Chen Hao's four story building is silent in the night of Jiangcheng, which is in sharp contrast to the hot night market street.

However, the courtyard with single family and courtyard has its own advantages.

It's like Chen Hao now carefully from the outside of the wall to come in, there is no security or miscellaneous residents found.

"Hoo... Hold on a little longer and I'll take you home."

After Chen Hao landed, he said to Li Hong, who was warm in his arms.

At this time, he was already sweating, but it wasn't that he was tired. Instead, in order to avoid the city surveillance, he tried his best to shuttle back and forth in the dark alleys of the city, and even had to go through many people's yards.


After a bumpy journey, Li Hong's serious injury began to attack. Fortunately, Chen Hao had infused him with Longzhu Lingli disease to relieve it, so she gritted her teeth and insisted.

But Chen Hao did not infuse more Aura into her body all the way.

Because Li Hong's injury is different from Jiang Qian he met before.

Jiang Qian's injury is just a penetrating injury of two steel pipes. The position of the wound is very obvious, so as long as he can stop bleeding in time, he can use aura to recover. Not to mention that Jiang Qian was unexpectedly turned into a dragon spirit body by him at that time, so the later treatment is almost twice the result with half the effort, so he will recover as quickly in the future.

Li Hong's injuries are too serious. The injuries on her body surface are not bad, but the injuries caused by penetrating the internal organs are extremely serious. There are even many internal bleeding places, which are very dangerous.

This does not include the meridian damage of Li Hong as a martial arts practitioner. This kind of injury can not be treated as an ordinary wound. Otherwise, once the damaged meridians are not clearly separated, they will heal, which will directly affect Li Hong's later cultivation, and even become a serious physical hazard.

Therefore, to treat Li Hong's injury, we must take a long-term view.

At least with some information that Chen Hao has found from the Dragon inheritance, he can master some mysterious magic skills with magical therapeutic effect at least after breaking through the Qi training state.

Now, we have to start from traditional Chinese medicine, cooperate with Lingli, and use some troublesome methods for treatment.

Before entering the building, Chen Hao looked around carefully.

The courtyard is not far away from the night market by a lane and a corner. Many people will pass by the nearby Lane in the evening. Fortunately, no one is passing by now.

As for the fourth floor apartment, there is no need to check.

He Wen has already said that she will work overtime and come back late today, and the remaining residents are only he and Li Hong on the first floor.

So Chen Hao turns out the key, opens the safety door on the first floor and walks into the corridor with Li Hong in his arms.

The fourth floor is not high. Soon, Chen Hao takes the key from Li Hong, opens the door and enters the fourth floor of Li Hong.

As soon as you enter the room, you can see that everything has been cleaned up. The living room and kitchen are very clean.

But when Chen Hao opened the door of Li Hong's bedroom, he found that no matter Baijiu's bed, or even the aisle on both sides of the wooden bed, there were all kinds of bottles of strong spirits. Both foreign and foreign liquor were highly developed, and most of them had become empty bottles.

Chen Hao pursed his lips subconsciously.

He knew that Li Hong was drunk every day, but he didn't expect that she didn't work and drink outside. Instead, she made a lot of things at home.

Look at these wine bottles on the ground. I probably haven't drunk so many strong bars until now.

Li Hong has been leaning against Chen haohuai. Seeing the appearance of her bedroom, she didn't feel anything, but after she found that the little landlord's face changed slightly unconsciously, she didn't know why she suddenly wanted to explain.

So she immediately gently pulled Chen Hao's collar, drew the other person's eyes down to look at him. Then she said with a breath: "Hey, what's your look? They are practicing martial arts, but their meridians have been damaged since childhood, leaving a lot of pain on them, so most of the time they have to drink liquor to survive..."

Chen Hao looks at Li Hong's beautiful face, which is very white and weak. He can't help but subconsciously deflect his vision.

He didn't know why Li Hong explained this to him.

However, this does not affect his judgment of Li Hong.

This is a dangerous female killer, which can be confirmed by the news from those foreign killers. The other party has quite recognized qualifications abroad, so she has definitely done a lot of things to kill people.


No matter what she did, it was a disaster for foreigners, which Chen Hao didn't care about.

The most important thing is that when Chen Hao was in the park before, he heard a lot in some conversations between Huang Qing and Li Hong.

Li Hong is also a poor man. When she was a child, she was betrayed by someone close to her, which led to the destruction of her family. Later, her mother seemed to have died early, leaving her alone in the world

Chen Hao had never seen his father before, and he lost his mother a few years ago, and almost went to the bottom. Therefore, he felt that the woman who was only a few years older than him was far more pitiful than him. What he could not see most was the person who lacked the love of his parents. He thought it necessary to help Li Hong.

Thinking of this, Chen Haocai regained his sight and looked down at Li Hong seriously.

As a result, he suddenly found that Li Hong was embracing his neck, and his head and face were just beside his shoulder, less than two fists away from his face, while the woman's eyes were looking at his face straightly, as if he was just thinking of something.

Chen Hao sees this, not from slightly a Leng.

Because it was the first time that he was so close to Li Hong and looked at her face seriously.

Her face is more like the strong lines of a foreign woman, with red lips and high nose, and her eyebrows are full of vigor. However, her eyes are so charming, just like an independent Nebula inside, which makes people unable to extricate themselves after seeing them.

With such a pair of eyes, Chen Hao found that he can subconsciously ignore each other's face.

Because with the emotional changes of these eyes, Li Hong can change her temperament at will, just as he thought before. She can have the youth of a young girl, the sunshine of a young girl, and the charming style of a mature young woman

So he couldn't help looking at it for a moment.

"Well, what are you looking at?"

Li Hong returns to her senses when Chen Hao looks at her. Her face is slightly red, and she doesn't want to be found looking at each other directly, so she takes the lead and immediately kills a teasing smile in her eyes.

"Ah... I didn't see anything."

Chen Hao wakes up and quickly covers up the fact that he has been arrested. Only in this way can he not admit that he is addicted to the beautiful eyes of the witch.

In order to hide this, he immediately began to say: "I just see that you look bad. Why don't you lie down on the bed first and I'll give you a pulse."


Li Hong felt that Chen Hao was so cute at this moment, and her voice became softer.

Just when she was put on the bed by Chen Hao, she suddenly felt the air around her, and immediately missed the situation of falling in each other's arms the moment before.

"It's a pity that I can't cure my injury completely, so today, even if I'm with the landlord for the last time, when he comes home, I'll leave here..."

Li Hong knows the condition of her body, so she appreciates the man she put in her heart for the first time.

But her intention was decided.

You must not bring trouble to the landlord!

Tonight is the last night she will stay with the landlord!

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