The moon is hollow, the moonlight of the city is not as bright as the countryside, but it still shines on the people living in this world under the night.

Chen Hao stands beside Jiang Qian, suddenly breathes a silver mist on his body, and then pours into the Longzhu in the center of his eyebrows.


Chen Hao was surprised to find that in addition to the original black-and-white star mark of the dragon ball, another red star Mark quickly appeared. Although it was a bit as dark as the less obvious stars in the night sky, it reflected with the original Star mark of the first dragon, creating an independent posture.

All of a sudden, Chen haomeng found that the spiritual power stored in the dragon ball was quickly and automatically divided into two parts, which were put into the two star tracks.

But after a moment, each star trace blooms several times the original one star dragon bead's spiritual power.

"So it is. The first star trace is called refining star trace. Although it has reached the peak or even made a breakthrough before, it has not fully reached the refining standard of the second one. And the continuous killing of foreign shooters tonight, as well as those with malicious intentions, directly reached the critical point of refining the second star trace. "

"As a result, Jiang Qian's spirit was right here and caught up with the killing of two evil warriors just now, which activated the" samsara of good and evil "of her corresponding one star dragon spirit trace, and fed me back to really condense the second star trace, which made me condense into the gas refining Star trace, and really corresponded the strength realm to the equal realm of friars' cultivation."

Chen haomo meditates here and turns to Jiang Qian's spirit body, which has also made a breakthrough. His eyes become softer.

You know, there are only nine levels of cultivation in accordance with the law of the great way in the world. He did not expect that he would upgrade two levels of strength in one day and add two star marks to the dragon ball in one day.

This is just too lucky!

However, Chen Hao soon found that his and Jiang Qian's changes did not stop completely.

The shadow of the silver curved moon in the center of Jiang Qian's eyebrows seems to have been condensed and become more delicate. When you look at it carefully, a black-and-white line appears on the string of the moon, and then the sound of the reincarnation of good and evil continues to sing.

Gradually, a group of red dark lines suddenly appeared on the silver moon, and the whole body's spiritual power rose again in an instant.


At this time, the black and white fine lines on Jiang Qian's eyebrows suddenly broke away from the crescent moon and turned into a ball of magic fog the size of a football in her hands.

On the other side, Chen Hao, who is observing Jiang Qian's strange appearance, has a stagnant look because he finds that his first star mark in the dragon ball has also changed. A black-and-white aura also appears in his hands, which is the same size as a football, but the aura is more concise than Jiang Qian.

If you want to make a comparison.

Jiang Qian's psychic power increased more than ten times after she got the red second month tattoo, and Chen Hao's is the same, but the total reserves are actually more powerful.

In other words, before Jiang Qian's total aura was 10, Chen Hao's was 100. Now Jiang Qian's total aura is 100, and Chen Hao's is 1000. It's like the purchasing power of 10000 yuan, 100000 yuan, and one million yuan is totally different, and the utility it can produce is also quite different.

But the change has not stopped there.

Both Jiang Qian and Chen Hao found that the black-and-white aura in their hands continued to change, and they were actually evolving towards a semi virtual and semi real state.

In the end, the black-and-white mist in Jiang Qian's hand turned into a thick book with a black cover and a white font, on which the four big characters of "good and evil reincarnation" were written in white.

In Chen Hao's hands as like as two peas and two small arms, the black and white fog changed rapidly, first from a short dagger and prickle, followed by a machete and a long sword.

"I see..."

Chen Hao's black-and-white spiritual power in his hands is finally shaped into a long sword and a short sword according to his mind. After that, he finally shares a dragon inheritance with Jiang Qian in his mind.

The role of Jiang Qian's book of reincarnation of good and evil is to absorb the souls of the ownerless gods killed by Chen Hao and Jiang Qian. In the book, they can judge good and evil by themselves, and bring the spirits of the good into a kind of reincarnation of heaven. The spirits of the evil can be directly eliminated and dissolved, and become the spiritual power of heaven that can be absorbed by them.

That is to say, Jiang Qian's thick book with black background and white characters now belongs to the dragon family, and even has some functions similar to the legendary book of life and death.

However, one of the most interesting things for Chen Hao is that this book can search the memory of the villains killed by two people.

"It's so amazing, but it's really a good way to check the memory of the two warriors killed just now and find out the information about the Tianmen organization..."

Chen Hao gently holds two black-and-white double swords that are invisible in the eyes of ordinary people, and silently gives Jiang Qian a very useful evaluation of the book of good and evil reincarnation.

Of course, in order to master this book thoroughly, Jiang Qian still needs to work hard. Only when other strength levels reach the peak can she activate other functions.

Think of it here.

Chen Hao's eyes turned to his double swords.

It turns out that the black-and-white spirit of good and evil bred in the first star trace can be used in this way. As long as the spirit power is enough, the black spirit power, which represents "punishing evil", can transform weapons of any shape and similar items, and has great damage to monsters such as spirit bodies.

Of course, the limitation of the black spirit sword is also here. Supported by the spirit power of a star Mark, it can only do harm to the spirit body, even to ordinary people.

The white power, which stands for "promoting goodness", also has its own limitations. For the time being, it can only be used to heal spirits, and its effect is comparable to that of special healing spirits.

However, Chen Hao has studied it for a while and found that the therapeutic property of white spirit power is several times that of ordinary spirit power to some extent. It can also produce the effect of "relief" and "cure" for some flesh and blood bodies. This is a surprise.

"Generally speaking, the black and white good and evil Qi in the first star trace is mainly aimed at the spirit body, which should be regarded as one of the talent inheritance of the dragon clan."

Chen Hao has always known contentment, so he was very happy when he found that he and Jiang Qian both got benefits unexpectedly.

That's when it turns out.

Chen Hao's mind suddenly moves. He is surprised to find that Jiang Qian, who has just formed the second moon pattern, suddenly disappears, and the breath of Jiang Qian's body that can be felt in the corridor not far behind him also disappears.

What's going on?

Chen Hao looked at the empty air around him and frowned.

He and Jiang Qian's heart and soul connection did not break, but now he clearly felt that the girl's spirit and body were sent to an unknown place!

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