Step, step.

After Chen Hao came out of the operating room, there was no one in the corridor. It seems that Xiang Junyi and his party specially arranged it.

He can't help sighing: "tut Tut, you are a big real estate developer. You can run wild in hospitals like this. It seems that money is everything in the world."

As a result, as soon as he left, Xiang Junyi immediately clenched the curse in his hand and looked very complicated.

"What are we going to do now, miss?"

Xu Shuyi face Shen Ning, is also close to Jun Yi asked.

Just now many of his subordinates saw that surreal charm monster, which broke many people's world outlook.

No one thought that there are ghosts in this world!

But what shocked them even more was that Chen Hao could defeat the light and shadow monster with his bare hands, which made them even more incredible.

So Uncle Xu saw that these people's morale had been captured by Chen Hao, and his heart was complex.

Xiang Junyi's mood is also quite complex, but she holds the curse in her hand tightly, thinking that the charm has three levels of activation methods.

The first level is to summon light and shadow monsters, leaving a little room.

The second level is the choice of self explosion for survival, which is somewhat fierce.

The third layer will not be activated until the last moment, which is also the biggest secret she has protected in this life. As long as it is activated, she feels that Chen Hao, who is leaving, can not resist.


How does she choose?

Chen haogang has just been merciful to them, and it seems that he is really a friend of his daughter.

As a result, at this time, Xiang Junyi suddenly found that the curse in his hand suddenly vibrated autonomously, and a ferocious and surging force suddenly gushed out, making the whole charm immediately out of his control.

What's going on?

Xiang Junyi looks tight, as a result, a voice suddenly rings out in her mind.

"I'll deal with that kid..."

The strong woman's face immediately relaxed, because it was the person who gave her this charm that found out that she was in an accident, and actually sent a message from another place to help her solve the difficult situation.


The curse immediately broke away from Xiang Junyi's palm, and the monster figure in the shape of pig head appeared again. At first, it was only half the size of a card, and then it became bigger quickly.

Inexplicably, all people who see this scene can feel that the momentum of the growing monster is more powerful and fierce, just like the difference between an ant and a black bear.

Xiang Junyi immediately withdrew.

Because she knew that when Xu Shu was young in his early years, he was also the loser of this man. But Xu Shu's strength gradually declined these years, so he was not the top strength defeated by Chen Hao.

Therefore, she believes that the people who give her the curse will not be aimless, saying that they will help her suppress Chen Hao's arrogance, then they can do it!

However, considering Jiang Qian's problem, maybe that person will leave some leeway?

Xiang Junyi frowned slightly. For a moment, she didn't know what would happen next. Things were out of her control.

Xu Shuyu stopped talking and finally stood by his young lady.

Since the young lady wants to target Chen Hao, then he can only sacrifice his life to accompany him.


Chen Hao didn't go out for a few steps, but felt a momentum behind him.

This time Chen Hao hummed coldly in his heart.

After all, he clearly tolerated Xiang Junyi once, but as a result, these people even wanted to do something against him.

So this time he won't be lenient.

As a result, as soon as he thought of it, he heard Jiang Qian yelling angrily: "Hey! How dare you encourage my mother to do things! How bold

When Xiang Junyi and her party heard Jiang Qian complaining, they all turned subconsciously.

A group of people immediately widened their eyes.

Jiang Qian's young and pretty face was full of willow eyebrows. She flew up in the air without any warning. She was as elegant as an immortal, and her whole body was full of the cool brilliance of a bright moon.

Without waiting for them to reflect.

Jiang Qian's body shape is like a moonlight flying sword. In the blink of an eye, she passed through a distance of more than ten meters and landed in front of the light and shadow monster who had just become the size of a person, but whose momentum was far more than several times of the previous curse.

Then Jiang Qian looks at the light and shadow monster unhappily, and suddenly projects a crescent moon shadow directly at the light and shadow monster.


When the light and shadow giant comes into contact with Jiang Qian's crescent moon light, it's like being held tightly by an invisible beater. The monster is directly crushed by Shengsheng. The curse, which is the core of the monster, is also suddenly burning, and in the blink of an eye it becomes a mass of fly ash.

Finally, around Jiang Qian, there was only a bright light like moonlight, just like a fallen immortal.

Xiang Junyi and Xu Shu were also stunned.

Not to mention the bodyguards behind them, all of them were completely shocked!

If they didn't know Chen Hao before and felt that he was a strong young man who didn't have an accident, then when they saw Jiang Qian again, everyone's heart was full of disbelief.

Because they all know that Jiang Qian is just a dandy with a proud and charming personality. She is always sensible as long as she doesn't cause trouble.

But when did Jiang Qian become so powerful!

This dandy girl can even fly in the air, only her eyebrows shine, and the light and shadow monster is completely wiped out.

This... Feels like the legendary Qi practitioners or immortals. It really breaks their understanding of the world.


Xiang Junyi finds that Jiang Qian's practice makes her directly lose contact with the curse, and her heart suddenly becomes tight.

She doesn't know if this situation will do harm to the people who give her the charm and protect her and Jiang Qian.

But she is more concerned about Jiang Qian, do not know what happened to each other!

Because she looked at Jiang Qian flying in front of her, she suddenly felt that her daughter was so strange that she destroyed the power of the curse, which was more powerful than Chen Hao!

Jiang Qian after finishing these, immediately peeked at Chen Hao, see each other just body slightly pause for a while, continue to leave, this just a long breath.

"Mom! You are not allowed to do anything against Chen Hao in the future. If someone has saved me this time, he has given me the strength now, even symbiosis with his spirit. If he is really dead, I have to die with him! "

"So if you dare to attack him again in the future, I'll have to wipe out my relatives with justice!"


Both Xiang Junyi and Xu Shu look at Jiang Qian in disbelief.

They never thought that Jiang Qian's strength was given by Chen Hao.

If that's the case, just because Jiang Qian has been able to destroy the whole curse in an instant, how strong will Chen Hao be.

Everyone was shocked again!

At this moment, Uncle Xu couldn't help looking at Chen Hao's back and murmuring with astonishment: "God, isn't he not only the master of Huajin, but also the master of Huajin, whose strength is above that, reaching the divine realm that all martial arts have not reached today?"

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