The police looked at each other in bewilderment.

Then they checked the surveillance video.

After watching it, the police were terrified.

"Police number 105xx report! Pinshun Road gold shop robbery case, suspect may be Y type, notify Tiangong……"

Although most ordinary people don't know about the existence of aliens, the police department knows it.

They suspect that aliens are the culprits.

What makes them even more nervous is that in the video, the bald gunman with a brutal temperament moves so fast that he seems to teleport.

"In addition, the suspect was taken away by another bald Y-type person! His whereabouts are unknown!"

"Bald, about 17 or 18 years old! Illegal possession of a gun! Illegal possession of a gun! Extremely violent! Unknown motive! Investigate immediately……"

At this point, they stopped.

The manager and others who were originally talking endlessly and pestering other police officers to report the case also stopped.

They saw a bald boy who was very similar to their description.

He was wearing a sweatshirt and had a hole in his chest.

He looked at them blankly.

He was dragging a... person in his hand!!

A person with strangely twisted hands, obvious fractures, and a face that was beaten like a pig's head, and unconscious!

Qin You dragged Hu Bing in, put him down, and then put his hands together:"Amitabha, I brought the prisoner back."

Everyone looked at Qin You, who was also a little confused, in a daze.

After a while, a policeman reacted. He hurriedly pulled out his gun:"Put down your weapons! Put your hands on your head!"

Other policemen also hurriedly made the same action and hurriedly said:"Did you hear it! Put down your weapons! Put your hands on your head!"

The onlookers were terrified when they saw this. The criminal actually came back?!

How rampant!

Fearing that a gunfight would occur, they immediately dispersed!

They dispersed to the cordon more than ten meters away, and then turned back to watch.

Qin You wanted to prove his identity.

But he remembered that he didn't have anything to prove his identity.

He had to put his hands together and said,"Let's go."

The police: ???

Qin You said helplessly,"Let's go to the police station. I will take you to make a statement."

The police: ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???


Half an hour later, the truth came out.

Pei Hongyu came with a group of Tiangong men in black suits and took over the criminal named Hu Bing.

Then she chatted with the chief for a few words and took away Qin You who was being treated to delicious food and drinks.

In just a short while, Qin You almost ate up all the snacks prepared by the police station.

Pei Hongyu greeted him:"I'm so sorry, this is our new intern, he doesn't have his ID yet, the flood has flushed the Dragon King Temple, hahahahaha!"

At this time, most of the police officers knew Qin You's identity.

"Wow, you are the popular Master Ferryman on the Internet?"

A female police officer in the office looked at him like a star:"You are more handsome in person than in the video!"

Qin You smiled politely, appearing very reserved.

In fact, the police station has always cooperated with the Tiangong.

Ordinary cases are naturally handled by the police station.

Special cases involving crimes committed by ghosts and aliens are directly contacted by the Tiangong.

On the way back, Pei Hongyu gave him a Tiangong employee silver card as an identity certificate.

Then he educated him:"If you encounter problems in the future, you can go, but don't use guns casually... You are a monk, and you shoot at every turn. You are more criminal than criminals!"


"We aliens also have baggage. Have you ever seen any of us use guns?"

Qin You asked doubtfully,"But guns are useful and efficient. They can be used in combination with your abilities."

Pei Hongyu didn't care:"There is no need for that. In our circle, using guns will be laughed at!"

Qin You understood.

This is the so-called small circle culture.

Obviously useful things are discarded, thinking that they are unique.

She then asked about the criminal's situation, and Qin You explained it truthfully.

Although Pei Hongyu heard that Hu Bing could barely be considered a cultivator, she didn't care.

"Cultivators... Actually, there are quite a few, but they can't compare to us extraordinary people."

Pei Hongyu still had a preconceived notion that Qin You was an extraordinary person.

His various abilities were all extraordinary.

Qin You quickly seized the opportunity to test him and said,"I'd like to hear more about it."

Pei Hongyu was too lazy to say more:"I don't know much, anyway... they are just pure cultivators, two or three big cats and small cats, and their abilities are extremely weak, so there is nothing to worry about."

"They also use spiritual power. Their spiritual power comes from the outside world. It seems that they can't absorb much now."

"But we are different. Our spiritual power comes from ourselves. Our strength does not depend on practice, but on fate. Of course, it also depends on whether there are opportunities in the later stage, such as the second awakening, or even the third awakening, etc.……"

"Hey! You will know later!"

Pei Hongyu said, Qin You did not ask any more questions, but kept it in mind.

After arriving at Tiangong Company, Qin You followed her and expressed his concerns about the media's exaggeration of fear.

"If this continues, the whole nation will panic, and the number of ghosts will increase and they will become stronger."

"We can't go on like this."

Pei Hongyu didn't take it seriously and walked forward:"Okay, I'll report to the higher-ups later... Actually, we don't need to think about this kind of thing, we just need to do our own thing."

Qin You frowned.

Sure enough, it was useless to tell her

"Lin Lin has already demonstrated"

"This matter cannot be delayed. I am worried that someone will take advantage of this and deliberately create widespread fear.

Pei Hongyu opened the refrigerator and took out a drink, then turned around with a smile and handed him a cup of Coke:"You... just worry too much! There is nothing in the world, and mediocre people worry about it. Enjoy yourself in time, little monk!"

Qin You wanted to say more, but he only heard the alarm.

There was a row of five light balls at intervals on the wall. This was the alarm.

At this moment, three of them flashed red.

At the same time, a voice came from the radio.

"Report an important internal notice! All Tiangong employees, look at the nearest display screen!"

Pei Hongyu, who was not bothered by trivial matters, changed her expression.

"Level 3 alert? What happened?"

(100,000 words, it will probably be on the shelves soon, the author is begging for flowers and evaluation votes, I will try my best to update!)

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