
Chen Hao exclaimed in his heart!

If this lets Wen elder sister see the thing in his hand, don't regard him as a pervert is to see ghost!

This moment.

The little object that made Chen Hao feel red and heartbeating was like a hot iron, which was extremely hot.

"Never let sister Wen see it!"

Chen Hao's subconscious is to throw away his swimming trunks.

But without waiting for him to respond, he Wen at the door is turning around.

In the electric light and flint room, Chen Hao's heart was tight and he quickly withdrew his body to the bedroom. Leaning against the wall beside the bedroom door, he heard his heart thumping.

"Well? It's so cool. The air conditioner is on.

I didn't expect that Chen Hao's action was quite fast, but he was still careless. After installing the air conditioner, he left without turning it off.

Next time, we must say something about him, or whose electricity bill will be charged. "

He wen talks to herself outside the door. She seems to find the air conditioner turned on in the bedroom. She immediately hears the sound of her high heels stepping on the floor coming towards the bedroom.

Chen Hao felt that his back was soaked in cold sweat, and his heart was about to jump out of his chest in this second.

At ordinary times, he also likes sister Wen's careful calculation, but now it's too terrible.

"What to do!"

"If sister Wen comes into the room and sees me, it will be a bad dish!"

Chen Hao doesn't want his good image in front of He Wen to be destroyed by such a sudden situation.

So he immediately looked around the bedroom in a panic, and finally fell straight under the big bed which was only a few steps away from him, only there was enough space to hide.


As soon as Chen Hao gritted his teeth, he slipped his swimming trunks into his trousers pocket. Then he immediately fell to the ground with the fastest and lightest action and quickly climbed under the wooden bed.

Step, step.

As soon as Chen haogang got down, he saw a pair of elegant black high-heeled shoes coming in from the door. Looking up from the bottom, he could see a small part of his beautiful leg in black silk stockings, which was slim and moderate, with perfect curves



I'm dead if I'm found out!

Chen Hao's whole body was tense and stiff at this moment, like a stone. He did not dare to move, nor did he dare to breathe loudly.

He Wen's high-heeled shoes finally stand in front of the air conditioner, it seems that the air conditioner is blowing face to face.

All of a sudden.

He wen sent out a kind of soft and graceful groan as if a kitten was coquettish.

"Ah, it's so comfortable ~ ~ ~ Chen Hao is generous this time, otherwise he will be sad this summer."

Chen Hao lies under the bed, the whole person is almost exposed by He Wen's moaning all his life.

He did not expect that sister Wen, who was as pure and gentle as her neighbor's sister, would make such a tempting and criminal voice. He could only hear her blood surging up and her brain numbing.

But what do you mean by being generous?

Chen Hao turned his lips in silence.

He does pay great attention to frugality in spending money, but after all, he has to plan for his future life. It's definitely not mean.

But if sister Wen thinks so

Maybe you can be a little better?

It's like inviting sister Wen to dinner?

But I did it several times ago. It's the other party who told me not to spend money indiscriminately and save more money to find a girlfriend in the future!

"Well? How did this little guy leave his tools here? "

Chen Hao is thinking wildly, as a result, he wen suddenly came out of the next sentence to frighten.

He forgot about the tools.

Through the space under the big bed, Chen Hao can clearly see that the tools he used to install the air conditioner are scattered on the ground, just at He Wen's feet.

At this time, if he wen lowers her head to pick up a tool, she will definitely find him hiding under the bed!

"Amitabha, boundless God, Amen, don't let sister Wen look down at those tools!"

Chen Hao was sweating all over, and he was really praying for Buddha in his heart.

not so bad!

He wen just happily blew the air conditioner a few times, talked to herself a few words and then turned to the sofa.

This time, Chen Hao's spirit was tight again.

If sister Wen finds that there are some things missing, God knows if she will be exposed!

As a result

He wen sat down on the sofa and let out a cat like groan again. She didn't find the "important thing" Chen Hao was worried about.

"Hoo... Thank God."

Chen Hao only felt that he was scared to death in a short period of time. Please close your eyes and slowly spit out a mouthful of worry.

It's just the next moment.

Chen Hao's face changed when he opened his eyes again.

He wen actually sat on the sofa and took off her clothes. From his current position, she could see all the beautiful scenery below her neck

Chen Hao was silly at first, then excited, but at the end of his heart he let out a complex cry.


Are you going to kill me!

Just now he just accidentally moved the other party's swimsuit. If he is found, he can explain it. But now he lies under the bed and sees the other party taking off his clothes. In this case, if he is found, he can't explain it clearly!


He wen casually throws the blue lady's suit and skirt on the sofa, revealing a set of intimate underwear soaked in sweat.


Chen Hao's brain is blank. He is lying under the bed. He is so big that he has never seen a girl wearing so little. It's really exciting.

It's just that Chen Hao didn't think of it.

More exciting is still behind!

He Wen, who is full of sweat, is about to take a shower. She spreads out her hair behind her head. After changing her slippers, she walks to the bathroom step by step and takes off the last few covers, leaving Chen Hao with a perfect back.


It's beautiful everywhere!

Sister Wen is indeed the most perfect person in the world!

Chen Hao was stunned, and felt that his mind was a little erratic.

Whoa, whoa

There was a quick shower in the bathroom

Chen Hao subconsciously glanced at the translucent bathroom sliding door, which reflected the extremely slim and attractive posture, and instantly inspired.

If he wen found out, don't say whether sister Wen will become her own charterer. It's normal for the other party to call the police and take away the pervert who is hiding under the bed and peeping!

"No! The situation is so serious that the friendly forces must evacuate quickly! "

"Now taking advantage of sister Wen's shower is the best chance to escape!"

Chen Hao woke up and looked around, trying to find a way to escape.

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