"Don't think about it. Huang Qing showed up here today. Everything I just met must be his responsibility."

"I just can't imagine that even Huang Qing, who was only a nobody in those days, has such great power now that he can call up foreign killer organizations to come here for me."

Li Hong's eyebrows were frowning, and she was in a hurry.

She knows that the moment of death is often in an instant, but it must be that the other party is willing to fight with you. Otherwise, even if she is not afraid of any inner martial arts of the same level, she can't help it.

Just like the current situation, it shows that in order to target her, Huang Qing has long used the favorable conditions of all parties to design this ambush.

And the other side appears, also shows that Huang Qing has determined that she has fallen into a desperate situation.


Although Li Hong hates Huang Qing to death, she has to admit that she is really in a desperate situation by the other party. She has no idea that she still has any chance to turn over.

Because even without Huang Qing, who was far more powerful than her in those years, the strength of another young man seems to be equal to that of her in her heyday.

This does not include the two fighters who attacked her before

In short, being targeted like this, she was defeated as she should, but she had no choice.

"Ha ha."

The tall man named Huang Qing by Li Hong was born with a low smile. He looked at Li Hong with a flat look and said, "little Li Hong, do you think it's better for me to call you red Oriole or younger martial sister, but I haven't forgotten the scar you left me when I was young..."

Huang Qing touched the scar on his face. When he laughed, a face seemed to be a mask, false to death.

"Bah! Huang Qing, you conspired with other scum to betray my family. I want to eat your meat and drink your blood! "

Li Hong's face is very blue, and she shouts to Huang Qing.

As a result, Huang Qing, who was as strong as the iron tower, immediately burst into laughter.

"Ha ha, I'm not ashamed. We just abandoned the dark and turned to the light, followed the Lord, and then responded to the Lord's call to get your Li family skills. By the way, we destroyed all your families. But you were lucky enough not to be caught by us."

"But I didn't expect you to go back to China to investigate the Lord. It's very bold."

"Ha ha, it's just like this. I also want to thank you for giving me a chance to kill you. At that time, the Lord will surely reward me for my contribution in clearing away the remaining evils of the Li family. If it's not good, I can really teach all the subsequent secret boxing of the Li family to me."

As Huang Qing approached Li Hong step by step, the fake smile reappeared on her face.

Li Hong has been full of resentment and can't speak. She stares at Huang Qing like a tiger or a leopard. She only hopes that the other party can get closer so that she can die with him.

"Green master, young master lie, you... You two are also here."

The tall warrior's throat has just been damaged. However, when he saw the two men coming out of the woods, he immediately got up to clasp his fist and salute them. It was obvious that he was injured, but he didn't dare to neglect each other.

As a result, the rebellious young man who followed Huang Qing glanced at the tall man and said, "Lao he, you can't even do such a simple thing, and you are so embarrassed. So this operation failed. I'll keep the reward. Are you convinced?"


Lao he frowned and looked at the young man he called young master lie with a blank face.

He and his companions, who were worshipped by the Lang family, were both told that Huang Qing offered a reward of one million dollars to kill Li Hong.

So now, although he and his companion made a sneak attack and failed to kill Li Hong directly, he succeeded in seriously injuring the other party. So killing Li Hong is just a matter of further effort. How could he not give the reward even if he failed!

After seeing Lao he hesitated, Lang lie immediately showed his dissatisfaction and said in a sharp voice, "you are not convinced with me. Just like those snobbish eyes at home, you are willing to listen to my elder brother!"

Lao he immediately picked his brow and said, "my respect for young master lie must be exactly the same as that of young master. But this time, old Xu and I have no credit and also have hard work. Moreover, we are running for the reward offered by young master Qing. Young master lie is so innocent that we can deduct the reward from old Xu and me. I think we should talk to young master."

As he spoke, the old river cast his eyes on Huang Qing.

He thinks that Huang Qing is the initiator of this reward offer, so this kind of thing should also stand up and say something.

As a result, Huang Qing turns her head and suddenly smiles at Lang lie: "Lang lie, I'm right. Your brother has bought all the members of your Lang family, so even if you are gifted, you can't think about the position of the master, let alone the secret boxing that only the master of your Lang family can practice."

"Well! You don't have to say! "

Lang lie suddenly gave a cold hum and looked ugly.

Huang Qing didn't care about Lang lie's attitude at all, but continued with a fake smile: "so I said, if you want to go on the Martial Arts Road, you should be cruel not only to others, but also to yourself. Why don't you kill all the obstacles against you becoming the master of the family, and then we will kill your brother who is a waste. In this way, everything is yours."


As soon as Huang Qing's words came out, both Li Hong and Lao he felt a nerve suddenly cold, which made them look at Huang Qing and Lang lie in disbelief.

The reason why Li Hong is surprised is that she is too familiar with the scene. In those years, she saw a man secretly contact with several senior brothers, such as Huang Qing. Unfortunately, it's too late for her to tell her family. She can only watch the martial arts man, who is known as the venerable of heaven's gate, destroy their Li family.

As like as two peas, Huang's convincing to Li Lie is just like that.

On the other side of the old river, the reaction was slow.

However, he also immediately responded that Huang Qing had ulterior motives for the Lang family, and even calculated that he was a lonely and rebellious young master in his family.

"Young master lie, you must not listen to this man's nonsense. The young master has been taking good care of you all the time, and the harmony between your brothers is the capital of the Lang family for a hundred years!"

"Shut up! I have my own idea

Lang lie snorted coldly and glanced at the old river discontentedly.

Then he turned to Huang Qing and asked in a cold voice, "I just want to ask one thing. If I dedicate the secret boxing of the Lang family to the Lord of Tianmen, can he really guarantee that I will enter the world before I am 30?"

"Of course! Lord, you can break through the inner strength in seven years

Huang Qing immediately said confidently.

Lang lie and Huang Qing look at each other and finally nod coldly.

"I hope you respect the Lord, or I will kill you all!"

Lang lie's whole body is full of killing intention. After finishing this sentence, he suddenly goes to the man who has passed out, raises his foot, steps on the other person's neck and suddenly breaks it.

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