From the satellite map, it was just a black dot.

From the outside of the temple, the residents living nearby, passers-by, and Fei Yu's drone saw a strange spectacle.

The temple was gone, replaced by a huge pure black semicircle, standing under the sky.

This is actually a complete spherical field.

The ground is semicircular, and the ground is also semicircular.

The wall of the ball is absolutely black, and the light from outside cannot leave any trace on it.

There is no reflection.

He Qi stopped and returned to the car.

"Let's go back to the company."

His assistant said without any doubt:"Yes."

The black bulletproof car drove quickly in the direction it came from.

The other aliens who were fighting in various places felt relieved when they saw this scene.

Pei Hongyu just returned to the safe area and sat on the ground gasping for breath:"Okay, Mr. He has taken action... This gate of hell has been completely closed by him."

Tianlai rubbed his face to help himself relax:"Then next, just deal with the ghosts that escaped."

Pei Hongyu smiled bitterly:"It's easier said than done."

In Fei Yu's live broadcast room

【What is that??!!】

【Is that a... ball?】


【Did the great magician take action?……】

【Damn, that’s kind of handsome!】

【It seems like all the ghosts are locked inside.】

【Can you let your little plane fly over to take a look?

Fei Yu immediately agreed:"Okay, this alien's ability is a bit special, it looks like a barrier-like ability... It's a pity that I didn't take a picture of it, who did it?"

He turned around and asked his employees to fly one of the drones over to take a look.

As the camera moved forward, the viewers in the live broadcast room could only see a larger and larger black.

Pure black.

Without a trace of impurities.

"If I could, I'd really like to touch it myself.……"Fei Yu laughed.

Suddenly, many people in the live broadcast room started to make noises and asked him to go over.

"I'm not that stupid! Are you going to die?"

Fei Yu smiled and said,"I still want to stay useful and reveal more secrets about aliens for everyone."

In fact, let alone the camera moving forward without seeing a trace of impurities.

As a national strategic alien, abilities like He Qi's have been tested by countless experts.

Some experts once used an optical microscope to magnify the spherical wall he made to see the microscopic structure.

It turned out that... it couldn't be observed.

This thing doesn't reflect light at all and can't be studied with an optical microscope.

No completely non-reflective material has been found so far, and this thing doesn't belong to the material field.

Later they used other methods.

Still no use.

No matter how much it is magnified, it's pure black.

This thing has no microscopic structure at all.

Therefore, his ability is called a black hole by many people who don't understand it.

Because no matter the size of the sphere he makes, it is always round, and because it has some properties similar to black holes, such as light cannot escape from it, isolating everything.

In fact, a more standard term is called a black room.

He Qi's ability characteristics are in Absolute spatial division.

An extremely perverted ability.

As long as he creates a black room, it will be an unbreakable absolute domain.

In the black room, living things can continue to live until they run out of oxygen or starve to death.

Ghosts can stay for a long time, but they can't get out... The current situation is different. They may be able to go back to the Nether Sea through the passage of the Gui-shaped room, and then go around to other places...

But they can't leave from this position.

If Pei Hongyu just did it by continuously pouring boiling water into the sewer, He Qi directly welded the entrance, leaving no gap.

Unless He Qi opens it by himself, this black room space may last forever.

This is why He Qi is regarded as strategic.

No one knows how high the upper limit of his black room ability is.

Maybe he can directly lock a country in it? Or... the entire earth.


Outside the black room, the battle was still going on.

The aliens had already suffered casualties.

The special mobile forces of the Heavenly Palace appeared at the scene fully armed, and they used special thermal weapons to sweep the ghosts.

Originally, they cooperated with the aliens to fight more people against fewer, and the progress was quite smooth.

Soon, the situation changed.

A male ghost with his face sewn up by needles and thread was forced to the edge of the black room by an alien from the Heavenly Palace.

He used his ability to freeze him temporarily.

Then the special forces opened fire, and more than a dozen rifle bullets tore him apart in an instant!

The male alien with the ability to freeze breathed a sigh of relief:"Thank you for your hard work, everyone!……"

He looked up and was stunned.

Behind this special forces, two huge, inhuman-looking ghosts stood quietly!

The two giant beasts that looked like faceless hedgehogs laughed strangely and rolled forward!

Like crushed watermelons.

Blood was all over the ground.

The alien was also dead.

Xue Weidong saw this scene through the crushed micro recorder of the special forces team and roared in the company:"Don't act separately! Gather together! Look at your heads! That thing is dispatching troops!"

The bitter fruit of the aliens' freedom and laxity came like this.

The field forces always wear headsets to communicate, but the aliens never want to be bound by these constraints.

