Da was in his office, as happy as a 200-pound child.

Qin You smiled at him and said,"Transfer"

"Immediately! Immediately! Master, please wait a moment!"

As he spoke, Zhu Da sat in his long-missed office chair, turned on his computer, and quickly completed this large transfer.

Qin You looked at his payment message.

ICBC income (transfer), amount: 5,000,000 yuan.

Counting the previous 1 million deposit.


Qin You nodded,"Better luck in the future and be a good person."

Zhu Da asked again,"Hey, where's the painting? How come it's gone?"

Qin You said casually,"It was burned."


After Qin You returned, he first reviewed the case of the evil ghost.

He found some very interesting details.

According to the system's hint about the ghost relics... this evil ghost was originally a mother, and was locked in a portrait by her daughter. So... who is that famous painter Wu Kelan ? How could she have such a strange ability? Fang Ziheng returned home after a while. She went out to relax today and studied how much her current abilities had increased. Qin You immediately called her over.

"Come on, let me show you a big treasure?"

Fang Ziheng scratched his head and looked at the painting paper he had unfolded in surprise.

After Qin You took it, the painting had been cleared.

Now there was nothing on it, only the drizzle of rain.

"What is this?"

Qin You used 300 points of fear to open the door of the drawing paper, and a hazy white light came out of the drawing paper.

"It’s a small world, go in and try it."

Fang Ziheng leaned over:"What? What small world?"

Qin You pushed her from behind mischievously:"Go!"


Fang Ziheng screamed and fell in.

A flash of white light disappeared.

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