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"The most amazing thing is the meticulousness of his thinking!"

Xue Weidong was not particularly fond of Qin You at first, but he thought Qin You was a little clever.

But thinking too much is not a good thing.

He may just be a theoretical person who likes to daydream, not down-to-earth, and not doing practical things.

Now he has completely changed his mind.

His face is full of smiles, smiling like a gerbera, feeling like praising his own child

"After he entered the underground parking garage, he first told Xiao Hong about his idea, and then what? He also thought of making the enemy careless and unaware of his actions."

"So he gave his gun to Xiao Hong"

"Let her blind-shoot around the corner!"

"It's not about hitting the person, just making the other person feel that he is also there!"

"This strategy was very successful!"

"He also found a very clever ambush location at the vehicle exit."

"Let Xiaohong act and make the enemy mistakenly think that he has left the underground parking garage……"

"Actually? He had already dug a hole and was crawling down!"

"He used the fainted Nanbei to cover the hole to prevent others from discovering his intentions.

Nanbei said depressedly,"It turns out that I am just a tool.……"

Pei Hongyu touched her head lovingly and smiled,"Who isn't?"

Her words were full of sadness.

The intern was too strong, and she couldn't save face...

Many old aliens in the field security department didn't take it seriously at first.

But Xue Weidong's analysis was very detailed.

The more they listened, the more they felt...

This monk was a bit scary...

Pei Hongyu tried to use a big move to make enough noise at that time, which was also what he had thought of long ago, in order to cover up the noise he made when digging holes below.

And his mind is extremely cruel.

A person who has never killed anyone.

One punch evaporated a girl, and she was a beautiful girl.

Without hesitation, he shot another person in the head.

There was no guilt or reaction afterwards.

You know, generally speaking, there is a difference between the minds of aliens and ordinary people.

Mind and brainpower are all one in a million.

Besides, his ability is also a mystery.

That kind of hardening ability is fine... There are many enhanced aliens, and many people have similar methods.

But he not only has hardened defense.

And that special fire ability.

Furthermore, how did he accurately determine the enemy's position underground?

His hearing was also superb? ?

How many supernatural powers did this person have? ?

The more I thought about this group of supernatural people, the more frightened I became!

Finally, Xue Weidong took out a triangular gold badge from an exquisite long mahogany box.

"The Medal of the Wise, only three have been awarded since the founding of Tiangong Company."

"The most recent award was ten years ago.……"

"This time, I made an exception and got the Medal of the Wise. I am not saying that the monk has now fully met the criteria for the Medal of the Wise, but I hope that in the future, he can do better and be fully worthy of this honor!"

Xue Weidong's eyes gently swept up the steps.

""Monk, come and receive your award!"

Warm applause instantly filled the entire venue.

Many people leaned forward to see what kind of temperament this young man code-named Monk, who is now a big celebrity on the Internet and even promotes the publicization of ghosts and strange people, has.

Daogui, who once had a conflict with Qin You, was still wearing a bandage, shrinking his head and looking around.

The applause lasted for a long time.

Xue Weidong didn't find anyone, and his face was a little stiff.

Pei Hongyu adjusted her sleeves, forced a smile, and walked onto the stage

"Uh, I'm very happy and honored to receive this honor... Heshang has something very important to do today, so he can't come here. As his team leader, I will accept this honor on his behalf today!" As soon as these words came out, the audience on and off the stage suddenly felt awkward.

Such a big honor...but this guy didn't even come?

After praising him for a long time, it turned out that the protagonist was not present?

Xue Weidong couldn't help but tried his best to keep smiling:"Where did Heshang...go? Isn't he still an intern? So busy?"

"Yes... it's like this."

Pei Hongyu suddenly had an idea and made up a story:"A... very, very... very, very... scary ghost appeared in Baoshan District."


"Probably...probably at the level of Yaksha!"

"He was almost there! But he found Yaksha at the last minute! So he rushed over to deal with it!"

Xue Weidong was full of doubt:"Is that so?"

Pei Hongyu puffed out her chest and used a loud voice to cover up her guilty conscience:"Of course!"


In fact, Qin You was fooling around with Nangong Kaixin from the Light Weapons R&D Department.

"This is not okay, that is not okay, what do you want? Do you want to drive me to death?"

"I said, I like the Gatling gun mode, but the speed must be increased?"

"The speed is already 7000 rounds per minute! It is far higher than the international standard! What else do you want?!"

"I hope it's in seconds.……"

Nangong Kaixin kicked his legs and collapsed:"Just kill me!"……"

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