After Qin You returned home, he took a bath, then meditated and recited a Buddhist scripture as usual.

Then he sat in front of the computer.

He opened G Station and found that his video had been removed.

His account was also temporarily banned.

He was very upset.

"The world is already in danger, why do we still try so hard to block the news? Are we going to sink into the Avici Hell together?"

Qin You will not be hit too hard.

He will continue to exorcise ghosts, continue to find the patterns and weaknesses of ghosts, and continue to shoot short films.

How can he retreat from saving all living beings?

He opened the Jianghai City Forum.

Generally speaking, this kind of city forum is mostly loosely managed.

In his previous life, Qin You occasionally entered the city forum.

The information he saw was such as:

【Is there still a chance that XX Town will be demolished?】

【Looking for a P friend, big one. Oh, I'm a man】

【How much do bridesmaids do in marriage? Are they all gold-plated Bs?】

【Looking for roommate, graduated from 985 or 211 university, clean and no foot odor】

【So boring, is there anyone who wants to eat shit with me? 】

But this world is different.

Due to the prevalence of supernatural events, many uneasy things are spreading.

The messages I see are like:

【Several girls died again in XX High School. Do you think this is a supernatural event?】

【Has anyone paid attention to the one-punch monk who is very popular on G-station recently? If one punch doesn't kill, then punch a hundred times.】

【Last night my mother came to my room and told me to go to bed early and not to eat midnight snacks...but my mother passed away two years ago!!! 】

Qin You glanced at them one by one.

Most of them were gimmicks.

Generally speaking, the bigger the matter, the shorter the title.

Soon, he saw one that might be more real and reliable.

Just six words

【I might have seen a ghost.

Qin You clicked in to see.

The person who posted the message was a girl with the nickname lmh3344.

【This afternoon, when I was taking a yoga class, my cell phone rang. I went to answer it, but when I saw that the caller ID was unrecognizable, I was stunned for a moment. I thought it was a scam call that blocked my number.】

【Then after I picked up the phone, I heard a lot of noise, very thin and chaotic noise.】

【I fed her for a long time before a girl spoke】

【She had a sweet voice and spoke politely, and said: Hello, I am Miss Mary, I came to see you tonight】

【I was so confused that she hung up before I could say anything.】

【I didn’t take it seriously, but later I realized that this seemed like a foreign horror legend!】

【I thought it was a prank, but I still felt a chill.】

【But later, when I got home and had just finished cooking, my mother called me on WeChat and told me to remember to top up my phone bill because……】

【My phone is disconnected!!!】

【I was totally horrified!!!】

【I opened my phone and saw the last phone call record was from my boyfriend yesterday!】

【There was no phone call record at all in the afternoon!】

【If it was a prank, not only could they call my disabled phone, but they also hacked it and deleted the records? Isn't that a bit too professional?】

I won't say anything more, I'll go find a master to help me.

【Experience for you, go away】

【The OP is a good storyteller, but this ghost story is too old. Miss Mary is such an ancient character.】

【Waiting for the serialization online, the OP is about to transform into a tentacle monster!】

【Do you really think the OP made it up? What if it's true?】

【If you make a video series like the monk did, I will believe it. After all, fake supernatural events probably occupy 99% of the forum posts now.%!】

【Girl, do you have big breasts? If you do, I will accompany you to face the evil spirits!】

【Don't mention it, the story is pretty good, +1 for following the update. Qin You scrolled down many posts, but didn't see anything written by the original poster. He wanted to shut down his computer and take a rest.

He just refreshed the last page.

As a result, a new message from the ID lmh3344 popped up.

There was no text, but a voice message.

Qin You clicked it to listen.

It was a girl's trembling voice, full of fear.

"I paid three thousand dollars to the master, and he clearly performed an exorcism ritual on me and said that I was fine!"

"But as soon as I got home and took a shower, my phone rang again!"

"Still that unrecognized phone number!"

"I didn't top up my phone bill at all, so my SIM card should still be turned off!"

"I didn't answer it just now! The call was automatically connected, and it was powered and the sound was very clear!"

"It’s still that woman!"

"She said...she said...Hello, I'm Miss Mary……"

"I'm at your door.……"

"I actually heard someone opening the door!!"

"I am hiding in my room now and have locked the door. What should I do now?"

Qin You quickly posted

【Where is your address? I am the monk Duwo! I can come over! 】

However, it was useless. Many people were posting and quickly suppressed his post.

Not long after, the original poster also posted a voice message.

It sounded like he was about to collapse.

"I got the call again...she said she is going……"

"Someone is opening the door! I have moved all the stuff in the room and I am holding it against the door!"

"Okay, no sound.……"

Qin You suddenly heard another woman's voice at the end of this audio.

The stiff and cold female voice politely said something in Chinese.

【Hello, I'm Miss Mary, I'm right behind you. 】

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