"Hello, Chen Hao, will you let me play on the island again?"

"No way."

"Why are you so stingy? Anyway, you think it's enough and you can send me out. I can't stop you from playing."

"No, no!"

Jiang Libai comes back after dealing with the affairs of the small courtyard for the time being. As a result, he sees Jiang Qian clinging to Chen Hao. They seem to be arguing about something.

However, Jiang Li Bai just took a look, and quickly shifted the focus of observation from the two people's quarrel.

Because it was the first time he saw Chen Hao in the quarrel.

What kind of master Hua Jin is there? He is a normal 20-year-old boy.


Looking at the way Jiang Qian and Chen Hao are chasing each other and avoiding each other, Jiang Li Bai suddenly feels something in his heart. When he looks at the two young men and girls in the quarrel, he can't help but raise his mouth slightly. He only thinks that the two children are handsome and pretty, one is 18 years old, and the other is 20 years old. They seem to be very suitable.

"According to the information we got today, they met for the first time in a car accident, but it seems that they have been in contact for a long time, just like a young couple flirting with each other..."

Seeing that Chen Hao has been avoiding Jiang Qian's pursuit, Jiang Li Bai thinks that he is right and shows a smile.

But he didn't know that Chen Hao's personality was direct and he didn't like to owe others, so now he really felt sorry for Jiang Qian, because he didn't expect that he would inadvertently take advantage of Jiang Qian.

After all, under the absolute control of the Dragon God Island, Chen Hao almost grasped the secret of the girl's whole body.

And that's why Chen Hao didn't give Jiang Qian a cold face like he did before.

As for Jiang Qian, although he is not satisfied with Chen Hao's sudden transfer of her from the Dragon God Island, as long as she is around Chen Hao, she will feel happy.

Especially now Chen Hao inexplicably began to tolerate her performance, let her very happy.

Just looking at Jiang Li Bai, suddenly found Chen Hao and Jiang Qian in a moment suddenly stop chasing.

"Who's furtive? Come out quickly!"

Jiang Qian's eyes suddenly and Chen Hao turn to Jiang Libo's side, and he shouts out discontentedly, which makes Jiang Libo jump on the roof before he has time.


Although Jiang Libo retreated from the front battlefield because of his identity problem, his reaction speed was still first-class. His brain immediately tightened up while Jiang Qian drank, and felt a very fast shadow darting out of the alley not far behind him.


Jiang Libo immediately secretly scolded himself for his carelessness.

He was distracted by the relationship between Chen Hao and Jiang Qian when he learned from two dangerous night walkers. As a result, he didn't even find out when he would sneak in after him.

"Those who dare to attack our heavenly gate will be killed without mercy!"

The warrior who came out in the dark was tall and strong. His head and face were all wrapped in black cloth. He only showed two eyes. However, from the speed point of view, he was as fast as thunder. In an instant, he appeared behind Jiang Libo. In his hand, he protruded a cold shining dagger, which was like a poisonous snake spitting out a message and stabbed it out quickly.

The warrior of Tianmen!

This person appears a shout, very stupid, don't care to expose their identity.

Chen Hao's face suddenly sank. He just felt that the warriors of Tianmen organization were like the foremen of tarsal bones. They were entangled with him all night. It was really boring.

In particular, the fighters related to this organization are as disgusting as the extremists.

Therefore, Chen Hao once again made a firm decision on Tianmen.

"Jiang Libo is Jiang Qian's uncle and has the status of Wu Dao alliance, so he can't but die."

"But if you kill this warrior later, you must let Jiang Qian leave his spirit to check his memory..."

"By the way, it's the same with the two souls who call themselves the Lang family just now. If we can find some useful clues, we can find the Tianmen organization."

When Chen Hao thought of this, he couldn't help looking at the warrior who attacked Jiang Libo this time.

He can see that this man's strength should be above Jiang Libo, which can be easily analyzed from several details of the opponent's body method surprise attack, so he is ready to help Jiang Libo, which can be regarded as transferring some apologies to Jiang Qian here and making up for what he can.

But just when Chen Hao decided to do it.

"Second uncle!"

Jiang Qian suddenly exclaimed behind Chen Hao, and then Chen Hao found that something seemed to flash past him. The speed was very fast. It looked like something Jiang Qian threw out in a hurry.

Chen Hao subconsciously turned his head, Jiang Qian did make a throwing action.

What was she throwing?

Is it magic?

With doubts, Chen Hao immediately turns around and stares at the direction of Jiang Li Bai and the warrior in black. As a result, he is stunned

"What did the girl throw?"

The Tianmen warrior was careful. In a flash, he found that Jiang Qian suddenly made a very fast throwing action, which made him pay attention instinctively.

As a result, when he turned his eyes, he found that the space between himself and Jiang Qian was very normal. Not only could he not see anything thrown, but also he did not find any broken sound in his hearing.

What's going on?

Is this girl just trying to distract me?

The martial arts man of Tianmen in black immediately sneered in his heart. Although he was distracted and focused on Jiang Qian's side, his body method and actions in his hands were not stagnant at all. They were all ahead of the target's actions.

That is to say, if there is no accident, he can definitely solve the other party before the target pulls out the double knives!

At this moment, Jiang Libai knew that he was in a deep crisis, but he also knew that he had no choice but to fight hard.

Because the assassin's speed is too fast.

Really fast!

Jiang Lipu found that he just turned around, only saw two reflections.

The light came from the dagger in the hand of the warrior in black night clothes, and the other side's fierce and bright eyes in the night. As the moment approached, Jiang Libo even felt that he saw a feeling of contempt and indifference in those eyes.

"Damn it! It's hard work! "

Jiang Libo was once a survivor in a sea of blood, so he was suddenly fierce and bloody under the contempt of the killer. The two knives he pulled no longer considered whether he could prevent the killer's dagger, but directly cleaved to the other side's body.

He wants to see who will die first!

Just then.

Jiang Libo suddenly saw the masked killer's eyes, and his expression suddenly stagnated. His expression was like a sudden mechanical short circuit, and the whole body's movement was deformed. Instantly destroyed the path of the dagger that stabbed straight to his throat.


Jiang Libo would not miss this opportunity. The double sabres came first, the left curved Sabre blocked the dagger attack, the right curved Sabre smeared on the other side's neck, and a stream of blood immediately sprayed on his head and face.

In the distance, Chen Hao was seeing such a scene. He looked strange.

No way out.

Only he can see what Jiang Qian has done.

The book of reincarnation of good and evil!

Just now, the girl threw out this thick book, which was completely condensed by her spiritual power. As a result, the Tianmen warrior couldn't see the book of reincarnation of good and evil at all. She was hit face to face by the right person. Then, it was obvious that her special spiritual power affected her brain reaction or mind, so she was killed by Jiang Libo.

"What a bad guy..."

Chen Hao can't help but curl his mouth.

Jiang Qian is obviously confused at this moment. She didn't expect that the book she threw out in a hurry has such great power.

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