"By the way, what happened to Li Hong?"

"With her inner strength and martial arts skills, as long as you are careful, the people of this killer organization should not be able to threaten her."

Chen Hao soon thought of Li Hong.

However, he had great confidence in his opponent's skill, so after playing with the sniper gun a few times, he took a look at the small park with a single shot.

As a result, Chen Hao's one eye suddenly widened and his look changed.

At this time, Li Hong has solved several pursuit shooters in the park with a gun. She is looking up to the roof of the building on his side, probably because she heard the sound of the gun and is on the alert.

Originally, Chen Hao also wanted to make complaints about the other side. If he was a sniper, Li Hong would not really be able to avoid the sniping at this point.

But just then!

Chen Hao suddenly found that in the dark woods behind Li Hong, a fast figure suddenly flashed out and rushed to Li Hong's back with his bare hands.

"It's Chinese!"

"The inner warrior!"

Chen Hao's brain instantly calm analysis of the two information, holding a sniper gun palm suddenly tight.

The key is not only that, Chen Hao found in the side of the dark also lurking another figure, is fast approaching is being attacked Li Hong.

"Damn it! They forget that the people who hire giant wolves are Huaxia people, and they still have such backers! "

Chen Hao immediately secretly scolded, subconsciously turned to the stairs with a sniper gun.

In this case, Li Hong is really dangerous, because her opponents are no longer foreign killers who only know how to use guns, but become two Chinese warriors who have been lurking in the dark.

They definitely calculate that Li Hong is easy to solve the killer of the giant wolves, and then seize the other party's state of not fully focused to sneak attack.

So, this kind of insidious calculation can't be done well, it will really succeed!

Step, step.

Chen Hao dashed out a few steps. As a result, when he was near the top of the stairs, he stopped suddenly.

"No, it's too time-consuming to run down the stairs. It's a fight between Neijin and wuzhe. Li Hong may not be able to carry on for long under the condition of sneak attack, so it's too late here..."


As soon as Chen Hao's eyes turned, he immediately looked into the air outside the side building.

"Hey! I seem to be out of my mind

Chen Hao suddenly make complaints about himself, but his physical action immediately transcends the complex ideas in his mind and rushing to the edge of the roof.

He doesn't want to see that sexy and charming witch being plotted like this.

So he's going to take the shortest shortcut to the park.


Chen Hao rushed to the edge of the building, looked down and found the exterior wall air conditioner he wanted. Then he was like a winged ROC and jumped down without hesitation.

It's important to save people!

Chen Hao's heart at this moment is only such an idea... And a raging anger!

The two internal fighters who attacked Li Hong were so angry that they not only brought foreign killers to make trouble in Jiangcheng, but also wanted to kill their own compatriots. How much gratitude and resentment must they have.

At least he can't watch it any more.

And with his intuition, Chen Hao seems to find that the lurking warriors there are not just the two he sees through the sniper mirror


Li Hong suddenly hears an unexpected wind behind her and immediately tightens her whole body.

There's a sneak attack!

Between the electric light and flint, Li Hong immediately turns around and raises her gun after she knows what happened.

To her surprise, it was not the foreign killers she had met before, but a man in his thirties with a Chinese face. The other side had no weapons in his hands, but the ferocious and masculine strength in his fists was more dangerous.

"He's an inner warrior!"

Li Hong's eyebrows wrinkled to speed up her body rotation.

She knew that she had been offered a lot of money abroad, and it was normal for her to attract some foreign killers. However, if she had attracted domestic fighters, it would only mean that a big event she had done before had really caused a hornet's nest and caused her an unimaginable trouble.

So the man who attacked her as an internal warrior can be explained. After all, the warrior who is regarded as a master in China is not a general force that can command and call.


"Change your moves. You can't use guns."

Li Hong's mind turns and immediately throws away the pistol in her hands.

The attacker was too close to her, and the strength of the other side was not much weaker than herself, so she figured out that she had no chance to aim the muzzle of the gun at the other side. On the contrary, she would lose the time to set her fist and foot posture because of holding the weapon.

This is definitely not worth the loss!

So Li Hong chose to take one fist and one palm back to her chest quickly. First, she clenched her right fist and hit the attacker's face like thunder and lightning. Then, she flattened her left palm and turned up from her feet. It was like a tornado sitting on the ground. She rolled the attacker's fists into the air like autumn leaves.


When the attacker saw this, he immediately gave a break, and his fists increased the pressure, trying to break Li Hong's one palm one arm move.

But the strength of Li Hong's body rotation has been led to her left arm. Her internal strength also instantly produces a viscous suction on her left arm. She precisely guides the attacker's fists in this defensive move, and directly shakes the opponent's lower plate.

The attacker suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He was just stealing chicken, but he could not eat rice. He had expected that his double fists could break Li Hong's defense first, which would make the opponent's one punch counterattack useless.

However, Li Hong's inner strength cultivation was much higher than that of him. As soon as they met, they immediately separated.

So the attacker can only quickly retract his arms and protect his head and face at full speed.


Li Hong's single fist is like a completely solid metal pan. One of her fists smashes on the attacker's arms, making the other's arms sound like the dull sound of a rag leather being beaten.

Kick, kick.

The attacker's footwall was unstable, which made him unable to resist Li Hong's fist force. The long sleeves of the cloth shirt on his arms broke one after another. He also stepped back seven or eight steps in a broken cloth to stabilize his body. He gasped immediately and took the time to breathe back quickly.

"Those who are strong inside, how can they do such a mean thing of sneak attack?"

Li Hong instantly saw the strength of the other side, can't help frowning and drinking.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that you, the remaining evildoer of the Li family, would dare to go back to China. Do you think the adults who destroyed your Li family didn't notice you?"

The attacker laughs at Li Hong, but he doesn't wait for his breath to finish, so he leans forward again.

Li Hong felt a sudden tremor in her heart, and immediately put on a cross posture.

It's like a thorn hidden in her heart for many years. She came back this time just to continue to find out. Unexpectedly, she was suddenly exposed.

How could it not surprise her.

Just when Li Hong's thoughts came to this point, another figure suddenly appeared in the dark not far away, and her fists were fierce.

This is another ambush attack of the internal force!

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