He Qi was frightened when Qin You said this.

He Qi looked at him with a serious and sincere look, and he was amused and angry. Is this kid more arrogant than I was when I was young?

And he looks like an honest man.

I am most afraid of honest people telling the truth...

He Qi looked at him, and this arrogance reminded him of someone he didn't want to think of.

Kong Zaidao.

The one who promoted the evolutionary training plan and then defected... strategic level.

The other participants were stunned at first, and then they were angry.

Sha Shixin was so angry that he blew his beard and glared:"What do you mean, you little bastard?!"

Li Siying looked coldly:"We are stupid? We at least discussed the plan in a practical way! What about you? What did you do?"

Nangong Kaixin was shocked:"You even scolded me! I thought we were in the same group!"

Qin You had nothing to say to this sister.

She was just looking for a sense of existence, she didn't care about this discussion.

He Qi waved his hand:"Monk, just speak frankly, what do you think? You say they are stupid, so you have to show us your stuff, right?"

Qin You didn't mean to hide it.

He was just puzzled. The more he listened, the more restless he became.

These company executives are just wasting their time, right?

Can people really be that stupid?

He had said even more outrageous things in his previous life.

Something like... as long as you study hard, how can you not be admitted to Tsing Hua University?

It's not difficult to learn a language, but it's very difficult to master it, and it takes at least a month.

And so on.

That's why his popularity has never been very good.

"Then I'll just talk about it casually."

Qin You said bluntly:"First of all, it's absurd to make the alien public. There's no need to make it public."

Xue Weidong and Pei Hongyu covered their heads when they heard it.

Qin You's words even criticized He Qi.

He Qi smiled awkwardly.

"You have just mentioned many of the shortcomings of openness. I think this is self-evident."

"To judge whether something can be done, just list the positive advantages and negative disadvantages. Then you will know the answer after comparing them, right?"

"Disadvantages of the Publicity of Aliens……"

"1. In the short term, foreigners will be turned into celebrities by the public. They will become corrupt, busy earning exposure money, and even shoot commercials, etc. Even if you ban them all, once this loophole is opened, they will inevitably become celebrities."

"Second, I have said before that the abilities of superhumans need to be kept secret, as secret as possible. This kind of secrecy can even save lives at important moments. If it is made public, this condition will no longer exist."

"3. Human race confrontation. Someone just mentioned the X-Men. This is based on reality. There are conflicts between different regions. Inhumans and other people will soon be divided into two races. Yes, races... You can think about the possibilities of subsequent developments. I don't think it's necessary to say. This is a simple problem of 1+1=2. I can think of more than a dozen endings that will lead to the extinction of mankind with my toes."


Qin You said ten things in one breath.

Just when Sha Shixin and others were about to find a loophole and prepare to refute, they were blocked by the next one.

It was very uncomfortable.

But they had to admit that Qin You was right.

His arguments were clear and logical.

But his tone was not very pleasant...

It felt like he was treating them as idiots.

Qin You finally said:

"What about the positive effects? Let most people see that we are doing something, fighting against ghosts, and boosting their confidence, but this will soon be offset by the side effects caused by the aliens. Forces like the House of the Dead are also composed of aliens. If someone hypes it up, everyone will immediately regard aliens as enemies more terrifying than ghosts, so... this positive effect is easily offset."

"Moreover, most people have already seen the existence of aliens. Even if we don't admit it, they know we exist, so there is no need to make it public."

"Comparing the advantages and disadvantages with each other, it is very clear that there is no need to make the extra effort to make the aliens public."

Everyone was speechless.

He Qi nodded:"I understand, we will consider your suggestion."

He asked again:"Then... what about making the supernatural events public?"

Qin You said:"Sure, this is also what must be done. Supernatural events are happening all over the world, and now there is the Night Parade of a Hundred Ghosts. The gates of hell leading to the underworld are opening all over the world... If we don't make it public, the people will only become more and more disappointed in us and lose more and more confidence in us."

Duan Qi said dissatisfiedly:"Is there any difference between these two things? If the aliens are not made public, then the ghosts must be made public? I think that making ghosts public is more likely to cause panic!"

Qin You squinted at him:"If someone wants to kill your mother……"

Duan Qi was immediately furious and slammed the table and stood up:"What did you say!"

Qin You stretched out his hand and pressed:"Don't get excited, let me give you an example... If someone wants to kill your mother……"

Duan Qi is over 60 years old, how can he accept such an insult from a young man who is less than 20 years old!

And his mother is still alive!

But He Qi said lightly:"Sit down."

He could only sit down with anger.

He Qi said again:"Go on."

Qin You nodded:"Well, this criminal wants to kill your mother, there is no reason, he just likes your mother and wants to kill her. At the same time, a policeman has been investigating this criminal and chasing him, but the criminal still escaped this time."

"The police will then issue a wanted order, revealing the criminal's physical characteristics, behavioral logic,"

"Then would you say, why? Why expose the criminals but not the police?"

Nangong Kaixin laughed secretly:"Why not expose her mother?"

Although the voice was very low, others still heard it. Suddenly the atmosphere became strange, and there was a strange movement because of holding back laughter.

After Qin You finished speaking, he felt a little uncomfortable.

He said to himself:"Why do I have to say such a stupid analogy... Why do I have to ask such a stupid question?"

Duan Qi was choked.

He Qi nodded:"Although the analogy is a bit rough, the truth is this. Ghosts are threats and protectors of aliens. There is no reason to say that both protectors and threats must be exposed."

Qin You said again:"If exposing criminals will cause panic, it will only increase more real casualties. In the long run, there will be more panic. Moreover, my decryption video has been sitting for a long time. The panic index of online surveys seems to have been declining, right? This is enough to prove that openness and transparency will only dissipate fear."

He whispered again:"If I wasn't worried about the existence of the power of faith, I would even want some entertainment companies to make ghosts into games and dolls...even feminize the ghosts in the animation, and then make the feminized ghosts into figures and inflatable dolls.……"

Although he thought his voice was very quiet, the conference room was very quiet!

Everyone heard it!

When Qin You looked up again, he saw that the senior managers of Tiangong leaned back and looked at him with their teeth bared, in disbelief.

Qin You was also a little embarrassed.

"I'm just kidding."

Nangong Kaixin couldn't help but applaud and said,"It's a cool idea. I like it very much."

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