
This detention center of Tiangong Company is also not connected to the external network, which is very cautious.

But there is a traitor inside.

In the security room, a security guard is secretly copying the conversation monitoring of the two people.

Then he uses his own computer equipment to secretly transmit it to another secret organization.

No one found him.

On the factory owner's side, the atmosphere became very strange.

Everyone seemed to have lost their original fear and tension.

Nanbei is a girl who likes the second dimension. She is completely distracted at this moment.

""Oh, there's a new episode on G Station! So happy!"

Such an atmosphere is entirely due to Qin You.

The horror brought by Lin Lin's distorted values

was completely diluted by Qin You.

At first, Lin Lin tried to fight back, trying to use her morbid thoughts to pollute Qin You's cognition.

But soon, she gave up resistance.

Because Qin You was not only unmoved, but also seriously discussed with her the cause and nature of ghosts.

"I used to have a guess that ghosts and monsters are two different existences, and ghosts should be wave-particle duality.……"

"Later I found out that it wasn't……"

"Since they can be observed and can influence each other, ghosts also exist in the material world, but they also have an idealistic side. For example, if you are fearful, they are strong, and if you are fearless, they are weak... Very interesting……"

"Do you think we can explain some of the causal abilities of ghosts from the perspective of quantum physics?"

Lin Lin's mentality collapsed. She was a poor student.

The monk's academic aura was too scary!

She had been drowsy for a long time, and her head was nodding off. As a result, every time she was about to fall asleep, Qin You would wake her up with a snap of his fingers.

He said angrily:"Can you be more serious!"

Lin Lin wanted to cry... to test whether she was paralyzed... nodded, admitting that she was afraid of the dark...

Lin Lin could only maintain her dignity by silence.

I am... very scary...

At this time, the voice of the factory owner sounded through the loudspeaker on the wall:

"Okay, leave the rest to us, intern, come out now."

The iron gate opened, and the other interrogator who had just been kicked out was now full of admiration.

"Bro, that's awesome……"

Qin You waved his hand:"I thought she would discuss it with me, alas, what a pity... Life is so lonely as shit."

Seeing Qin You leave, Lin Lin relaxed.

She would rather be tortured by a professional than talk to this lunatic.

It's so exhausting!


Lin Lin was accepted by the professionals and continued to be questioned.

Pei Hongyu said goodbye to the factory manager:"Then we will leave first. If there is any situation, we will contact you later."

The factory manager sat like a big clock and waved his hand lazily.

Before Qin You left, he said one more sentence

""Brother, this criminal is very dangerous." The factory manager looked at him for a moment longer,"Hmm?"

Qin You turned his head and looked at Lin Lin who was gradually recovering, and said,"She is very capable, but that's only one aspect. On the other hand, her twisted thoughts are contagious, which is the most dangerous."

Qin You said seriously,"We need to save her."

The factory manager said awkwardly,"What do you mean by saving her?"

Qin You stretched out his hand and gestured under his neck.

"Are you really a monk? That's cruel.……"

The factory manager said helplessly:"Don't worry about this. How to deal with it should be based on the procedures."

Qin You always had a bad feeling.

But he didn't say anything more.

"Ok, goodbye."


Qin You returned to a seemingly normal life.

He has been a little tired recently.

But he doesn't want to rest.

The world gradually unveiled a corner of its veil in front of him. He was uneasy, curious, and excited.

He has a strong desire for knowledge.

Of course, there is also something that has been ridiculed since the previous life. It was even diagnosed as a disease by a mental hospital.

It's called-savior-type paranoid personality.

After Qin You finished this series of battles, he still didn't hand in the guns. Instead, he carefully cleaned and maintained them, and put them under the bed for emergency use.

Then he turned on the newly purchased small outdoor camera.

Watch the previous battle video.

The picture of the ghosts was very blurry, and even when fighting with the group of ghost soldiers, snowflakes appeared on the screen from time to time, and the whole screen could not be seen clearly.

"Although ordinary cameras and video cameras can capture ghosts in low light, this seems to be their limit."

"I wonder if these electronic devices can be used to consecrate them with spiritual power?"

Put the question aside for now.

Qin You went to G Station to check the playback rate of his video.

It was increasing almost every day, and his popularity was also skyrocketing.

"If you want to popularize some specific common sense about dealing with ghosts, the G station video may not be enough."

Thinking of this, Qin You directly opened a Weibo account.

The name of the monk who helped me was registered.

He just changed it to" the handsome monk who helped me".

Then he quickly got the certification and V.

He began to organize the previous materials in an orderly manner. He wrote several analytical articles about different ghosts, as well as the coping strategies of ordinary people.

After that, he went to school honestly.


On this day, on the way home from school,

Qin You pestered Nanbei, wanting to learn more about the origin of the technique.

"I really need a more powerful technique. After seeing the strength of the team leader, I deeply realized my own shortcomings."

"I am too weak!"

"Nanbei, you come from a famous family, do you have any way?……"

Nanbei was so annoyed that he dismissed him casually,"Why don't you search for martial arts secrets on the Internet? Just search on Baidu and you'll know!"

"I've searched, and all the information online is fake." Qin You said regretfully.

Nanbei deliberately teased:"How do you know?……"

Suddenly , she stopped.

There were several news vehicles parked at the door, and many people who looked like reporters were squatting there.

���, their eyes suddenly lit up and they rushed over like hungry wolves!

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