
Qin You took a rare leave these days and didn't go to school.

Now, everyone in the Tiangong is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Some departments want to hold three meetings a day.

But it's useless.

This time, someone deliberately manipulated the murder of evil spirits.

It seems that they are afraid of being influenced by them, so... there is no trace to be found.

By the time there is a clue, the person is already dead.

And he spends most of his time in the company's database on the 6th floor underground, using his newly obtained director-level authority to check various relevant information.

These days, everyone is too busy, so he is the only one in the database.


Qin You is also very anxious.

According to his idea, if you want to maximize people's fear, ghosts and monsters killing people need to have enough ritual sense, just like Miss Mary.

In that case... if the higher-ups can't disclose a lot of information and don't want to directly expose the existence of the Tiangong.

At least he can.

He is an Internet celebrity monk...

At worst, he can disclose his contact information and find a way to screen valid calls and eliminate harassing calls.

It is always possible to rush to the scene before someone is harmed.

Supercharge the evil spirits and promote the Buddha's light.

However, the current situation is that... the other party is very neat and tidy. They spread fear by a few murders and then spread fear on the Internet.

So far, there are 7 deaths.

But on the Internet, some people say it is 30, some say more than 100, and some say it is 600.

No matter how you delete posts or refute rumors, they don't believe it.

In fact, the more you try to suppress it, the more people's fear grows and spreads out of control.

Qin You knows that if it continues like this, the number of victims will continue to increase, which is only one aspect.

On the other hand, the strength of these ghosts is likely to continue to grow.

Then they will permanently gain the ability to move freely.

He found a simple classification of ghosts in the database.

Very... very... rough.

The lowest level is wandering souls.

Usually wandering in a designated place, a very small area, occasionally scaring people at night, and after a while, they will disappear on their own, with almost no ability to hurt people.

The second level is the vengeful ghost.

There is a strong grudge, most of them are the kind of people who die with their eyes open, can hurt people, but rarely fatal.

There should be many branch types here, which are rarely mentioned in the information.

The analysis is very simple.

The third level is the evil ghost, which is extremely powerful and has supernatural powers.

It is easy for them to kill people, but these are usually earthbound spirits, imprisoned in a small place or an object by some unknown power or rules.

The fourth level is the 'evil', like Miss Mary, which is also an evil ghost, but it is free from restrictions and can appear in any place and at any time.

The fifth level is called Yaksha, and the description in the information is that it has a physical body, has consciousness and thinking ability that is not inferior to humans, is usually very bloodthirsty, and has supernatural powers.

The sixth level is Rakshasa, and the seventh level is Shura.

Let's not talk about it for now.

Because Qin You felt that the information was vague to the point of being almost nonsense.

He also knew that the world of ghosts and monsters tends to be chaotic, and it is difficult for real ghosts and monsters to have clear classifications like online games.

Ghosts of a certain level will be killed by aliens of a certain level. This is impossible. But at least there should be enough detailed records, right?

This classification is too rough...

For example, ghosts with physical bodies such as zombies and vampires are actually not included in this system.

If we have to put them together, are they all Yaksha-level? Even weaklings like the blood slaves? Qin You returned home in a distracted state and began to tidy up the room and do housework.

The old monk once said that when you are upset, doing cleaning and tidying can help you see your true nature and find your Buddha heart.

Although it is very likely that the master is tricking him into doing the work...

but it is indeed effective.

While sweeping the floor, Qin You had already thought of the simplest way to clear the fear in people's hearts.

Live broadcast of salvation.

Analyze ghosts.

The best way to destroy fear is to solve the mystery, even if it can only solve a small part of it.

However, he still couldn't figure out a way to find those ghosts as soon as possible.

While tidying up the room, he saw a mobile phone wrapped in a transparent bag in the drawer.

Qin You was stunned.

Then his Buddha heart was shaken.

"Namo Amitabha——!"

"I am the most powerful idiot on earth.——!"

If possible, Qin You was so excited that he wanted to pull out all his hair.

Unfortunately, it was already bald.

He saw the cell phone that was left behind by Miss Mary.

He actually forgot about it!!

【Miss Mary's cell phone: As a polite female ghost, she must inform the victim before visiting. Cell phones are the most convenient means of communication.】

【Key features: If you want to find someone, you can describe his characteristics in voice or text on your phone, and then the phone will broadcast a 100% connected call.】

【When you send a meeting invitation using Miss Mary's format, you will appear within 100 meters of the target within 24 hours of the end of the call.】

【Miss Mary's format is: Hello, I am XX, I will come to your house to see you tomorrow XX】

【If this format is not used, it is a normal call and no transfer will be made after the call ends.】

【Cost of use: After each phone call, part of the user's limbs will be turned into puppets, irreversible】

【The host can use 500 points of fear to replace this price. 】

Can I find a person? Can I find a ghost? Let's try first!

Qin You didn't waste any more time and immediately thought about the characteristics of the cat-faced old lady.

"Gray hair, half a cat face, not a living person"

【Do you want to consume 500 fear points?】


The phone was dialing.

After a short moment, the call was connected.

A terrifying and old female voice sounded.……


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