
A dragon song suddenly exploded in Chen Hao's mind!

Don't ask Chen Hao why he knew it was the roar of the dragon, because he found that his body was smashed after the impact of the light ball. Just in the blink of an eye, he was transformed into a Chinese dragon with antlers, ox noses, green scales and eight claws, and layers of golden light.

In this dreamland, his dragon body immediately soars above the sky, overlooking an island in the sea.

At the same time, Chen Hao found a burst in his brain, a flash of memory belonging to this magic dragon directly poured into his brain!

It is a golden dragon, moving between the clouds, breathing between the wind and rain.

All his life, he sheltered the earth under his feet. Through his own divine power, he made the agriculture and forestry fruitful, the fish and herds full of fat, and the creatures on the ground have food to eat and medicine to cure.

The creatures on the ground respected him as the Dragon God and offered sacrifices one after another.

The dragon was sacrificed, and more of them wandered around the world, even turned into a human form and enjoyed themselves with the people.

It's just

The dragon also has the time to grow old.

After many sacrifices began to be lonely and human generations changed, the dragon used up the last bit of power to nourish all things on the earth and fell into an ocean alone. His bones and flesh finally changed into an island, far away from all the shackles of the earth.

And his dragon ball, after losing its power, is buried on the island.

Later, an unknown tree on the island grew into a big tree, twining the underground dragon ball in the thick roots, and one day it was blown down by the storm, and fell into the sea.

After that, the island that the Dragon skeleton turned into disappeared immediately.

And the tree that fell into the sea finally fell into the hands of a mortal and was carved into a dragon shaped root carving

And then!

Chen Hao found that in this flash of memory, the root carving was actually placed on the wooden frame of his home, while he pulled down the root carving because of the blue and white swimming trunks, resulting in the dragon ball embedded in the root carving fell out, stained with his blood, and pulled him into this magical space in a coma.


Chen Hao's brain suddenly exploded with a roar of the sacred dragon.

"When you get my way, you should nourish all souls."

"If you get my way, you should punish the evil and promote the good, and protect and nurture the spirit."

"Get my way..."

I don't know how long it took.

Standing at the gate of the island cabin, Chen Hao finally opened his eyes and breathed a long breath.

The Dragon inheritance is deeply imprinted in his soul.

At this time, Chen Hao looked at the scenery outside the house. The sky was still high, the sea was wide, and the blue waves were sparkling. Instead of his previous fear, he felt a surge of excitement on his face.

"It's amazing

Under the projection of the dragon ball, Chen haogang lived together with the dragon for countless times. At last, he saw the fall of the dragon with his own eyes and gained the obsession, knowledge and experience left by the dragon!

So when he woke up, he knew that he had got a real "dragon inheritance.".

"I didn't expect that all the legends were true. There was a dragon in the world, but what was also unexpected was that even the powerful creatures such as the Dragon sheltered China had an end to their lives."

At this moment, Chen Hao felt that he could not help but express a very complex emotion.

"Although I can't die, I've really got a share of the Dragon inheritance. There are so many benefits here that I'm going to burst my mind."

"And now the dragon ball has merged in my eyebrows. I should be equivalent to becoming a humanoid baby dragon. I not only have some talent of the baby dragon, but also have great changes in my body..."

At this time, a sea breeze came through the window and hit Chen Hao, which made Chen Hao's brain tingle slightly.

The young man can't help shaking his head and subconsciously approaches the window.

Outside is the Dragon skeleton, which turns into a huge island.

This is also a huge benefit.

Because the Dragon Ball absorbed the island and dragged it into a place independent of the other space.

So the owner of this island can only be him, so he can do whatever he wants on this island.

And the most precious part.

Chen Hao took a look at his wooden house and the scenery outside.

All the heritage wooden houses, fairyland orchards, and all the resources in the surrounding mountains and seas are his.

According to Chen Hao's understanding of inheritance, there are alchemy room, alchemy room, and cultivation room in the wooden house, and these special rooms can cooperate with a large number of natural resources and local treasures on the island, bringing him great benefits.

"Ha ha, it's a big game!"

Chen Hao could not help but make complaints about himself.

After all, his biggest dream before was to be a successful charterer, marry a beautiful charterer like sister Wen, and live his happy life of salted fish in this way.

But the current situation really made him feel a little complicated.

He actually got such an adventure like the protagonist of the novel, which really caught him off guard and didn't know what to do next.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong

Suddenly, Chen Hao's ears moved slightly, as if he heard a knock on the door.

"What's going on?"

Chen Hao looks around in surprise. Everything in his cabin can be seen at a glance. He is quite sure that no one is knocking inside or outside the house.

However, as his doubts rose, dragon inheritance immediately gave him an answer.

This answer is just like the knowledge stored in the computer. As long as Chen Hao's idea is sensed, it will be automatically activated to search and select an explanation of the inherited knowledge.

"It turns out that the world of dragon ball is always interlinked with the real world!"

Chen Hao soon showed a sudden look.

The knock came from his real life home. The dragon ball he got opened the connection between the two worlds and let the sound come in.

"So it's better to go out and see who's knocking."


Chen Hao's heart just came up with this idea. The dragon ball just vibrated a little, just like the one who turns on and off the lights everyday. He pushed the switch and directly pulled his body out of the space of the Dragon God Island and returned to the real world.

The transmission process is very strange and simple.

Chen Hao felt as if his body had gone through a thin layer of waterfall water curtain, accompanied by a cool, he returned to his home.

Chen Hao looked up, about half past twelve.

This was a bit of a surprise to him.

Because Chen Hao felt that after he entered the space of Dragon God Island, it was not only a few minutes, but in reality, it was only five minutes since he went downstairs.

Dong Dong Dong.

There was another knock at the door.

"Xiao Hao, are you at home? I took down your toolbox easily."

It's he wen outside the door.

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