Now that Xue Weidong is in charge of the center, even if he sees the problem, he can't solve it.

Nanbei wore it.

She found Pei Hongyu and hurriedly said:"Look up!"

Pei Hongyu, Tianlai, and a few people around them who could hear the movement, all raised their heads.

Everyone took a breath of cold air.

Not long ago, black air had been rising from the temple and gathering into the clouds.

They didn't pay much attention to it.

At this moment, they suddenly discovered.

That was not a cloud at all!

Above their heads, there were countless rotating eyes!

Densely packed eyeballs, crowded together, like insect eggs, covered under the sky, hidden in the black clouds.

The eyeballs kept turning, as if monitoring the entire battlefield.

The blind man hid inside a safe building, communicating with the north and south only by hearing:"Something is wrong! Many ghosts were transferred in an instant.……"

Nanbei covered the microphone:"What do you mean?"

The blind man said anxiously:"Teleport! Teleport! A large number of ghosts are teleporting! Something is controlling them! Not only can it command their actions, but it can also help those ghosts teleport in groups! Originally you were outnumbered, but now it's different! Now the ghosts are dividing and surrounding you! They are outnumbered!"

Nanbei hurriedly told Pei Hongyu and others.

But at this time, about 20 to 30 ghosts appeared around them in various ways.

Komodo and C Shan received the instructions and returned to their group.

"What should we do now?"

"I think we should hurry up."


More than ten minutes passed.

The many onlookers in the live broadcast room no longer had the leisure to joke and make fun of each other.

Because the situation has been reversed.

The alien groups are still coming in an endless stream.

But before they can gather together, they are separated and defeated by ghosts!

There are more than a dozen small battlefields around Donglin Temple.

In just over ten minutes, three aliens have been killed.

But at this moment, something strange happened!

Pei Hongyu watched Komodo die in front of her.

Tianlai hugged his headless corpse sadly:"Komodo!"

Then he stared at a little girl in white surrounded by black shadows in front of him with fear and anger.

From the back, she is just an ordinary girl of eleven or twelve years old.

But when she turned around, she saw a terrible hole on her face, which was full of teeth.

" are the next one……"

She said with a smile.

When the ghosts had enough command, the group of less than a hundred aliens was immediately beaten to pieces.

When Pei Hongyu saw this scene, she felt as if her mind was about to split!


She covered her head!

Nanbei said nervously:"Mama-san! What's wrong with you?!"

The blind man gave advice from a distance:"Quickly retreat from the 12 o'clock direction behind you! Retreat! There are no monsters there for the time being!"

Nanbei said nothing, carried Pei Hongyu on his back and ran!

After running a few steps, she braked urgently!

A bunch of monsters suddenly appeared out of thin air on the empty road ahead!

"You can see me……"

"You can not see me?"

"You can see me——!"

They spoke the standard lines of ghosts in the weak light layer of the Nether Sea, and they moved closer as they spoke!

Among them, a ghost with a toad-like body that was crawling on the ground and squirming forward couldn't help it and pounced!

Pei Hongyu suddenly raised her head.

There was a pure white in her eyes.

She raised her hand and a flash of fire.

A passage was blasted open!

Nanbei was overjoyed:"Mama-san! Are you recovered?!"

Then he shouted to other strange people nearby:"Let's go! Retreat this way! There is a way here!"

Pei Hongyu suddenly pressed her shoulder

"Put me down."

North and South:

Pei Hongyu stood up straight.

She felt very strange.

It seemed that something in her body had cracked, and then overflowed with almost endless power.

Her body was still exhausted, but...

She spread her palms.

A cluster of bright yellow flames ignited.

Then gradually turned white.

She raised her head and looked directly at the dark clouds composed of countless eyes under the sky.

"This thing is controlling these ghosts, right?"

Nanbei was worried:"What are you going to do! You need to stay calm!"

Pei Hongyu raised her head and said:"I will go up and burn it."

"Stop it! Didn’t you just try it? It didn’t burn! And the area is too large!"

Pei Hongyu shook her head:"I seem… different. How can I explain it? It’s as if I have eliminated all my menstrual periods at once. I feel refreshed."

Nanbei:"What kind of devilish description is this?!"

Pei Hongyu pushed her away, with fire burning in her eyes.

"I'll be back soon."

All the people and ghosts nearby saw this scene next.

A human-shaped rocket shot up into the sky.

The red flames wrapped around Pei Hongyu gradually changed during her sprint.

It turned into red and yellow.

Bright yellow.

Finally, it formed an extremely scorching white!

As the color of the flames gradually changed, her speed became faster and faster!

With a loud bang!

She crashed into the cloud formed by countless eyeballs!

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