Sha Shixin rolled his eyes.

What an arrogant boy!

Qin You didn't want to waste any more time.

The world was in danger, and he didn't have much time to study. Maybe tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, a big change might happen. The speed at which the seawater in the Nether Sea disappears suddenly increases, and a large wave of deep-sea ghosts pour into the human world...

For example, the huge ghost standing in the river...

Thinking of this, Qin You trembled slightly with excitement...

I really want to...

Assistant Rao Xueyu keenly discovered that something was wrong with Qin You, and worriedly said,"Professor Qin, are you feeling unwell?"

Qin You reacted and adjusted his mood:"Oh, I'm fine, maybe it's a little cold."

Sha Shixin sneered,"Are cultivators afraid of the cold? You say it with confidence, but it turns out you are still afraid."

Rao Xueyu was a little unhappy, and quietly glared at Sha Shixin behind his back!

Humph! You are just jealous of my Professor Qin's talent and appearance! The old man is very bad!

Qin You looked back at him:"Then are you afraid?"

Sha Shixin stiffened his neck:"What's there to be afraid of about me���"

Qin You nodded, with a comforting look on his face:"Then you come in with me?"

Sha Shixin:!!!!!!


Rao Xueyu said quickly:"I'll go in with you too! I have all the information about all these ghosts! I can help!"

Qin You looked at this girl with amazing academic qualifications and in her prime, and he was a little worried:"It's still a little dangerous... just don't go in!"……"

Rao Xueyu stood up and said,"I! I believe in you!"

Qin You praised,"Great! Researchers should have this kind of fearless spirit of"if I don't go to hell, who will?"

Rao Xueyu's snow-white face suddenly flushed with a charming blush because of his encouragement.

Sha Shixin sucked his teeth and said,"Why does this sentence sound so awkward?……"

In the end, none of them could persuade Qin You.

The door opened, and the three entered.

The door closed.

The space of each holding room was different. This holding room was about the size of an ordinary family's toilet, no more than 10 square meters.

A little girl squatted inside, with her back to the three people, and seemed to be drawing circles on the ground.

She seemed to be mumbling something, singing a nursery rhyme.

"One, two, three kids……"

"Four, five, six children……"

"Seven or eight cute kids……"

"Let's hold hands and play with heads……"

Rao Xueyu and Sha Shixin are both ordinary people. When they come into close contact with ghosts, on the one hand, they are afraid from the bottom of their hearts, and on the other hand, they are also affected by a kind of fear that is unique to ghosts and cannot be transferred by human will.

Therefore, after staying with ghosts for a long time, even if the ghosts do not kill people, people will gradually lose control and go crazy.

Qin You did not realize at the beginning that ordinary people would be affected so much by ghosts.

Because he himself is a special case, he is more excited about ghosts.

Later in his paper, he called the fear power that ghosts produce on humans the fear aura

"What's the situation with this ghost?"Qin You asked.

Rao Xueyu's heart was beating fast. She tried her best to control herself. She clicked a few times on the tablet and called up the file:"Ghost No. 0001, positioned as an evil spirit, is the first ghost successfully contained in the Heavenly Palace."

Qin You:"Briefly explain its origin, abilities, weaknesses, and why you choose to contain it instead of transcending... uh, destroying it."

Sha Shixin said:"I know this. This ghost is called the beheaded ghost. She was a 12-year-old girl when she was alive. Her mentally ill father chopped off her head. After her death, she turned into a fierce ghost. As long as she touches your head, she can take your head off. The person whose head is taken off will immediately become a fierce ghost and become her slave, controlled by her."

Rao Xueyu added:"The reason for choosing to contain it is... At that time, the Heavenly Palace wanted to do research on fierce ghosts, and any fierce ghost that could be contained successfully would be contained."

Qin You squatted down:"Hello, little friend."

The little girl suddenly stopped singing and turned her head slowly.

