Qin You stared at her with a cold gaze.

He turned on the live camera.

In an instant, the live room had a picture.

【Here it comes! There is a live broadcast screen!】

【Where is this? Where is my husband? Where is my brother?】

【Villa area……】

【The light is too dim, please turn on the light, host】

【"Shit! Look up there!"

Qin You put this mini video recorder on his collar. Because it was a wide-angle video recorder, he could usually shoot whatever direction he was facing.

At this moment, a gloomy silhouette with white hair was squatting on the eaves of the villa.

The moonlight splashed, her white hair shone, and half of a cat's face could be vaguely seen.


A shrill cat cry!

Scared everyone in the live broadcast room... they quickly sent gifts!

The gifts flooded the screen, and the comments also flooded the screen!


【It really is an old lady with a cat face!】

【The monk found her!】

【[Fuck, the monk is skinning!]

Qin You has a high level of mental skills and an excellent vision. Although the light is dim, he can see the cat-faced old lady's appearance clearly, and he is almost unable to see through.

The figure on the roof flashed and seemed to jump down.

Qin You jumped into the villa.

Another jump, flying to the eaves!

Everyone in the live broadcast room was dazzled. The first-person perspective was too exciting, and rainbow farts began to fly.

Qin You can't watch the live broadcast room now, which is a state of zero interaction.

He was afraid that everyone would be too scared, so he began to speak in a low voice.

"As you can see, I found an old lady with a cat face."

"According to my observation, she might be a zombie.

【I don’t know why, but I’m not afraid at all now, I even feel like laughing.】

【Look what the monk found! A high-protein zombie! Chicken flavor! Crunchy!】

【Please give me some scientific advice! How to deal with zombies! 】

Qin You was on the roof and saw a swimming pool on the inside of the villa. Next to the pool was a terrace and corridor for rest and tea.

The figure of the cat-faced old lady passed by and seemed to be hidden in the shadows on the other side of the villa.

Qin You landed quietly and listened carefully.

This zombie... is too quiet.

It's really like a cat.

Unfortunately, he heard some other noises.

"Oh, don’t do that, let’s do it in the bedroom!"

"I don't want to be in bed, this is the best place……"

Qin You couldn't help but look sideways at the strange conversation between a man and a woman.

The woman who was pulling the curtains just now was now in the living room.

There was another man there, and the two of them were talking and arguing at the edge of the dining table.

The living room was brightly lit, and the two were dressed politely. The camera captured them clearly.

Qin You naturally didn't know them, but the viewers in the live broadcast room seemed to know them.

At first, many people didn't react.

【Oh my god, I am so ashamed to watch this. The horror movie instantly turned into a small H movie.……】

【Sniper! Report color!】

【Monk, you are breaking into a private house and peeping into someone's privacy. I have to say - well done! 】

Then, someone with a sharp eye said:

【Wait! Do you think this woman looks like the female star named Chu Yiyun?】

【It seems to be true……】

【That man...isn't he her husband?】

【You don't recognize this guy? This is the handsome young man Wu Yuan!】

【Damn! This is so exciting!】

【Tomorrow's headlines have been decided! 】

Qin You believed that he was pure and didn't pay too much attention to the foreplay of the two.

He tried his best to put aside all distractions and listen to the movements of the cat-faced old lady.

Not far away, there was a rustling sound.

She was hesitating.

Qin You restrained his momentum and tried to be quieter than the cat-faced old lady.

In the living room, Chu Yiyu said in a coquettish voice:"You damn ghost! At least let me draw the curtains!"

Wu Yuan smiled and said:"I can't wait any longer."

Chu Yiyu shouted:"Then I'll turn off the lights!"

After that, the lights went out and it was pitch black.


A sharp cat cry sounded, followed by the sound of glass breaking!

Qin You was also fast and followed closely behind.

The two people inside screamed!

Qin You practiced the Great Prajna Dragon Elephant Heart Sutra, his pupils were gold-plated, and he could see things in the dark.

The cat-faced old lady's claws almost reached the man's throat!

If he wanted to save people, Qin You should grab the cat-faced old lady's arm.

But he punched the cat-faced old lady in the ribs!

A low muffled sound!

Then the cat-faced old lady was hit directly on the ceiling by a powerful punch!


Fell down again!

At this time, the lights were turned on again.

Everyone in the live broadcast room immediately saw Chu Yiyun, who was terrified and disheveled.

And Wu Yuan, whose neck had been scratched and was bleeding.

Chu Yiyun screamed:"Ah——!"

Wu Yuan cried out in pain:"Ah——!!"

Qin You slapped both of them and knocked them down,"Quiet!"

Then, when the cat-faced old lady just stood up, Qin You decisively pulled out the confinement gun from his waist and fired a shot. An alloy iron ring flew over and accurately got stuck in the cat-faced old lady's neck, then automatically embedded in the ground and fixed her!

"Meow! Meow meow meow——!"

The cat-faced old lady was exposed to the light, grabbing the collar with both hands and struggling hard!

【I love this operation!】

【Isn't the monk too neat and tidy?!】

【Nice fight! But I think they should be caught and killed by the old lady with cat face!】

【Oh my god, they caught her so quickly?

Qin You didn't think it was that easy.

Sure enough, the cat-faced old lady's body tensed up, and half of her cat-face was extremely hideous. The sound of the floor cracking was heard! Although she couldn't break free from the alloy! But it seemed that her strength was strong enough to lift the floor! Crack!

Qin You didn't hesitate, and punched her with full power!

The blue-green flame of the Double Yang Divine Fist slammed into the marble floor! Instantly burned a deep pit! Missed! Qin You's pupils shrank. So fast! He had never seen such a fast ghost! At this moment, the barrage was already boiling!

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