
Fang Ziheng blinked his big eyes,"Why are you going there? To fight against the Japanese? Besides... I don't have a passport!"

Qin You rubbed her hair:"You have a big idea."

He took out a newly customized painting tube, pulled out the drawing paper of the Girl in the Rain from it, unfolded it, and said:"Just go in."

Now that Qin You has obtained a space-type ghost relic, he will make good use of it.

In the future, many large items can be placed in it and carried with you.

Therefore, a slender painting tube was customized with a shoulder strap so that it can be carried on the body.

Fang Ziheng stared at this thing, frowning slightly:"Emmm... This thing always reminds me of the bags I saw some young people carrying on the street these days."

Qin You:"What bag?"

Fang Ziheng hesitated and said:"It's the kind of backpack with a cat or a dog in it, with a transparent window……"

Qin You thought about it and understood what she was talking about,"Oh, that's called a pet backpack. Sometimes when the owner wants to go out, it's convenient for him to take his beloved pet with him."

Fang Ziheng became even more depressed, and poked the drawing paper with his hand:"You put me in this thing, isn't it the same as a pet backpack?"

"It must be different." Qin You said decisively.

Fang Ziheng felt a little better. If Qin You treated him as a pet, it would be too damaging to his self-esteem:"Well, what's the difference?"

Qin You said:"Pet backpacks have windows, but this thing doesn't."

Fang Ziheng:...


I'm not as good as a pet, right?!?!

""Okay, stop talking nonsense, time is running out, we have to seize every minute."

Qin You said, and then he contributed 300 points of fear. The drawing paper emitted a white light, and then kicked Fang Ziheng in.

"Ah! Monk, you have no heart.——!"

The cry stopped abruptly.

Qin You lowered his head to check, and when he saw a black figure appear in the painting, he nodded with satisfaction, put the painting paper into the painting tube, and then carried it on his back.


Why did he suddenly want to go to Japan?

Why did he suddenly mention the slit-mouthed woman?

Because Qin You wanted to write a paper.

He had a point of entry, which was about how many types of ghosts there are.

Now the domestic academic community generally agrees that ghosts formed after a person dies are the mainstream, but there are other types.

For example, Miss Mary, a long-standing urban legend, has made many people believe it.

The power of human faith really made it come into being.

Qin You wanted to verify this, so he had to look for urban legend-type ghosts.

Due to various reasons in China, most of the legends about ghosts are relatively old, and there are very few rumors in modern times.

So Qin You found the discussion section of his neighbor Japan on the global supernatural forum provided by the mysterious hacker. He found some familiar ghosts.

He turned on the computer again and browsed the supernatural discussion section of Japan.

There is such a post, which is quite popular.

Qin You knows a little Japanese, so it doesn't seem to be a big problem

【Title: I saw a slit-mouthed lady killing someone in Shibuya, Tokyo!

This post is very detailed and has a high credibility.

【I am a full-time housewife. The day before yesterday, I took my children to the NHK Studio Park in Shibuya. When we returned, it was almost evening.】

【There is a small road with few people between the back door of the park and another shopping mall. It is also a smoking area. When I passed by, I saw a handsome guy who seemed to be chatting with a woman wearing a mask.】

【I was passing by at the time and didn't think much of it.】

【But I heard the woman asking him……"Do you think I am beautiful?"】

【The young man said impatiently:"Miss, I don't know you, please don't play such a boring joke on me."】

【I think everyone has heard of the legend of the Slit-Mouthed Woman! When I heard it, my first reaction was that she was cosplaying, but then I thought about the recent supernatural events that have been happening everywhere, so I walked a little slower.】

【But I didn't dare to look back, but my son kept looking back at them.】

【I walked too far, and I didn't hear some words clearly.】

【The masked woman probably asked again, and the guy became even more impatient, and seemed to call him an idiot, and then there was no movement. I think he turned around and left.】

【I couldn't stop and look back, that would be too embarrassing, so I just walked slower and was already far away.】

【Originally, this matter had come to an end, and I didn't take it too seriously.】

【It wasn't until the next morning that I saw the news that an 18-year-old high school boy was killed in the alley behind NHK Studio Park in Shibuya! There was a long cut on his face!】

【When the news showed the boy’s photo before he died, I was sure! It was him! It was the boy I saw!】

【I also asked my son to take a look, and he also confirmed that the deceased was indeed the young man we met yesterday!】

【This is really terrible! 】

There were almost no questions in the comments section.

Qin You found something very interesting.

In China, the discussion section of this international supernatural forum has very few people, and most of them are supernatural people talking about some cases they have handled.

The Japanese section is much more popular.

Many ordinary people have also come into contact with this channel, and they are enthusiastically discussing and worrying about it.

【The Slit-Mouthed Woman appears again?】

【Really! Not only in Shibuya, there are similar cases in Osaka as well!】

【What should I do? I'm worried about my personal safety.】

【If you encounter a slit-mouthed woman, is there any correct way to respond?】

【The slit-mouthed woman asks: Am I born beautiful? You should say: I am so ugly that it is hard to describe... This way you can die with more dignity.】

【So... there is no solution?】

【How long has it been there? Have Onmyoji dealt with it?】

【I heard that the shrine maiden Kusunoki Kyoko of Nezu Shrine has already accepted the order. I wonder if she can exorcise the spirits as soon as possible. 】

Qin You saw this and decided to set off as soon as possible.

As far as he knew, there were also extraordinary people in Japan.

However, Onmyoji and shrine maidens seemed to be more professional exorcists. Some of them also had extraordinary talents, but at the same time they seemed to have retained a certain degree of ancient practice.

Similar to Nanbei, who had both extraordinary powers and inherited the tradition of a sect.

He had to find the slit-mouthed woman quickly.

Protect her!

Otherwise, the material for the thesis will be killed!!

As for how to find it?

Qin You took out Miss Mary's mobile phone again and consumed 500 points of fear.

【Remaining Fear Value 10162】

Seeing so much saved fear value, Qin You felt relieved. He was finally a big spender.

Miss Mary's phone was not only able to find ghosts that she had seen.

There was a function in this ghost relic.

【Key function: If you want to find someone, you can describe his characteristics in voice or text on your phone, and then the phone will broadcast a 100% connected call. 】

According to urban legends, the image of the slit-mouthed woman should be relatively uniform.

Qin You tried it.

He turned on the voice recording function and said:

"The female ghost with cracked mouth corners usually wears a mask most of the time."

It was just such a simple sentence, Qin You was afraid that if he said too much, he would make a mistake.

The call was connected.

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