Mu Qing, who had always acted very calm and composed, was surprised by Qin You's sharpness:"Aren't you a monk? How can you be as sharp as a forensic doctor? How do you know that these are human bones?"

Qin You was too lazy to say more:"You have your abilities, and I have mine."

Mu Qing smiled:"Everyone said that you are not an alien, but a cultivator. I didn't quite believe it at first... It seems to be true."

She continued:"Yes, the legend says that cat bones, black cat bones, will do, but in fact, human bones are needed here"

"These people got the information from the Internet, and then tried their best to get human bones. It is said that many bodies abroad are not cremated, so they dig up graves and dissect them to steal bones. Some people even kill people to try this deal and get bones."

Mu Qing sighed faintly:"These people, in order to succeed, for their own desires, they can do anything. Why do they have to trade with the devil? With this energy, I can accomplish things sooner or later."

Qin You listened indifferently. He had no interest in human evil thoughts and desires.

Mu Qing also saw it:"Forget it, why tell you this, you look like a mixture of a cold-blooded perverted scientist and a monk who doesn't care about the world, and you don't care at all... Let me ask you something else, can you tell where this bone is from?"

Qin You could only guess.

But he felt that... his guess was probably right.

He had a strange expression:"It seems to be... the jawbone?"

Mu Qing widened his beautiful eyes and clapped his hands vigorously:"Wonderful!"

Qin You also widened his eyes:"Really?"

Mu Qing nodded, and seemed to find it hard to believe:"Really, she is a girl who can be very cruel to herself. She used to think her face was too big, so she had plastic surgery and cut off two pieces of mandibles. She kept them at home. Later, when she learned that the deal required human bones, she immediately used her own bones."

Qin You:... woman.


Mu Qing brought her over, not to do anything at this intersection, just to let Qin You understand the logic.

The real owner was in a beach villa not far away.

In the evening, the two arrived at the villa area here, and saw the woman in the photo in a three-story single-family villa facing the sea.

The woman looked in very bad condition, with a pale and almost transparent face, which was probably the dream of all women, but in this way, her dark circles were particularly obvious.

She was wearing a white satin nightgown, her hair was loose, and her expression was anxious and tired.

When she opened the door and saw Qin You, she was refreshed

"Are you a monk?!"

Qin You knew his reputation and acted calmly, saying to the great monk:"I am a poor monk."

She screamed happily:"Then I am saved! Come in quickly!"

After entering the door, Mu Qing introduced

"Her name is Yu Qing'er, her stage name, and she is now a popular female artist. If you have some interest in the entertainment industry, you will know this rising star."

Qin You glanced around the villa and found no special atmosphere.

"I don't know, I don't know him."

If it was in the past, even a few weeks ago, Yu Qing'er would have immediately turned her face away when she heard someone say that.

But now... she didn't have that temper anymore.

The villa was empty, with photos of Yu Qing'er made of mosaic tiles on the wall. It could be seen that she was a narcissistic woman.

She was now curled up in the lazy sofa, listless.

Qin You said,"Tell me, what's the situation now."

Yu Qing'er said,"I... took the initiative to call the police."

Qin You:?

Mu Qing agreed:"Yes, after the police confirm the situation, they will notify the Heavenly Palace... Yu Qing'er is the only one who took the initiative to contact us before he died."

She roughly explained what happened.

"Actually, I have heard about this crossroads a long time ago. There was a male star in the circle who first revealed the news, but many people did not believe it. Some people should have made a deal, but I don’t know who it was."

"At that time, I was still a nobody in the entertainment industry. I sang, acted, and appeared on variety shows. But I was always just a supporting role. It seemed like I wasn’t destined to be famous."

"I have a good friend who debuted later than me, but she became famous. Later, she seemed to feel sorry for me and kept showing off her salary in front of me... showing off her financial resources……"

As she spoke, a look of resentment appeared on her face.

""She hypocritically introduced me some small supporting roles for her, as if she treated me as her maid, when I was obviously the eldest daughter and she was the maid!"

Qin You was speechless.

Hearing her say this, Qin You felt that her bestie must be really doing it for her own good. It was obvious that Yu Qing'er was too disappointed and had an inferiority complex, so she blamed her bestie for giving her the opportunity.

She continued,"Everyone only has her in their eyes, not me! They care about her and make sarcastic remarks about me. Her fans online said very bad things about me... They said I was clinging to her! Trying to get attention! Shameless! They said I had no acting skills! I was ugly! I... I even wanted to die at that time."

"But I saw an email pushed to me online.……"

Yu Qing'er had a complicated expression, which seemed to be eager, excited, fearful, and regretful.

She ruffled her long hair vigorously.

"Anyway, I couldn't resist the temptation and tried the method described above. I came here and buried the box. That night, a man appeared directly in my bedroom.……"

Yu Qing'er described it in detail.

In her description, the man looked like a local man, but he was more handsome and wore a black suit. He was not what many people imagined a person from Ouzhou to look like.

"He said he could make a deal with me and asked me what I wanted."

"I said, I want to be famous! I want to be very famous! I want to be a big star!"

"He said yes, he could get me the leading role in a big-budget TV series within a month. After the show is finished, I will become famous, but the price is to reduce my life span by ten years."

Qin You heard this and whispered to Mu Qing beside him:"It's OK, not expensive, the devil is quite fair."

Mu Qing rolled her eyes at him:"Listen."

Of course it's not that simple.

The key is not in this first deal, but in every subsequent deal.

"I can totally accept it! Forget about ten years! What about twenty years! I don’t want to live anymore!!"

"Before he left, he told me that this was a one-time transaction. I would be famous, but he couldn't guarantee what would happen in the future. If I needed a follow-up transaction, he would not appear again. As long as I called his name and told him what I wanted, he would help me complete it.……"

Yu Qing'er shed tears:"He said... he would automatically deduct the amount of lifespan I need, and then when I die, he would take my soul away. From then on, my soul will belong to him."

Qin You was shocked:"You can agree to this? This is clearly a bully contract! This is an ambiguous clause!" Mu Qing said calmly:"The devil takes advantage of human greed. Western devils are very good at playing with human nature."

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