Xiang Ya was not panicked at all when he saw these people coming:"Are you from the Heavenly Palace?"

The sickly man was called Xiao Banyue. He covered his mouth with a handkerchief and coughed again. Then he said weakly:"Yes, may I ask your name, young lady?"

Xiang Ya put his hands behind his back and smiled:"Xiang Ya."

Nanbei said to Pei Hongyu foolishly:"Ivory? What a strange name. Why would such a beautiful sister be named Ivory? Is it because your parents particularly like ivory products?"

Xiang Ya heard it and was very angry:"Little girl, are you educated? If you don't understand, just ask. Don't take it literally. Xiang is Xiang Yu, Xiang is Xiang, and Ya is...……"

She thought about it, but couldn't think of any allusion.

What did her family say back then?

Why did they choose this word?

After thinking for a while, she finally recalled what her father said 1,800 years ago.

"Ya is a character with the character"王" next to it and the character"无邪" next to it. Have you seen Langya Bang? It's the character

"Ya". It's said that I was born in Langya Mountain, so I took this character."Nanbei said,"Ah!" and said,"Sorry, I haven't learned this character. Sorry, sorry."

Then he checked it on his phone.

"Ya, another ancient word for 玡, also means ivory.……"

Xiang Ya:...

The blind man covered Nanbei's mouth:"Say less useless words."

Pei Hongyu is now in a high position and has her own momentum. She stepped forward:"Do you have something to do with Qin You?"

Xiang Ya smiled casually:"Why waste so much time? If he doesn't come, I will continue to demolish. After I finish demolishing this piece, I will demolish the next piece... until he comes."

Pei Hongyu and the leader of another group, Xiao Banyue, both looked a little ugly.

Xiao Banyue whispered:"Then we can only take you down first. It's our duty. Please bear with us."


Xiang Ya sneered:"Come on, come on, whoever comes will die."

Pei Hongyu said to Xiao Banyue:"Sickly guy, you go first, I'm at the strategic level, I'll hold the fort."

Xiao Banyue also disliked Pei Hongyu's attitude, but at this moment he was too lazy to say more:"Okay, I'll try it first."

He walked forward.

Xiao Banyue looked very poorly.

So poor that he could be blown down by a gust of wind. At this moment, the wind was strong and the rain was heavy, with lightning and thunder. He was blown to and fro in the wind and rain. Xiang Ya put her hands behind her back, her clothes blowing in the wind, and she looked like an immortal. She neither looked down on him nor looked up to him. She just turned her head and looked at the stormy city scenery.

When Xiao Banyue took a step forward, the two team members he brought with him also started to move.

The female team member wearing a pointed hat, a wizard robe, and holding a sapphire-inlaid staff in her hand was named Wu Qu. Her face under the pointed hat was extremely delicate, and there was a hint of exoticism.

This mixed-race girl was a rare true wizard.

She needed time. She began to chant some syllables with unclear meanings.

As she chanted, a dim round appeared under her feet. The blue halo was similar to the magic circle that appeared under Qin You's feet when the demon he had just killed opened the gate to hell, except that it looked much less clear.

The onlookers in the distance had already fled, otherwise, Wu Qu looked closer to the people in their cosplay circle...

The raindrops fell on the brim of her hat and rolled down onto her robe.

Gradually, it condensed into ice crystals...

A chilly chill rose from the magic circle under her feet.

The other team member looked only ten years old, still a little boy.

Although the little boy Mu Junjie was young, he was also a high-risk alien, and his abilities were mysterious and extremely strange.

He scratched his head, as if thinking about what to do.

After thinking about it, his eyes began to flicker, as if some strange scene was reflected in them.


Xiang Ya was suddenly stunned.

She raised her head.


A deafening roar came from the sky! At the same time, she saw the sole of a giant beast stepping straight towards her!

Xiang Ya was dumbfounded.

Where did the giant beast come from? And her consciousness didn't sense anything?

She instinctively dodged.

The speed was too fast, and her figure moved from one place to another almost instantly.

Dozens of sharp ice cones flew over to block her retreat!

With a bang!

The sole of the giant beast stepped on the ground! The ground cracked instantly!

The strange thing was that Xiang Ya's eyes saw the shaking, but his body didn't feel it.

His consciousness still had no reaction.


Ice cones flew over, and she drew a wreath in her left hand, and the clear light was turned into a spiritual shield by her. Dozens of ice cones were immediately decomposed into water molecules again.

Xiang Ya looked at the sky again, and there was no trace of the giant beast.

The ground was not cracked, and it was still intact.

Illusion... Hehe...

They cooperated very well.

Little friend Mu Junjie created illusions, and the mage Wu Qu harassed and blocked the road, so that Xiang Ya could deal with it distractedly, and the sickly person who attacked head-on... was not a real sickly person at all.

Xiao Banyue walked halfway and was originally swaying. The more he walked, the more determined he became, and the heavier his steps became! His figure grew taller with the wind! His swollen body burst through his clothes, and when he finally pounced on him, he had turned from a man who was only 1.7 meters tall into a giant several meters tall and weighing several tons!!

No! He didn’t look like a human at all!! His lead-gray skin had a rock-like texture!

Four extra strong arms emerged from the muscles on his back! His extremely long cheeks also had two pairs of terrifying red eyes!

A giant with six arms and six eyes!!

"This punch! Hundreds of tons of force! Can you resist it!"

The giant jumped high, with unparalleled impact force, and punched Xiang Ya, who was as small as a bean in front of him!


Xiang Ya stretched out his sword, and the giant punched the sword!

The shock wave generated by the pure power surged, shaking the rain curtain and forming a circle of shock waves!

Xiang Ya remained calm:"That's it?"

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