"Somebody, somebody help quickly!"

Chen Hao is hesitating, suddenly found in the other side of the truck ran a man and a woman two traffic police, as well as a few enthusiastic rescue crowd.

These are being rescued around the trucks, and several of them have been sent to the silver sports car for observation.

"The woman driver is still alive. She's really lucky!"

"The driver is in a coma. I yelled a few times and didn't respond."

"No, the doors are smashed and can't be opened at all, and the people on the car are penetrated by the steel pipe and can't move freely!"

"We have to find a way to drive the truck away first, or it will be dangerous to save people here!"

When Chen Hao saw this, he raised his eyebrows again.

Although he did not decide whether or not to rescue the driver in the sports car, he was touched by the traffic police and the masses who saved people. He felt that these people were saving people near the truck, and the unbound steel pipes on the truck would indeed bring danger to their rescue.

So he took a look at the carriage of the van.

"I'd better go and help. Anyway, the one on the sports car is just waiting for other paramedics. I don't care."

Chen Hao can feel that after he comes up with this idea, the spiritual power of the dragon ball is growing slowly. He is probably dissatisfied with his choice.

However, Chen Hao felt that what he could see was what he could see, and what he didn't like was what he didn't like.

If you want him to do what he doesn't want to do, there's no way!

So regardless of the attitude of Longzhu, he went to the truck and found the woman who was in command, ready to help.

"Officer, my name is Chen Hao. What can I do for you?"

Chen Hao goes to Zhou Ting and looks at the policewoman trying to wake up the driver who was also seriously injured and comatose on the truck. He looks for an opportunity to interrupt and ask.

Zhou Ting turned her head and was a little surprised when she saw Chen Hao.

She had noticed each other before, and it was before the young man took the initiative to save others.

It was this young man who just blocked dozens of steel pipes with his flesh and blood to protect the little beetle car.

It's a pity that only she can see this scene.

So in fact, she was quite curious, Chen Hao in the end is not a story of the kind of reclusive martial arts master in the city, otherwise how can someone be so powerful!

But when Zhou Ting saw Chen Hao, she was more curious.

So she subconsciously turned her eyes and looked at the beetle car that had just been protected by Chen Hao.

I don't know when the car drove to the side of the road dozens of meters away. A young woman in a white suit and skirt came down from the driver's seat and looked this way with concern.

With a woman's intuition, Zhou Ting sees that the beautiful woman is looking at Chen Hao.

"So, the boy just faced those dangerous building materials and steel pipes to protect the woman..."

Zhou Ting in the heart of inexplicable sigh, and sincerely gave birth to a warm.

Although she doesn't know who Chen Hao is and what his identity is, at least a man who dares to face the danger in order to protect women deserves her trust.

"Hello, I'm Zhou Ting, the traffic police on duty. Thank you for your help."

Zhou Ting immediately thanks Chen Hao.

Because she knows that this kind of rescue work is her duty, but for others, it's pure volunteer work.

This also makes Zhou Ting silently add points to Chen Hao in her heart. At least, compared with those who are not far away from the crowd, those who come to help at such a dangerous time are good!

"Officer Zhou, the doors on both sides of the lorry are crushed and can't be opened. What should we do?"

On one side of the truck, a man who helps to save people looks embarrassed and indicates the position of the door handle to Zhou Ting.

It can be seen that the steel plate near the handle has been deeply concave and stuck. It seems that the door can't be opened in the normal way.

"Go to the opposite side and smash the window to see if you can save people!"

Zhou Ting could see the driver leaning on the left door in a daze, so she made a decision immediately.

Seeing that the situation was urgent, Chen Hao immediately glanced at the driver of the truck and frowned at He Wen and said, "no, the driver is too fat. He has to weigh 300 Jin. Even if he breaks the window, he can't get people out. He has to break the windshield of the truck."

On hearing this, Zhou Ting quickly took another look and found that it was.

She immediately yelled at the people around her.

"Everybody, we have to break the front windshield to save people."

Shouting, she walked to the front of the car.

Seeing this, a man in a hurry to save people picked up a shorter steel pipe from the ground and smashed it into the front windshield of the truck.

As a result, there were several "bang bang" sounds from the windshield, but only a few fine cracks were found.

A lot of people are stupid.

At the critical moment, how can we save people when your windshield is so strong!

Chen Hao looked worried and thought that he could try Xuanqing Taiji palm. He rushed forward immediately and yelled to the people around the car: "let's get out of the way first. I can break this glass. You just prepare to save people!"

There were several suspicious eyes around Chen Hao immediately.

"Don't make trouble, young man!"

"Just pick up a steel pipe and come and help!"

Several people are subconsciously frowning after seeing Chen Hao go forward with his bare hands.

However, Chen Hao didn't pay attention to the shouts of the rescuers or their attitude. Instead, he quickly walked to the truck without saying a word. He directly lifted up his spiritual power to push his body to jump up in place and slapped his palm on the windshield of the truck.


Under this palm, there was a big shock on the windshield.

Chen Hao's Xuanqing Taiji palm's soft power suddenly burst out, and the whole windshield was covered.


Chen Hao's eyes were slightly fixed, and his mouth spewed out a word in a soft voice.

Then, in the sight of everyone, the front windshield of the truck crashed into pieces. In the blink of an eye, it turned into innumerable pieces of dross and fell to the ground, just like a water curtain waterfall.

"Broken... Really broken!"

At the beginning, the man who denounced Chen Hao was stunned, and his expression was filled with an indescribable surprise.

Zhou Ting was also startled by Chen Hao's action. Originally, she also wanted to dissuade the young man. After all, if she broke the glass with her bare hands, she would get hurt. Moreover, the front windshields of large trucks are generally very heavy and hard to break.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Chen Hao actually smashed the windshield with one hand, and it broke like that. It's hard to imagine how he did all this.

"So... Who the hell is this?"

At this moment, not only Zhou Ting, but all the rescuers around the truck came up with such an idea.

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