The stars twinkle in the night, but they are all covered by the fog of urban pollution. Only when the night wind blows from time to time, it may bring a little bit of starlight behind the fog.

Li Hong is surprised to see Chen Hao who came to help her. She never thought that she would meet this little boy at the most critical moment of her life.

In her previous impression of Chen Hao, the other party is just a small landlord who lives with salted fish.

The only long fight between the two men was just a little bit of molestation during the day today, plus the fact that they involved each other in a dangerous accident at night.


Li Hong really didn't expect all this.

But I don't know why, she silently looked at Chen Hao this moment strange and familiar young face, suddenly came up with an impulse to cry.

Countless times.

She really experienced the danger of life and death countless times, but every time she had to rely on her own strength to bite her teeth and live through those days.

"So, after losing my family, can I still meet someone who is willing to work so hard for my safety in my life..."

I don't know when, Li Hong's eyes were flushed with tears.

"No, he is too young to die like this!"

Li Hong looks bitter and wants to shout to Chen Hao not to care about her, because Huang Qing and Lang lie are real masters of xuanjing. Even in her heyday, it's hard for her to make a profit from these two people's cooperation.

Unfortunately, in the process of turning over, Li Hong seems to have exhausted all her strength. Her mouth opened and closed a few times, but she didn't have the strength to shout.

"Damn it

Li Hong suddenly burst into tears. She clenched her teeth to breathe in, forced to turn all her inner strength, and tried to do something behind Huang Qing. But fate seemed to be playing a joke called real despair with her. After Chen Hao brought her a little hope of love, she immediately closed the door and window in front of her.

This is the real despair for her!

So at the moment when the moon is sparse and the stars are sparse in the park, the three xuanjing warriors on the scene all believe that Chen Hao is absolutely not good under Huang Qing's hands, and even more or less feel that Chen Hao is very likely to be unable to survive under the opponent's fist.

Chen Hao's perception is extremely sharp, but even so, he will not receive what Li Hong and his three people think.

So his will is extremely hit, enough calm to face what he personally experienced, especially Huang Qing's strength in front of his eyes, also can't help but ask him to pick his eyebrows.

"Is this man the peak of physical training?"

Chen Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, because only by looking at his appearance, Huang Qing Yunli could actually drive the Qi and blood surge and muscle expansion of his body. This is absolutely what he knows about the peak of physical training.

To know that what he knows and feels is derived from the Dragon inheritance, so he has to pay attention to this discovery.

After all, he has just broken through the realm of physical training, and really completed the one star dragon body with black and white one star, which is not far from the realm of physical training in this situation.

"So the martial arts in this world can also be cultivated?"

Chen Hao's brain quickly came up with a second flash, and then suddenly found something he had overlooked.

In his eyes, Huang Qing's strength can only be attached to one layer of the body surface with his opponent's fist, although he can expand his muscles with his Qi and blood, and make his appearance reach the peak of his physical condition. The outward strength only affects some dust and gravel on the surrounding ground.

So Chen Hao's vision immediately relaxed.

"I see. This man is just exercising his flesh and blood to the extreme. He doesn't have both internal and external cultivation. He's just a flower and a fake peak."

"So in the future, we can't completely rely on the experience of dragon inheritance to analyze it, but we can find a way to understand it after saving Li Hong."

Chen Hao didn't know what kind of warrior he was in today's real world, just like when he was in the hospital, although Xu Ao respected him as master Huajin, he didn't know what level of warrior he was in today's world.

But it doesn't affect his judgment now.

What he can be sure now is that Huang Qing turns around and tries to stop him. Although he seems powerful, he is not his opponent, just like the shooters he met before.

And the gap is the same!

At this moment, Huang Qing's fist in front of him was just like a paper tiger, which made him lose a lot of passion. Only his determination to kill each other remained unchanged.

But after Chen Hao calmly analyzed the current situation, he suddenly found that Li Hong's eyes were in tears not far away

"Li Hong, what's the matter! No, it's all my fault that I came too slowly. She was seriously injured after all. I'd better go to see her first to rest assured. "

After a flash, Chen Hao immediately made a loyal response.


Chen Hao's body flies to Huang Qing's body. Suddenly, his body turns like a loach. After his side body, it's like stepping on a skateboard. His body and feet almost stick to Huang Qing's right hand fist and fly out.

After blinking, he easily passed Huang Qing's block and continued to fly to Li Hong.

"Li... Sister Hong, are you ok?"

As soon as Chen Hao landed on the ground, he immediately squatted on the ground, reached for Li Hong's wrist and subconsciously poured a dragon ball power into each other's body, so as to explore each other's physical condition more intuitively.

He immediately found that the other party's internal organs were damaged, and there were a lot of old and new injuries all over his body, and his brow was frowned subconsciously.

What happened to this woman!

Chen Haogen didn't expect that there were 40 or 50 injuries on Li Hong!

After all these injuries fell into his eyes, Chen Hao felt that Li Hong felt like a shabby doll with flesh and blood. He could not imagine how the other side survived these injuries.

of course.

The most serious injury was Li Hong's latest internal injury, which was attacked by the internal force. Her internal organs were all ruptured and bleeding, and her eyes could not be more serious.

This situation is even more dangerous to some extent than when Chen Hao met Jiang Qian before.

Because the inner strength of the attacker is still in Li Hong's body, and she is still struggling to destroy everything in her body.

"Little... Little landlord?"

Li Hong's body pain is constantly stimulating her nerves, almost making her body instinctively produce an irresistible coma, so that she didn't see how Chen Hao dodged Huang Qing's attack, unexpectedly appeared in front of her.

So her eyes are full of doubts.

However, this doubt soon turned into an inexplicable anxiety.

"Go! Don't worry about me, little landlord. Just get out of here

Li Hong subconsciously refuses to call Chen Hao's name, but hopes that he can stop taking care of himself and escape from Huang Qing and Lang lie's hands.

In any case, she will never be involved in the hatred between Xiang Hao and the secret Tianmen organization.

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