Qin You sensed an ancient and powerful spiritual power!

He couldn't help but take a step back and look up at the sky.

He saw this milky white light column, after rushing to the air a hundred meters, suddenly spread out, forming a circle of protective shield covering a large area.

Then the light column disappeared, and the protective shield also disappeared.

Nan Xingzi began to stretch her legs to do warm-up exercises:"Don't be afraid, this is a barrier I made with the small Eight-foot Mirror to prevent the power from dissipating when we fight and causing too much impact... It's not good to affect the surface of the priests. They are all old and their sleep quality is not good."

Qin You was able to open his eyes again.

Sure enough.

Reading ten thousand books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles.

The shrines in Japan and Ben also have characteristics that are completely different from those in Xiaguo.


"Eight-foot Mirror? The legendary artifact of Japan? Is it in the well?"

Kansu Ayane shook her head:"It's a small Eight-foot Mirror. You can think of it as an imitation of the Eight-foot Mirror in ancient times. Of course, it is also very powerful."

Qin You:"I see."

Nansu Ayane raised her Qihuang bow, her eyes sharp:"Are you ready?"

Qin You turned his wrists and ankles, tilted his neck, just as a warm-up

"Fight, right? I can do it anytime."

"Good, very good."

Nan Xingzi's lips curled up slightly, and she was very cold and beautiful:"I, Nan Xingzi, like to deal with those who don't know their place the most!"

Qin You rubbed his face and said:"I find that you Japanese people are really childish in your way of speaking.……"

Nan Xingzi's face turned cold, and she shot an arrow!


Qin You had just seen her arrow, and knew that he couldn't resist it, so he jumped up with all his strength!

He jumped into the air in an instant!

The arrow also turned an almost impossible right angle, and the speed did not decrease at all, piercing Qin You's butt!

The place where Qin You jumped was the location of the barrier.

He touched it tentatively.

A nearly transparent barrier appeared, and circles of spiritual power ripples spread out at the place where he pressed.

""It feels like jelly with static electricity."

Qin You pushed as hard as he could, but it was useless.

The golden arrow was under him!

Qin You reached out accurately, grabbed the arrow and broke it.

Then it fell to the ground.

""You have very quick hands and eyes."

Nan Xingzi stared at him, and at the same time, her feet began to move horizontally.

Qin You felt that he was locked by the energy, and praised:"Your combat awareness is good."

He was still afraid that the opponent was too weak.

No chewing, no trick.

Nan Xingzi reached into the quiver behind her and felt for the arrow, and another arrow was shot out quickly!

Qin You found that this arrow was even faster!

He first tried to dodge sideways, but saw that the arrow quickly predicted his movement and adjusted its direction a little bit.

Qin You frowned, swung his fist, and swept his fist with a blue-green flame.

The arrow melted.

The wood of the arrow body turned directly into ash, but the arrow head melted into a golden liquid.

Qin You was surprised;"Made of gold? Is your shrine so extravagant?"

The priestess Nan Xingzi said coldly:"This is called Gengjin, it has an innate sharp aura, it is indestructible, and it is much more valuable than ordinary gold!"

Qin You almost wanted to pick it up

"But this shrine maiden has plenty of money! The shrine also has plenty of money!"

Nan Xingzi shouted and started shooting!

Her soft hands kept reaching out to grab arrows and shoot arrows, so fast that they seemed like afterimages!

For a moment, dozens of arrows came one after another!

Qin You concentrated his mind and tapped his toes quickly. To ordinary eyes, he looked like he had teleported a few meters away.

In fact, he had moved more than ten steps, dodging these turning arrows repeatedly!

But it was no use.

These arrows seemed to follow him forever.

Going around and around, they chased him from behind again!

Qin You rushed in front of Nan Xingzi!

Almost his face Close to the face!

Then he used his high speed, braked suddenly, and jumped into the sky again!

He wanted to see if those arrows would be like the mindless missiles in Hollywood blockbusters, easily led to hit other places, or even the operator!

When he looked down in the air, he knew that his idea had failed.

Nan Xingzi looked at him with a mocking expression.

And those arrows... didn't catch up at all.

They floated around in the air casually, and then fell back into Nan Xingzi's quiver.

Qin You landed,"So that's how it is."

Nan Xingzi had already put the bowstring back on, aiming at his face:"What are you talking about? Pretending as if you know something, come on."

"It's no use knowing this"

"There is no solution to your ability. I can only defeat you with brute force."

Qin You said casually,"This should be your innate ability. The arrows you shoot can be completely at your will. I originally thought that they just tracked me automatically after leaving the string, just like tracking missiles, but now it seems that this is not the case."

"It's a bit like our sword-controlling technique, but it doesn't consume spiritual energy."

"But your arrow will soon use up the initial thrust you applied, and you'll have to shoot again... In that sense, it's not very impressive."

Nan Xingzi was upset.

He was right.

She was so upset that she simply grabbed a bunch of arrows at once, put them on the bowstring, and pulled the bow until the full moon.

"What about this?"

Seeing Qin You's strength, she was no longer afraid of beating him to death.

Qin You was a little bit upset.

"I'm just afraid that you'd feel bad if I broke so many of your arrows at once……"

"What a big talk!"

Nan Xingzi transferred spiritual power into the Qihuang bow, and the silhouette of a fire phoenix faintly appeared on the bow.

Qin You's pupils shrank slightly:"What good thing is this!"

"Here they come!"

Nan Xingzi let go, and ten arrows shot out at once!

Then ten more arrows!

The arrows were faintly filled with the flames of the phoenix, and they were extremely fast!

Bang! Bang!——!

"Sonic boom!"

It was already difficult for Qin You to catch the trajectory of the arrows, let alone so many of them!

He could only use the same extremely fast speed to send two divine punches in all directions!

This time he did not hide his weakness!

He gave it his all!

A large amount of spiritual power was released at once!

Nan Xingzi also opened her eyes wide, and in her pupils, a blooming blue lotus of death was reflected!


Nan Xingzi dodged in a panic!

All the arrows were melted by the seemingly harmless blue flames!

The fist shadows in the sky hit the barrier, like rocks falling into the calm water, causing ripples of spiritual power!

After Qin You withdrew his hands, he immediately rushed towards Nan Xingzi who was hiding behind the well.

"I got you."

But before he could touch it, Nan Xingzi lowered her head, took out a blue talisman, and pasted it on the edge of the ancient well.

""Water God, open!"


A powerful water column pushed Qin You onto the barrier!

Nan Xingzi then stood up and smiled slyly:"Hehehe... idiot! You've been fooled!"

But she didn't feel happy for long. She saw a residual green electric light spreading all the way down from the water column!

How could she avoid the speed of lightning! Snap!

The arc of Yin Lei extending from the water column hit Nan Xingzi.


Her whole body was shaking, and she was electrocuted unconscious. She just felt extremely painful!

Then she shivered for a while.

She fainted on the ground.

Yin thunder does not have as great an impact on matter as Yang thunder, but after being electrocuted for so long, there were a few electric marks on Nan Xingzi's snow-white neck, and her clothes were torn in several pieces.

The water column stopped, Qin You came down, and walked to her side:"Hey...are you okay?……"

As a result, Qin You's face turned red.

Nan Xingzi woke up slowly and saw Qin You looking down at her with a red face.

She didn't realize anything yet, but said discouragedly:"I lost."

Qin You just hummed.

Nan Xingzi just felt a little cool on her body, looked down, and her face suddenly turned the color of liver!


The scream of a witch resounded throughout the universe!

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