Fortunately, she was not like most ghosts who like to turn their backs to people. They look very charming from behind, but they are not human when they turn their heads.

The front face of this little girl is also very pretty, with two sweet dimples.

However... she took her head off casually, held it in her hands, and continued to smile sweetly:"Big brother, do you want to play with human heads together?"

Qin You also smiled sweetly:"Okay, then you have to listen to your brother, and you have to play the way your brother says."

The little girl's smile gradually became sinister.

Qin You's smile became brighter and brighter.


An hour later.

The beheaded ghost girl wiped her tears and said miserably:"I don't want to play anymore, can I take a break?"

Qin You kindly encouraged:"Hold on, you have to have a beginning and an end when playing games."

【[Fear value from the headless ghost +1002]

There were many white mice, black mice, and mice of various colors and patterns on the ground, with digital marks sprayed on their bodies.

Qin You asked the headless ghost girl to take off the heads of these mice.

Then the mice died, but they could continue to move under her control, like mouse zombies.

Qin You thought it was very interesting and wanted to help her expand the boundaries of her abilities.

Put the heads of the mice in different positions.

A magical thing happened.

The mice regained their heartbeats!

He played this experiment for a long time and found that by taking off the heads in a short period of time and then installing them back, the mice that had turned into zombies could be resurrected, that is, they had changed their bodies.

Amazing ability!

It's just that the child has no patience. He didn't want to play anymore while playing, and even wanted to attack Qin You.

The headless ghost girl looked at Qin You viciously:"I'm going to eat you!"

"Brother prepared your favorite slap."

Qin You smiled.���He slapped her with his hands, and the power of Yin Lei attached to her, which made her feel dizzy. She lay on the ground crying.

Sha Shixin and Rao Xueyu, who had already retreated outside the room to observe, were so devastated by what they saw.

"Is he a human? Is he still a human?!" Sha Shixin said angrily:"This beheaded ghost was a harmless little girl in her lifetime! It is inhumane for him to abuse her like this!"

Rao Xueyu explained:"She is not a human."

Sha Shixin:"Then she is not a ghost!"

Rao Xueyu laughed dryly:"There is no law requiring the protection of ghosts……"

But even she was deeply shocked.

"Sure enough, the method used by geniuses is unique."

Sha Shixin was still yelling:"This is not a normal scientific research method! It's too sloppy! He is just playing! Satisfying his own bad taste! Sadism!"

Playing to the end...

Oh no, researching to the end.

Qin You also took this ghost to another containment room and tried to see if her ability was effective on other ghosts.

Facts have proved that it is effective.

As long as he touches the head part, she can enslave anyone and any ghost.

Such a powerful ability shocked Sha Shixin, who had been complaining all the time.

"No matter what, this is a very terrifying ability. Perhaps in the future alien war, it can be used to deal with some foreign aliens with unsolvable abilities!"

Rao Xueyu said proudly:"How is it? Professor Qin's imagination and hands-on ability are really extraordinary, right?"


Qin You locked the headless ghost girl back in and said,"Physical salvation, turn on the ultraviolet destruction system"



Neither of them reacted.

After all, Qin You was the highest commander here, and the staff just followed his orders.

Flip a red switch outside the containment room.

The original cold light in the room suddenly dimmed, and then turned into a dim purple light.

Qin You knew that ultraviolet rays were invisible. At this moment, the ultraviolet rays in the room were more than fifty times the normal sunlight ultraviolet rays. In order to remind them, the ultraviolet lamp has started working, so an additional purple visible light is released. The round glass window also forms a filter layer to prevent high-intensity ultraviolet rays from harming the eyes of observers like them.

The little girl in the room began to scream, but the sound was well blocked.

In just a moment.

She was gone.

Sha Shixin looked at this scene in disbelief, rushed forward, grabbed Qin You's shoulders and shook him hard:"What the hell are you doing?! These contained ghosts are national assets! You said to destroy them? Why?! Give me a reason?!"

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