Qin You seemed to be indifferent to the matter and walked away to go to class.

Nanbei hid in the women's restroom, found a cubicle with a relatively good smell, squatted there and opened the G station APP.

G station homepage.

The cover picture is hotly recommended.


The picture is of Viscount William.

Sitting in the air, the vampire boss overlooks all living beings like a demon.

Scarlet picture, evil aura!

A monk's face picture was cut out in the lower left corner.

Handsome face, smooth head, dead fish eyes.

The title in big words: High school monk fights against the vampire royal family! A true documentary of supernatural battles!

Nanbei was stunned.

"Oh my god!"

She scratched her head frantically:"The monk actually uploaded this 19-banned battle to the Internet! And G Station actually gave a big thumbs up to the cover!"

"Although many people have already accepted the existence of ghosts...but we still don't admit it openly.——!"

"And this is a foreign vampire!"

"A diplomatic incident——!"

"G Station is a bit too bold!!"

But Nanbei thought about it

"Well, the scene was so chaotic yesterday, I guess we didn’t get to take many photos, right?"

"And netizens will definitely think that this is just a movie!"

"Yes! That's right! The situation is not that serious! I was overthinking it!"

After a while of self-strategy, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. She opened the video.

Comments flooded in:

If anyone had a little trypophobia, Nanbei would definitely be ruined by now.

【Monk is my idol, no one can snatch him from me!】

【This video is not allowed to be viewed by children under 18 years old】

【So cruel!】

【Shhh… no spoilers for those who have seen it!】

【I was confused after watching it. Is this a movie?】

【Well, it's a movie!】

【It's a movie!】

【It's absolutely not true!】

【Don't let this child know the truth about the world】

【The number one UP host in China who is truly good at exorcising ghosts and demons!】

【Other exorcists are very timid, low-key and unknown, but the monk is fearless!】

【The monk is already popular】

【Monk: My brass knuckles are thirsty】

【There are still people who think this is fake?】

【A few years ago I thought all supernatural events were fake, but in recent years there have been too many】

【I'm from a special effects company. There's no trace of special effects at all. It couldn't be more real.】

【Let's see first】

【Monk God, I want to give birth to a baby for you!】

【Calm down, that female gangster, raping a monk is against the law】

【Rape is illegal and has nothing to do with whether the target is a monk or not, my friend……】

Nanbei saw these comments.

He was heartbroken.

It turned out that... the supernatural in this world... could no longer be hidden from the sharp eyes of the masses.

The video begins.

The initial angle is on the ground, looking up at the first blood slave that appeared.

He rushed too fast at that time, leaving only an afterimage in the camera.

Then Nanbei flew forward to meet the enemy.


【Wow...what a pretty lady!】

【Just a bit shorter】

【What the hell is this skill?】

【Vampire: Ah, my hand fell off】

【Is this young lady the legendary cultivator?】

【It makes my blood boil! 】

When she opens her big

【Oh shit!】

【Oh my god!】

【I go!】

【I'm lost!】

However, when she moved aside, the DV saw the sea of blood and corpses under Qin You.

When she saw the shiny bald head and the bloody brass knuckles, the wind direction immediately changed!

【Oh shit!】

【Oh my god!】

【I go!】

【I'm done……】

【Cuteness is defeated by power】

【If the ultimate is useful, why do we need a basic attack? (Doghead)】

【The little sister was as fierce as a tiger, and looked back 0-5】

【You are a monk after all.】

【Monk, you have violated the precept of not killing!】

【Holy bitches, get out of the entertainment industry!】


【I took a screenshot of this scene, printed it out and hung it at the door to protect my house!

This video is very long.

It's full of high energy, and it's actually an infantry film!

High-definition and uncensored!

It's just that the camera is too fixed most of the time, and many places are not captured.

Despite this, these secrets of fighting with the vampires have been exposed to millions of viewers.

It still washed away their cognition.

It was shocking!

Perhaps because of the sense of security brought by Qin You, the audience basically did not feel too much fear.

Even after accepting the setting, many people were making fun of it.

What they really feared... was the last part, the human experiment of the vampire.

At the beginning, this handsome white vampire was still very cold and had a very old mouth.

But after the monk chopped off his head for the Nth time and put it back, he seemed to be a little honest.

Qin You tied him up with an iron chain and hung him upside down in the factory.

Then he used a pistol first, then a submachine gun, and finally he actually brought out a light machine gun!

"Resilience and pain test, third time"

"This machine gun is his. I took a look and it should be UItima100, with 5.56*45mm ammunition."

"It's very light and has average power, but if an average human body is hit at this distance, a dozen bullets are enough to break it into pieces."

"Let's see how well he recovers."

William was not too out of control at this moment.

But he looked extremely tired:"Hey... Monk, it's useless... I……"

Qin You:"Don't talk, save your energy, and try to maintain a better physical and mental state to ensure the validity of the experimental data."

Unfortunately, William couldn't say MMP.

William started to speak a series of sweet words in English.



The upside-down vampire viscount was shot by bullets like a candle in the wind.

Those who heard it were sad, and those who saw it cried.

"This recovery took nearly three minutes."

"Sure enough, as the vampire's physical strength was depleted, his recovery speed became slower and slower."

"I have every reason to suspect that their power comes from blood. The more blood they lose, the weaker their power becomes."

Qin You recorded in front of the camera.

"But he doesn't seem to have a very obvious pain reaction to ordinary bullets and physical attacks."

"I'll try the bullets that have been blessed next."

Qin You silently used his spiritual power to bless the bullets.


Da da da da da da da……

"Ah——! Stop it!——!"

Qin You continues to record

"The magic bullet obviously has a significant effect, that is to say, vampires are not without pain."

"However, not everyone has the cultivation level of this poor monk, and there are not many weapons that can be consecrated."

"So I referred to another method"

"I will now use this carving knife to carve a swastika on each bullet."

"Buddha said that swastika is not a word, but light."

"I think it might also have a restraining effect on these dark creatures"

"Practice makes perfect, I'll try it first."

The video quickly advances.

The noble vampire viscount William.

Like a piece of pork hanging upside down.

He cries and shouts,"Please... let me go.……"

"I shouldn't have come to Xiaguo……"

"woo woo woo woo……"

"I was really wrong……"

"I was also deceived by my superiors.……"

"He said I was capable and good at Chinese.……"

"I...I'll give you money! I have lots and lots of money!"

"BOSS! BOSS! Big…Big Brother!"

"Ahhh! It hurts so much——!"

Qin You calmly and restrainedly fired with a light machine gun.

William's voice was trembling because he was constantly being hit by bullets, which was particularly funny to hear.

After the shooting, Qin You waited for him to recover.

Observed closely.

The wound was obviously recovering slowly, but suddenly it stopped.

Qin You waited for a long time.

The audience in front of the screen also waited for a long time, holding their breath.

As a result, Qin You struggled in front of William for a while, as if he was confirming something.

Then he turned his head innocently and faced the camera


"He seems to be dead."

(Dads! I'm here to ask for collections and flowers again! Big chapter! Please love and care! Please cherish!)

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