Jiang Qian's family, inside and outside the villa's guard staff is increased a lot.

After accompanying Xiang Junyi to see Chen Hao off, Jiang Libai immediately found time to report the situation to the upper peak of Wudao alliance.

After all, he is only an honorary director. In fact, he doesn't grasp too much practice. Therefore, such things as contacting and communicating with Chen Hao are usually handled by a commissioner.

However, as Jiang lipai, he successfully attracted the attention of the alliance.

Just at noon, a foreign affairs section chief came from the province, and called the local alliance warriors of Jiangcheng to come to Jiang Qian's home.

"Hello, Jiang Lishi. I'm Xu Beiping, head of the Foreign Affairs Section of Hedong province of Wudao alliance. I'm usually in charge of communication with some ancient martial families. This is Dai Jiao, Captain Dai. I'm in charge of the inspection of Jiangcheng."

Xu Beiping is a young martial artist in his early 30s. His strength is only at the peak of his physical fitness, but he has not yet reached the xuanjing strength.

So when he introduced himself, Jiang Libai was dissatisfied with the work of the alliance

He has already reported to the higher authorities of Hedong province that there is a 20-year-old huajinwu here in Jiangcheng, but now the Wudao alliance has only sent a young section chief who is not even a xuanjing wuzhe in his thirties, with a Waigang wuzhe in the middle of xuanjing

This is simply not taking his report as one thing!

It's not a small problem to know that the birth of a master Huajin who has been in the Martial Arts Alliance without identity authentication. Once the master Huajin bursts out due to carelessness, it will lead to a tragedy that ordinary people can't imagine.

Jiang lipai once encountered such a task for master Huajin. It was a near death. Many tragic scenes have scared him until now.

So he frowned and asked the two warriors in front of him, "so this is the response of the Wudao alliance in Hedong Province, sending you two to see the Huajin master I said?"

"Well, yes."

Xu Beiping's mood control is not particularly good. After being questioned by Jiang Libo, his face immediately changed into a standard smile.

In fact, he was extremely dismissive of the things reported by Jiang Libo in his heart.

Twenty years old, master Huajin... What a joke!

At that time, Xu Beiping accompanied the leaders in their office and laughed loudly. He thought that Jiang lipai was just making a fool of himself.

As the head of the Foreign Affairs Section, Xu Beiping encounters many false reports every year, saying that he has discovered martial arts masters all over the country, and most of these problems come from some martial arts masters who hold honorary positions in the Martial Arts Alliance.

Why and how do these people do it.

The alliance of martial arts and Taoism stipulates that if someone finds out that there are no high-level martial artists in the compilation process, they will be rewarded with good results, because there are still too many hidden martial artists at this time.

If the alliance wants to compete with some of the existing ancient martial families, it must attract more martial artists.

So those who don't have the real power, real duty and honorary position just take this point and make up a false news about the discovery of xuanjing warrior or Huajin warrior. How can they cheat an investigation team to inspect? And how can they get a lot of benefits in the process.

Xu Beiping has experienced several tricks. Even if the investigation team led by him failed to find the senior martial artists reported to the police, they also had excuses. The commander said that the great master was not an ordinary person walking everywhere, and it was normal to find and disappear.

The investigation team really has nothing to do with these scoundrels.

So after he and his superior leaders got Jiang lipai's serious report, no one believed Jiang lipai at all, and they all felt that this was also a fraud.

On the whole, it's still that problem.

Twenty year old master Huajin, who are you cheating on!

However, Xu Beiping in the face of Jiang lipai, or efforts to control their emotions.

Because in the Wudao alliance of Hedong Province, most people know that Jiang Libo has a special identity. Before, his brother was rated as a martyr by the Wudao alliance, and his old superior is now prosperous.

Therefore, before and after Xu Beiping accepted this report, the leader specially instructed him to be polite to Jiang lipai, and be sure to understand whether Jiang lipai has any practical difficulties. Anyway, it's good to be satisfied with everything.

Xu Beiping has no opinion about this kind of thing. It's all work anyway.

However, as a child of a martial arts family, he naturally pursues something when he works in the Martial Arts Alliance. So when he looks at Jiang Libo's insinuation, he still feels a great dissatisfaction.

You said that you would find a good opportunity to take advantage of the investigation team. Why question us like this?

Do you think it's easy for us to waste our time to investigate when we know there's no problem here, so why waste our time?

Xu Beiping really thought a lot at this moment, but he finally put up with his dissatisfaction and turned to Jiang Libo and said, "Jiang Lishi, we are very serious about the 20-year-old master Huajin that you reported, so please tell me the information about the young warrior you met. We need to make a serious investigation."

In this sentence, Xu Beiping deliberately used the stress on the word "serious".

His meaning is also very clear.

OK, you're the one who's looking for trouble. Then I'll get down to business. If you give me specific information, I'll investigate and see who's embarrassed when I see it.

Dai Jiao, standing on one side, immediately lowered his head slightly.

He is a military captain, equivalent to the leader of a local military combat team. He also doesn't want to get into any trouble in the case of Xu Beiping and Jiang Libo. At least he can't show his support to anyone.

Dai Jiao himself had a brief talk with Xu Beiping about this matter. In essence, he supported the foreign affairs chief.

Born in a martial arts family, he is a native of Jiangcheng. He grew up in Jiangcheng. So he is not familiar with the local martial arts. Moreover, there are no famous mountains and rivers near Jiangcheng. How can a 20-year-old local Huajin master suddenly appear?

Isn't that funny!

How can there be so many Huajin masters in the world for you to find out!

So Dai Jiao felt that he just came to do something about it, and strive for a reasonable way to help the leaders solve the problem quickly.

"Oh, you want specific information?"

Jiang Li Bai looks at Xu Bei Ping's posture of being responsible and not giving up. If he realizes something at once, he will sneer in his heart after thinking about it.

Then he directly took the information he had prepared on the coffee table in front of him, and casually said to Xu Beiping and Dai Jiao, "this is all the information I collected. Chen Hao, 20, graduated from high school, his parents died. Now he lives in a community of Gaoxin road night market. Now you go to find him, he should be at home."


Xu Beiping was stunned when he heard the words.

It's easy to say anything that has information. Anyway, if you just make it up, you can cheat people. But how do you explain that the 20-year-old master Huajin you found is at home?


Xu Beiping subconsciously glances at Dai Jiao, and the result is that the look of Dai Jiao is obviously wrong.

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