Save Li Hong!

And kill Huang Qing and Lang lie!

Chen Hao's mind is calm, like a deep pool in a glacier abyss, reflecting all his feelings.

So at this moment, he didn't feel that there was any problem in dealing with Huang Qing and Lang lie.

Of course, he still clearly understood that saving Li Hong was the more important thing before killing the two men. Otherwise, no matter how he retaliated on the two soldiers who were bound to die, he could not really calm down.

"So it's necessary to kill these two evils, but save people first."

Chen Hao's eyes coagulated and his mind sank into the dragon ball.

Just now, he insisted on helping Li Hong, and personally punished the foreign killers. He was once again recognized by some of the Dragon spirits attached to the dragon ball, giving him more spiritual power to control.

Now look at the golden spot in the center of the dragon ball, which twinkles like a star, and it quickly emerges a layer of obvious gray color in the light of pale gold, and then it turns into a group of interwoven black and white colors.

In the divine sense, the black-and-white color quickly became distinct, and then the roar of a dragon exploded in Chen Hao's mind.

"Good and evil are rewarded! We should uphold our own heart, punish the evil and promote the good! "


Chen Hao immediately saw that one of the stars in the dragon ball suddenly became stable and became a pattern like Yin Yang Tai Chi. However, the pattern was simple, with only black and white colors mixed. It was like a mandarin duck pot of hot pot, with milk on one side and ink on the other

But after this scene flashed by, a great and incomparable spirit power suddenly gushed out of his forehead, which was more than several times of the scattered spirit power he had mastered before.

"It turns out that this is the real one star dragon ball. The so-called golden light spot just reaches the breakthrough point, but it will not give the real one star dragon the strength it should have!"

Chen Hao felt inexplicably that at this moment, he was really casting the foundation of a star dragon ball, which led to a lot of spiritual power that can be called.

Especially when the star was changed from gold to black and white, he naturally had a talent in his mind.

Punish the evil and promote the good!

This talent can be regarded as the real determination of the reason why the dragon ball before, because he did good deeds and good deeds, will give him spiritual power reward.

This also reminds Chen Hao that only when he works according to Chen Long's will can he get the real inheritance left by Shenlong.

But Chen Hao didn't care.

His character is always at ease, as long as it doesn't stimulate some of his stubborn character.

And now he is still in the process of saving people, even if all the senses flashed in the divine consciousness is not more than a second, it can't make him keep his mind here.


Chen Hao's eyes were clear again. Immediately, the black and white star in the dragon ball suddenly burst out a great power far beyond his previous mastery. In an instant, it spread all over his body, making his flesh and bones burst out with unprecedented strength.

Chen Hao immediately stabilized his figure, called his new aura, and burst out in an instant.


When Chen Hao stepped on the ground, the soles of his shoes immediately covered with a thick layer of spiritual power. At the moment when the soles of his shoes contacted with the ground, an extraordinary elastic force was immediately generated, and his body flew away, leaving only a remnant shadow that slowly dissipated in the public's field of vision.

More Than This.

Facing Lang lie's three intuitively dangerous throwing knives, Chen Hao didn't mean to dodge, but continued to accelerate.

Shua! Shua Shua!

Chen Hao is just like a ghost in the dark. His body flashes in the air one after another. Every "flash" is a little faster than the flying knife that will stab him.

It's really just a little bit!

But the difference is a thousand miles.

If you can pause Chen Hao's movement, you can find that the distance between the throwing knife and his body is really only a tiny difference. As long as the throwing knife is a little faster, it can penetrate Chen Hao's body.

But that's enough.

Even though the speed of Chen Hao's outburst was not as violent as Huang Qing's before, the speed was not as fast as it was.

Especially in the sprint, he has to dodge the arcuate flying knife in a straight line, which is just like a dance of death between life and death, producing a strange and shocking impression.

Lang lie originally stopped after releasing the poisoned and deadly Throwing Knife, and confidently waited for Chen haozhong to die.

But what he saw with his own eyes made him look stagnant.


The successor of Lang family's Hawk claw Dao, who was almost arrogant before, took a breath in a moment.

Because this is matched with the flying eagle step created by the heavenly gate Lord for his eagle claw sword, in order to make the originally erratic Eagle Claw sword more mysterious in the attack. Before that, he had already used these two sets of two in one footwork and flying sword technique to kill several martial arts of the same level.

Most importantly, with Langlie's strong conceit, he also felt that he could not easily avoid the attack of the poisoned throwing knife he had just released.

Not to mention that Chen Haogen didn't dodge the attack of Throwing Knife, but directly relied on the speed to rush past!

"How on earth did this man train his speed..."

Langlie gave birth to a feeling of speechless.

In addition to ordinary physical exercisers, there are four legendary realms: Xuanhua, Shenhe and hehe.

Generally speaking, the martial arts masters, that is, those who practice internal strength or external strength, are regarded as "xuanjing martial arts masters". Because in the martial arts realm set by the ancients, internal strength and external strength are not the abilities of the body itself, so they are "tongxuan" after practicing, which means that they have mastered the special power of xuanzhi and xuanzhi.

This kind of warrior is quite rare in modern times, so almost all of them who cultivate "inner strength" or "outer strength" are giants.

After this realm is the master of Huajing.

Those who have reached this level can rely on themselves to cultivate internal strength or external strength. They can master another opposite force and integrate them to achieve the goal of "turning the internal and external strength into their own use". This is called Huajing.

On top of that, there is the legendary "divine realm". It is said that it can master some divine power beyond the inner strength and outer strength of breaking through the limits of the human body and breaking through the realm. Each one is different, comparable to some magic effects.

As for the final "Hejing", it is only in the legend that it is said to have the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth.

"Is it..."

Lang lie's mind quickly came up with these common knowledge of martial arts, but he didn't think about it later.

Because he saw that Chen Hao should be younger than him, he automatically let go of some unrealistic ideas.

Therefore, he automatically analyzed Chen Hao's strength in the five level hierarchical consideration of "beginning, middle, end, perfection, and great perfection" in the detailed division of each realm in the normal martial arts realm.

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