Qin You couldn't describe the magical feeling of controlling the power of space.

He opened the"door" at both ends of the distance. One end was here, and the other end was at the horizon - the surface of the sun.

The distance from the earth to the sun...

150 million kilometers.

65700th of a light year.

A beam of sunlight, starting from the surface of the sun, reaches the surface of the earth in about 8 minutes at the fastest.

If you take a plane at a speed of 1000 kilometers per hour, it will take 17 years.

A spacecraft at a speed of 11.23 kilometers per second will also take 150 days to reach the destination.

But Qin You just took only a moment to open the two ends of this long distance, and threw a demon from the earth over.

His original knowledge could not verify whether the sun would definitely kill the legendary existence of demons.

But just now, he seemed to know instinctively.

Yes, it must be.

The demon Lagba at the crossroads will vaporize into the most basic atomic unit in an instant, turning into an insignificant part of the sun, and will never be able to escape the sun's gravity.

These demons in mediocre Western mythology are nothing compared to the stars.

When his power was about to disappear, he stretched out his hand and opened another crack in time and space. He pulled out a long black whip from it.

The whip of purgatory had no flames.

The whip looked like a snake's tail, so smooth that it glowed.

At this moment.

The powerful force that came out of nowhere finally faded away like a tide.

Qin You's floating had no support and fell back to the ground.

His imposing aura just now naturally dissipated completely.

There was a dead silence in the field.


Qin You and the others, along with the ghost, realized that the three hellhounds were still there.

Mu Qing said weakly,"You seem to have torn down the door that led them home... Now... what to do?"

From the battle just now, it can be seen that the three hellhounds are not easy to deal with, and their combat effectiveness is still very strong.

And Qin You's state seemed to have disappeared.

Qin You estimated that if he used his skills to kill them, it should be possible, but it would take some effort.

But he soon discovered that he still had a whip in his hand.

【Discovered the ghost relic - the Whip of Purgatory】

【(Five stars) Purgatory Whip: Satan refined the fire of hell and made it himself. The whip is made of the young snake of the nine-headed Hydra, and the asphalt in it that is specially used for burning black fire is refined from the corpse oil of countless people who have signed devil contracts.】

【Function: The black flame of hell can burn most of the matter in the world, and it is even more devastating to the soul. Once it comes into contact with it, it will burn up and is extremely difficult to extinguish. It can burn in the deep sea and even in the void.】

【How to use: driven by black magic, no side effects for demons, but human mages will consume their lifespan. It can be replaced by fear value, 100 points per second. 】 100 points, very cheap.

Compared with the five-star quality.

Qin You, who got the new toy, couldn't wait to try it out.

"Good dog, come here and get a whip."

The three hellhounds were very psychic and clearly saw what Qin You wanted to do. They howled and then ran away in two different directions!

Qin You swung the Whip of Purgatory in a circle, and the moment he swung it above his head, the whip once again burned with blazing black flames!

He swept through the army!

The whip seemed to have grown several times longer, and the black flames stretched out their tongues of fire ferociously, licking the three hellhounds.

Almost in an instant, they were burned to ashes!

The black flames also touched the wall of the house, and the flames, which were extremely sticky and burning, began to spread again.

But this time, Qin You's mind moved, and the flames dimmed and soon disappeared.

Only a wide, deep and hideous burn mark was left on the wall!


Qin You let out a long breath

"It's over."

He let the three ghosts return to the scroll.

Then he sat down on the ground, feeling extremely tired.

Mu Qing came over and patted him on the shoulder:"It's unbelievable. When Mr. He insisted on asking you to deal with it, I thought it was unnecessary. Now it seems that only you can solve it."

Mu Qing, the powerful awakener, couldn't help rubbing his cheeks, still in shock:"What is this? I actually saw the devil in Western legends, and I saw you kill him with your own hands.……"

Thinking of Qin You's god-like aura and almost abnormal power, she was both scared and angry.

"How did you do that just now?"

Qin You smiled and answered with two words:"Privacy."

Mu Qing curled her lips:"Forget it if you don't want to tell me!"

Qin You thought, I don't even understand it completely myself.……


Before they left, they went to check the intersection.

It had disappeared.

The highway returned to normal.

Mu Qing asked the police to remove the previous roadblocks.

The two took a plane back to Jianghai City.

In He Qi's office, the elderly man in his seventies was holding a glass of iced mint liquor, sipping it slowly, as if drinking tea.

Mu Qing stood beside him and respectfully reported the whole thing.

He Qi looked at Qin You with complicated eyes:"Aren't you too messy?"

Qin You smiled:"The result is good. As expected, if we kill this demon, the extra crossroads will disappear. Otherwise, I can't think of a better solution."

He Qi shook his head:"We are now gradually deepening our research on the changes in this world, and we have discovered that many ghosts actually have a certain degree of organization and discipline. When you first dealt with the Night Parade of Hundred Ghosts in the Baoshan District Temple, you should have discovered that there should be a ghost king who coordinated the ghosts and let them launch collective attacks in a certain period of time."

Qin You:"Yes."

He Qi said again:"And these demons in Western legends may have similar actions in the depths of the underworld. They are ancient, powerful, and well-organized. You killed a high-ranking person this time, and they are likely to come to you."

Qin You said seriously:"I couldn't ask for more."

He Qi laughed:"You... you have such a damn thirst for knowledge."

Qin You said:"To be honest, I really want to understand these existences. Every time I get to know them more deeply, I find more questions."

He Qi:"What questions?"

Qin You said:"If demons exist, do God and angels exist too?"

He Qi:"I think so."

Qin You asked again:"Then the legends in the West are true, and what about the legends in the East?"

He Qi:"I think some of them are true."

Qin You asked:"Then where are the gods in the East?"

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