Qin You has always wanted to know this.

In his previous life, he was a scientific researcher, and although he had some mental problems... but the gene of rationality was engraved deep in his soul.

In this world... he saw the supernatural with his own eyes, and there were so many of them, so many that everyone in the world has accepted this.

What exactly are ghosts? Why are ghosts so rampant?

Mama Sang's real name is Pei Hongyu.

She is a very experienced alien, but her understanding of ghosts is not deep.

Pei Hongyu smiled and said,"I can't answer your question, because I don't know either, or rather, the world doesn't know."

"All I know is that ghosts have always existed, from the beginning of time.

"But they are rare, and often not big enough to affect the safety of most humans... at least, not enough"

"The real change began fifty years ago"

"The wind starts from the tip of the green duckweed"

"An international, small-scale cult organization... I think it's called the Purification Society’"

"All members together do not exceed���Three hundred people."

Qin You listened quietly.

Pei Hongyu said slowly:"This past event is not a secret...it's just that we haven't found the connection."

"The Purification Organization, which was for the purpose of anti-war, organized some ceremonies that made no sense to people."

"Self-mutilation, promiscuity, animal sacrifice, many rituals, ancient and common"

"They claim that what they do can purify the world, end all wars between humans, and allow higher gods to rule over fallen humans."

"No one took them seriously at that time.……"


"They performed a final ritual.

Pei Hongyu's expression became a little serious:"I have seen the dusty video footage myself. Three hundred members, wearing strange red robes, brought their children, and even a young mother holding a baby.……"

"They set themselves on fire together"

"Before the fire was lit, they shouted a strange syllable at the same time."

Speaking of this, Pei Hongyu smiled slightly:"Sorry, the confidentiality clause stipulates that I cannot say that syllable."

Qin You nodded to show his understanding.

Pei Hongyu continued:"While burning, they were even trying to shout that syllable... and then in the fanatical shouting, the smoke and ash blocked their trachea, and then they made strange whimpers, but they still stayed where they were and burned to ashes together."

"In cult rituals, this is the highest level of living sacrifice."

"At that time... no one took it seriously"

"Compared to wars between nations and the collapse of the global economy, a cult of just 300 people is not noticeable at all."

"But later on...supernatural events started to increase."

"more and more"

"More and more dense"

"The power of ghosts is getting stronger and stronger!"

"Not only ghosts, but also dark creatures like vampires are gradually becoming stronger!"

"Various countries have set up organizations similar to ours, trying to eliminate the influence of ghosts while investigating the cause.……"

"No matter how hard we search, we can't find a reliable cause. What exactly caused the surge in supernatural events around the world?"

"Finally, after countless rounds of screening in a vast amount of literature, many experts concluded that the global psychic resurgence disaster might, perhaps, probably, be related to this small organization called"Purification."

After listening, Qin You nodded and stood up.

"Oh, that's how it is"

"That means……"

Qin You scratched his head listlessly, looking at the other party with a pair of dead fish eyes:"It's all nonsense."

He muttered:"There is no rigorous logical chain, no basic inference, no direct evidence... It's all nonsense, just a blind guess."

Pei Hongyu was a little confused.

Are you kidding.

There are so many conclusions of experts around the world! You monk just say nonsense!

But it is hard to refute.

Because what he said is indeed reasonable...

Then Qin You asked again:"Why haven't you studied the behavioral patterns and weaknesses of ghosts?"

Pei Hongyu was a little panicked by the question:"Well, because... Actually... Actually everyone is doing it. You see, we have taken in a lot of ghosts and monsters, and we also want to study……"

Qin You:"What's the conclusion? How much is it?"

Pei Hongyu would pinch her ears when she was nervous.

She pinched her earlobes and said guiltily:"Really... not much"

"Of course, the main reason is that... ghosts often leave a mark of fear on people's spiritual level. It has nothing to do with courage. It is impossible to have contact with them for a long time. They must either be eliminated or contained as soon as possible. It is really difficult to study them.……"

Qin You bowed his head, clasped his hands together, and looked humble.


"I am very disappointed."

Pei Hongyu maintained the image of a team leader on the surface, but was mad in his heart.

You are disappointed at all!

Why do you act as if you are my leader!

Where does this damn sense of superiority and perverted strength come from!

You are just a high school student!

If you can do it, go ahead!

Qin You said lightly:"If I don't go to hell, who will? Let me study the ghosts all over the world."

Pei Hongyu's expression was a little strange.

Could this monk's ability be mind reading?

Then, would he see that I had the idea of lusting his body for such a short few minutes?

Then, he thought of the monk's horrible behavior in the video.

His expression became more and more tangled.

Does this monk want to simply study ghosts, or is he more simply abusing ghosts???


"Monk, you said you want to practice the secrets of the martial arts?"

He was showing Qin You around the company, as if he was looking at an ancient ape.

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