Inspiration, is not the inspiration for artistic creation. It is the talent that determines whether or not you can see ghosts, and how many ghosts you can see.

Qin You asked the blind man how many ghosts he could see if he was not blind.

The blind man said that he did not need to dive into the Nether Sea to see all the ghosts in the lightless layer and the weak light layer.

But he could not see below that.

He has been able to see a bustling world since he was a child, a particularly crowded world.

People and ghosts are intertwined.

After Qin You applied the saliva, the world in front of him had some weird fluctuations, as if the light was affected by some force.

However... except for some ghost remnants and shadows that could be vaguely seen on the ghost relics in the warehouse, no other decent ghosts were seen.

Qin You thought about it and understood.

The ghosts are not so dense that they are not everywhere.

"I'd better go out and take a look."

When he opened the door, Rao Xueyu was still waiting outside.

"Eh? Professor Qin……"

"Don’t call me Professor Qin, it makes me sound old, just call me Qin You, or you can call me monk."

Qin You walked past her without stopping:"I’m going to go out for a while, I’ll be back soon, you can do other things."

Rao Xueyu quickly stood at attention:"Okay! Professor Qin!"

Qin You:...

Qin You soon left the dome-like research institute.

Looking outside.


Most ghosts will still gather in places where humans gather. The area where the research institute is located is sparsely populated, so there are few ghosts to be seen.

A woman with a crooked neck stood in the distance and looked at him.

Qin You also looked at him.

This ghost had a very long neck, and its head was almost falling to the ground.

The man and the ghost stared at each other for a while.

The female ghost asked blankly:"Can you see me?"

Qin You suddenly remembered that the blind man said that the ghosts in the Nether Sea will always watch people. If they find out that you can see them, they can come out of the Nether Sea directly and kill you.

Eat you.

Qin You was too lazy to cause trouble anymore, so he planned to look away.

As a result, a female ghost in black came leisurely to the side... Fang Ziheng.

She just snapped her fingers casually as if she was passing by, and the grass and trees on the ground grew wildly and twisted, tying up the long-necked female ghost into a ball, and then absorbed it all in an instant.

She glanced at Qin You, made a face, turned around, stuck her butt out to him, and patted him.

Faced with the indecent actions made by this female ghost, Qin You was very puzzled:"What are you doing?"


Fang Ziheng was startled,"I'm in the underworld, how can you see me?"

Qin You patted his forehead helplessly.

"Stupid X."

So Fang Ziheng usually treated himself like this when he was wandering in the Nether Sea...

Is it a spiritual victory?

Qin You explained it to her casually, not wanting to say more.

He wandered around again.

There were no particularly powerful ghosts, all of which were at the level of the weak light layer and the lightless layer. He had seen them a long time ago.

"It seems that I can't see much of the saliva of this plaster statue, no wonder it is only worth one star."

However, at this moment, Qin You suddenly felt that the sky darkened.

Looking up, he vaguely saw a huge shadow hidden in the clouds in the sky.

It seemed to be affected by something, and it was unclear, just a wriggling black shadow.

After a while, it seemed to leave and disappear.

He looked into the distance again, in the direction of the river.

In an instant, Qin You was horrified!

In the surging river, there was a huge ghost!

Green face and fangs, purple and black all over, just standing motionless in the river.

Staring at him intently.

Yes, he instinctively called this a ghost, not a ghost.

This shocking feeling is too terrifying!

In broad daylight, a ghost several hundred meters long stood in the river and looked at him.

After a while, He also spoke.

The voice was like a bell, shaking the river wind, and fell clearly into Qin You's ears

"Can you...see me?"

Qin You forced himself to turn his head away and not look at him!

Don't look! Don't look! You'll die!

Fang Ziheng was a little puzzled beside him:"What's wrong with you? Is your neck sprained?"

She couldn't see the ghost god either, because she was in the weak light layer of the Nether Sea.

And this ghost god was obviously an existence in the deep of the Nether Sea.

Qin You pretended not to hear it, and admired the river view for a while, then turned and walked into the research institute.

The huge roar was still shaking.

"Can you see me?! Can you see me?! Ah——!"


Back in the warehouse of ghost relics, Qin You calmed down after feeling the saliva on his eyelids dry up and the effect disappeared.

"Let's sort out these ghost relics first."

"Even a low-level one-star item might be useful occasionally."

The saliva of the plaster statue just now shocked him too much.

Qin You took a long time to calm down before he continued to count these ghost relics using the system.

In the end, he sorted out about twelve relatively useful items from the dazzling array of ghost relics.

For example, this one.

A doll heart made of ruby.

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