Chen Hao watched Xiang Junyi and his party walk into the emergency room. The male nurse who let the wind out at the door was dragged into the room by a tough man, and was obviously knocked unconscious.

"Who is the attending doctor! How is my young lady now? "

In front of Xiang Junyi, an old man in a Tang suit with black and white sides came forward and cheered, supporting several dull looking doctors and nurses in the room.

Naturally, no one responded to him.

Because Chen Hao gave orders to the spirits of these people before. Although he told Jiang Qian just now that it was only ten minutes, as long as he did not remove the Dementor, these people could not return to normal in a short time.

So Xiang Junyi's line of sight immediately fell on Chen Hao.

No way out.

It's really because the situation in the emergency room is too strange. Doctors and nurses are standing on the walls all around. Chen Hao is the only one standing in front of Jiang Qian's emergency bed covered with blood.

"Who are you?"

Xiang Junyi frowns and looks at Chen Hao.

At this time, several fierce men around her knocked down all the doctors and nurses, fanned out and surrounded them.

And the old man in Tang costume ignored Chen Hao and walked up to Jiang Qian, as if to check her condition.

Chen Hao sees this kind of situation now, not from obscure pick eyebrow.

Although he likes trouble, he won't have a good voice if he doesn't give face.

Especially now, although Jiang Qian is covered with a doctor's white coat, the clothes inside are actually quite worn out. If the old man lifts the coat, all the men present will see it.

This is not going to work!

No matter how to say, Jiang Qian is also the girl he saved, but also has a straightforward confession to him, can't ignore!

Chen Hao stopped in front of the old man in Tang Dynasty.

"Jiang Qian is very good. You don't have to worry."

The old man in Tang costume frowned slightly, stopped, turned his head and looked at Junyi.

"Do you know Xiaoqian?"

Xiang Junyi took a step forward. As a result, the bodyguards around her were all forward at the same time, and they were very cautious.

"I think so."

Chen Haojian asked Junyi, pondered and answered.


Xiang Junyi nodded at Chen Hao, and then said to the people around him calmly: "knock him out, take miss home."


Chen Hao's right eyebrow picks, unexpectedly Xiang Junyi is so unreasonable.

Just as Chen Hao came up with this idea, he found that the old man in Tang costume in front of him was moving. He stepped forward with his left foot and hit him on the neck with the back of his backhand.

"If a normal person is hit by this, he will faint directly, but his neck will be uncomfortable after the accident."

"It's the old man. He can do it fast enough."

Chen Hao's brain again came up with two flashes, but his heart was not slow about all this.

After all, he is also an expert who has seen monsters in the underworld and summoned thunder to kill demons. In addition to the martial arts memory instilled in him in the Dragon inheritance, although the hand of the old man in Tang costume is far beyond ordinary people, it is not enough to make him lose his sense of propriety.

Even, Chen Hao realized that there was almost a gap between the other side and himself in the realm of martial arts. He felt that he could defeat the other side with one finger.

"It seems that we can't do without showing our hand."

Chen Hao heart mirror is the same, now the situation is not hands, the other side will not let go of their own.

So he immediately raised his hand to the side of his body, and Xuanqing Taiji palm moved, letting the old man's backhand hit him.


The old man in Tang costume hit Chen Hao's right arm heavily with his backhand. As a result, all his strength sank into the sea in an instant, and immediately felt a vast force coming back. It was like a tsunami, which made him lose consciousness in the back of his fist.


The old man in Tang Dynasty found that Chen Hao's speed was too fast, so he didn't hit the other side's neck at all. Instead, he was blocked by the other side's one arm.

Just when he came up with this idea, he knew that everything was over.


The old man's arm was rolled back by Chen Hao's strength, and lost control with his whole body. It was like a top that was twitched. It had been four or five turns, but it didn't finish.

"Uncle Xu!"

Seeing this, several intrepid bodyguards rushed forward to help others. As a result, just as they put their hands on the old man in Tang costume, they were shot out in an instant.

But this is to reduce a lot of strength, the old man known as Uncle Xu finally faltered and stopped.

Shua! Shua Shua!

Just finished, handsome Chen Hao suddenly found that the two bodyguards actually put their hands behind them, and instantly made a draw action.

Don't ask Chen Hao why he knows.

Because his sense of facial features is far beyond ordinary people, he has seen the holster behind the two bodyguards and the black pistol inside.


Chen Hao turned his mouth. Now he is not afraid of pistols.

In other words, he is a man who killed monsters and is afraid of pistols. He only has two pistols. It is not a group of armed special forces that surround him and can have a certain impact on him.

So he picked up two gauze rolls from a tray of the nearby operation truck, attached a wisp of spiritual power, and threw them out with his backhand.


Two gauze instantly hit the wrist of the bodyguard who drew the gun. The people nearby seemed to hear a click, and then the two bodyguards with guns all grunted and covered their wrists. Their faces changed greatly.

"Hey, don't move. If I misunderstand you, you won't be safe."

Chen Hao is a little angry said.


These people are going to shoot him!

If he didn't get the Dragon inheritance and become so powerful all of a sudden, he might be left here today, and there would be no place to find someone to reason.

So Chen Hao is a little angry.

He cherishes his life very much, so he doesn't mind pre empting if anyone dares to threaten him.

"Who the hell is this?"

Xiang Junyi takes a look at Uncle Xu, who looks serious. He also takes a look at the bodyguard who pulls out the gun but is interrupted by his wrist and the two gauze weapons on the ground. He is in a state of consternation.

"It's marvelous to have the inner strength and the outer strength..."

The old man in Tang costume finally came back. He also saw several bodyguards who fell to the ground and broke their wrists. However, as a man who personally fought with Chen Hao, he just felt that his heart jumped to his throat and almost jumped out.

But after seeing that no one had been killed, I was relieved.

Then he turned to Chen Hao and threw his fist to all of Junyi's party. He respectfully said to Chen Hao, "I don't know if it's the master in front of us. I hope the master will forgive us for our disrespect."

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