To everyone's surprise,

Qin You stood still.

He was glowing with a brass sheen, as if he had turned into a bronze man.

The whole body was made of metal!

Miss Mary seemed a little stunned.

She stabbed a few more times.

Ding, ding, ding!

Seeing this, Pei Hongyu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is this his ability to defeat the sword ghost?"

She stretched out her hand, and a ball of fire burned on her palm.

Nanbei raised his sword and was amazed.

"Your hardening magic can actually stop Miss Mary?"

The blind man had no offensive ability and quietly stepped aside.

Qin You stretched out his hand and made a gesture to stop

"Wait, I want to do an experiment."

Nanbei was puzzled:"What?"

Qin You faced Miss Mary who was constantly trying to stab him to death.

He took a deep breath to ease his overly excited mood.

Then he let the spiritual power fade away, and the metal skin all over his body gradually returned to its original state, retaining only the passive attribute of thick skin and flesh.

He didn't think that his golden bell iron cloth shirt could block Miss Mary's knife.

After all, previous data showed that the steel plate about 20 centimeters thick could not stop her.

Instead, it was penetrated supernaturally.

Miss Mary was still like a stupid machine, stubbornly trying to poke his chest with a dagger.

Qin You first blocked it with his hand.

It stabbed the back of his hand.

Miss Mary's knife was sharper than the knife ghost's.

A trace of blood seeped out of the back of Qin You's hand.

Pei Hongyu said anxiously:"What are you doing, monk? Get out of the way! Let me burn her!"

Qin You saw that he was injured, but laughed instead.

"It is indeed so."

He used his spiritual power and grabbed Miss Mary's wrist.

Miss Mary struggled violently.

Qin You grabbed her and continued:"According to previous information, before her knife hit the victim's chest, nothing could stop it."

"This is a supernatural blow that defies the laws of physics."

"Let's call this ability the law of cause and effect ability that hits the chest 100% of the time."

"I'm just wondering if there are any prerequisites for this ability?"

"Many evil spirits are relatively direct, killing people when they want to, or when they see someone, but Miss Mary has a sense of ritual."


"Combining many urban legends and ancient legends, I analyzed that it is likely to capture the sense of fear.

Qin You's speculation also comes from his fear value system.

"The weirder the ghosts' rituals, the more frightened humans become. Fear is like fuel, giving ghosts some special abilities."

"I am more courageous, and He did not get scared from me, so He lost this special ability and could not hit the chest with 100% accuracy... Maybe even the power is smaller, I have no way of knowing, it's just a guess."

Pei Hongyu and Nanbei were stunned.

But the blind man said calmly:"What he said may be right. A professor in the industry has already made similar guesses.……"

He paused and swallowed,"Humans have a spiritual fear of ghosts, and there will be no madman who would really take his life for an experiment like this... So, it's just a guess, there is no conclusion."

Qin You loosened his hand, and Miss Mary was no longer restrained, but she did not continue.

She was silent for a while, staring at the ground in front of her with lifeless eyes.

Then she suddenly said,"Hello, I'm Miss Mary, I'm leaving first, and I'll see you tomorrow."

After that, she walked past them as if no one was around.

Walk towards the door.

Several people looked at her in a daze.

Qin You turned around and clasped his hands together,"Donor Mary, don't leave tonight, stay overnight."

【Fear value from Miss Mary +260! 】

Qin You smiled:"Don't pretend, you are scared."

Miss Mary turned her back to him, her eyes still dull.

She looked like a puppet.

Suddenly, her eyes turned and stared at the direction of the door.

Accelerated suddenly! Rushing to the door!

Something is wrong!

This monk is very wrong!

Slip, slip, slip!

Qin You said:"Stop her!"

Pei Hongyu stood at the door, with a strong momentum.

Behind her, a ball of blazing flames suddenly emerged! Under her precise control, the flames did not spread, but condensed behind her, just blocking the way ahead!

Miss Mary felt the burning heat on her face and stopped.

Then the figure began to dim, transparent

"She wants to sink into the underworld and leave! Attack her!"The blind man hurriedly said.

Qin You decisively picked up the kitchen knife and threw it out like a gangster from the Axe Gang, slashing Miss Mary's back with one knife!

Miss Mary raised her head and let out a sharp cry of pain! Her body regained its sense of reality!

"Mama-san! Next!"

Nanbei was quick-witted and threw a long whip to Pei Hongyu.

Pei Hongyu used the black long whip with a loose tail and swung it hard. The long whip flew longer and longer, and with a snap! At the moment of hitting Miss Mary, she was tied up tightly!

There were also sparks of fire attached to the long whip.

Controlling fire is Pei Hongyu's ability.

It has extra killing power against most ghosts.

Moreover, this whip has spiritual power and is a magic weapon. It was specially blessed by Qin You, plus the fire buff... It is very harmful.

Seeing Miss Mary screaming and starting to burn,

Qin You felt distressed.

"No, no, no! Don't kill her! She has scientific value! Tie her up first! Let me have a long talk with her tonight! There are many mysteries about her!"

Pei Hongyu, Nanbei, the blind man, looked at Miss Mary who was burning, and then looked at Qin You who looked distressed. There were only two phrases in his mind that could express his mood.


What a psycho!

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