
Three days later.

Most of the traces of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons have been erased.

But some traces cannot be washed away.

Outside the Torin Temple, there is a lot of traffic.

A father who is going to work and taking his daughter to school is walking past the Torin Temple. They can't help but turn their heads to look at this huge spectacle.

A black semi-circular sphere

""Dad, what on earth is this?"

The young father didn't know either. After escaping death during the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons, he no longer knew what he could believe and what he couldn't believe in life.

He slapped his daughter's hand away as she tried to touch it:"Hey! Don't touch it!"

The daughter pouted in grievance:"Oh...but you didn't tell me what this is.……"

The young father thought about the information on the Internet, whether true or false.

He could only mutter:"Maybe it's a lock."

"You are kidding, this is clearly a ball! How can it be a lock?"The daughter said unconvinced

"Oh! Whatever! The point is that you are going to be late for school!"

The young father said angrily:"Look! The car is coming! Hurry up! Run!"



Large conference room.

He Qi sat in the main seat in a wheelchair at the large rectangular conference table. On his left was Xue Weidong, who was sitting upright. On his right was Pei Hongyu, who was wearing a snow-white suit.

Qin You was also there, and he made an exception.

This was a meeting of the Tiangong high-level officials. Normally, he and Pei Hongyu had no right to sit here.

But today was different.

"First of all, let us congratulate Pei Hongyu."

He Qi seemed to be talking about something very ordinary, and smiled and looked to the right:"Congratulations to our Tiangong and our Xia country for having one more precious strategic master."

The whole audience burst into applause.

Qin You also clapped his hands.

He knew that this was the reason why Pei Hongyu was able to participate in this meeting.

The identity is different.

In the world of aliens, or in the Tiangong company.

Although strength cannot completely determine the height of your butt, it will be different if your strength reaches another level.

Pei Hongyu, who was originally an absolute master in Tiangong, is only the leader of a field security team in a district, in charge of a remote Baoshan district, with a team of aliens with only three people.

This is certainly due to her own personality, and she is happy to do this. Of course, there are also factors judged by He Qi and others. They believe that Pei Hongyu's ability and personality are not enough to be competent for a senior position in the company.

But the strategic level is different.

He Qi said:"In theory, a strategic-level alien should undergo three ability tests. Only one was conducted yesterday. However, because her ability is so obvious, only one test can confirm her strategic-level strength."

"Therefore, starting from today, Pei Hongyu will not be in charge of your group for the time being. Complete three tests first, and then assign you a new job based on the test results."

He Qi half-jokingly said:"From the perspective of the level of superpowers, from now on, we are rated."

Pei Hongyu forced a smile:"Don't joke, Mr. He, you don't take my tricks seriously at all."

Qin You sat aside and listened quietly, thinking about it, it was true.

Pei Hongyu's ability has been qualitatively improved after the second awakening.

But no matter how large the range of his flames is or how high the core temperature is.

He Qi's ability is a field she is powerless to control. That black room cannot be destroyed by any known force.

At this moment, many people are also secretly looking at Qin You.

He Qi noticed it and explained:"Monk... This young man, his real name is Qin You, everyone should have seen his performance three days ago, right?"

Everyone nodded.

Not to mention them, tens of millions of netizens, even over 100 million people, have seen Qin You's amazing performance at the time through the viral spread of the Internet.

He Qi smiled and said,"Three days ago, the gates of hell opened, and hundreds of ghosts walked at night. Pei Hongyu and Qin You each deserved three points of credit. If it weren't for them, I would be powerless... I can't lock up millions of people in the entire Jinshan District into a dark room, right?"

Pei Hongyu's face has always been not very good.

Three nights ago, those ghosts gave her too much stimulation.

Her second awakening may also be related to Komodo's death in front of her.

He Qi continued,"I will also help Qin You with his work. The research institute is about to be established. It was originally his suggestion, so our choice is to let him be the main researcher of the institute.……"

There was also an acquaintance sitting at the scene, Professor Sha Shixin who had made a bet with Qin You.

Qin You suddenly interrupted,"It's not the research institute."

He Qi:"Huh?"

Qin You:"It's the dean."

He Qi was a little confused.

Qin You looked at Sha Shixin opposite him:"I made a bet with Professor Sha, whoever writes the best paper about ghosts will be the dean."

Everyone at the meeting was suddenly in an uproar.

Pei Hongyu also came back to her senses and looked at Qin You in disbelief.

She came over and whispered,"Hey! Don't talk nonsense! How old are you! You haven't taken the college entrance examination yet!"

Qin You said straightforwardly:"It's okay, I can be the dean first, so as not to delay the college entrance examination next year."


Nangong Kaixin couldn't help laughing.

Qin You looked at her, she tried to hold back her laughter and gave a thumbs up.

She lip-shapedly said,"Awesome.

" Xue Weidong had a headache.

He covered his forehead and leaned over to whisper to He Qi about their bet.

Sha Shixin folded his arms and turned his head away from him.

After listening, He Qi laughed loudly,"Hahahaha!


As long as Professor Sha has no objection, I have no objection either.

" Xue Weidong continued to cover his head.

Qin You stopped talking and nodded to show his satisfaction.

He Qi's face suddenly became serious again,"But what we are going to discuss today is not this matter, but another more important matter.



"What is it?" Pei Hongyu asked.

He Qi put his hands on the edge of the table, leaned forward, and looked at everyone:"What we want to discuss is... the issue of publicizing the global supernatural events and the world of the supernatural."

He Qi said in a deep voice:"It can no longer be concealed, and there is no need to conceal it. My black room is now like a wonder.���Standing in Donglin Temple, everyone can see... this matter is imminent!"

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