Chen Hao can't help but stop when he hears Jiang Qian yelling at her mobile phone.

He is also curious about what happened to Jiang Qian's family.

As a result, Jiang Libo's phone rang at this time. The middle-aged swordsman turned ugly immediately after he answered the phone. He said a few words and then hung up.

"Come on, leave two people to deal with the affairs here, others will go back to Jingshan villa with me!"

Jiang Libo immediately gave a loud order to several people who came by car.

Then Jiang Libo immediately bypassed Jiang Qian, pressed her shoulder and said, "Jiang Qian, something happened at home, but now it's under control. Don't worry."

Jiang Qian is also hanging up the phone, a pair of big eyes in the moment a little bit of tears flashing feeling.

"Second uncle, they said that my mother committed suicide. We met some strange things during the day. I'm afraid she's the same as me..."

"I know what's going on. This time I'm here to investigate it!" Jiang Libo interrupted Jiang Qian and said, "don't worry, I know your mother can't commit suicide. She must have been calculated by some people who want to do something. I will never let them go!"

Jiang Qian nodded, then suddenly turned to look at Chen Hao, eyes suddenly a bright.

"Chen Hao, can you come home with me?"

When a girl grows up, the most powerful person around her is her mother or Uncle Xu. Even the second uncle is mysterious. But now in her eyes, the most powerful person is Chen Hao.

So when she comes across something, the first thing she thinks of is Chen Hao.


Chen Hao still has a look and attitude that doesn't like trouble.

"Please! My mother seems to have been possessed by evil spirits and spirits. She just jumped off the building. If Uncle Xu hadn't saved her mother, something might have happened. "

Jiang Qian said one after another. Finally, she anxiously hugged Chen Hao's arm and said in a loud voice, "and now I'm all your people, you must be responsible for me!"


With Jiang Qian's last words in the whole field, there was a silence.

Chen Hao opened his mouth slightly, and immediately noticed that Jiang Li Bai was full of eyes. There were also some surprised eyes from the Martial Arts Alliance. It felt like he was looking at a monster named "beast".

How can that be explained!

The expression is so vague. Maybe everyone thinks that I have done something to you!

Chen Hao understood that the meaning of Jiang Qian's words should be that she has become her own dragon spirit, so the two spirits are almost inseparable, which he recognized.

But it's not good to cause misunderstanding

"I don't care. My mother seems to have been cursed like me. You must help me. Will you accompany me home for a while?"

Jiang Qian worried about the situation at home, so she didn't pay much attention to Chen Hao's embarrassment, just pleaded.

Jiang Li Bai frowned and came over. He looked at Chen Hao with a complicated look and said, "master Chen, if you have time, I don't know if you can accompany my wayward niece to go home. I want to find time to talk about some things with master Chen."

Chen Hao looks at Jiang Li Bai's look, suddenly a burst of drowsiness.

He knew that he was really misunderstood. Although there was nothing in fact, the key point was that he seemed unable to explain clearly.

For example, he won the trump card of the Dragon inheritance, and he didn't want to expose the state of Jiang Qianlong's spirit body, because these are his real trumps, and he can't say.

So it's hard for him to refuse Jiang lipai's invitation.

It's just

Now Li Hong is still upstairs waiting for him to go to treatment, the injury can not resist tonight.

Chen Hao had to think about it seriously before he said to Jiang Libo, "in this way, I can go with you, but I still have a patient upstairs. I need to take him with me."


Jiang Libo immediately agreed.

His heart is also very bad now, not only worried about what happened to Xiang Junyi, but also worried about whether Jiang Qian and Chen Hao really happened.

However, what he is most concerned about is Chen Hao's identity and attitude. After all, a master of Huajing is too powerful. He is far more powerful than the power he suspected of making a curse on Xiang Junyi. If he can't control it, he is a dangerous force.

Not to mention now Jiang Qian also said that her relationship with Chen Hao is extraordinary.

This silk makes his head big!

"Well, I'll go upstairs and take some people with me. You can wait for me here."

Chen Hao put down Jiang Qian's arms, then left the crowd behind and quickly went upstairs.

As a result, he immediately heard Jiang Li Bai's voice behind him.

"My dear niece, you are just 18 years old. You should pay attention to your daily life, especially those men with ulterior motives."

"Well, I'll pay attention to it, but don't worry, second uncle. With Chen Hao to protect me, I'm not afraid of anything!"


Kick, kick.

Chen Hao just overheard a few conversations of a group of people downstairs and ran to the fourth floor.

As a result, without waiting for him to open the door, Li Hong opened the door inside with a pale face.

"What's going on down there?"

Li Hong has changed her clothes again. She is watching Chen Hao on guard.

Because a lot of things happened downstairs just now, which made her have to think for her own sake and produce a lot of doubts.

"It's OK, but a friend came to me for something. As a result, he met several Tianmen people, and now they are all dead."

Chen Hao briefly explained the specific situation.

However, he immediately said to Li Hong, "you're going out with me now. It seems that I have to help the family get rid of the curse. At the same time, I'll talk to a person from the Wudao alliance to see if I can solve the problem that Tianmen organization is troubling you and me."

"Are you sure the people in the Wudao alliance below will take care of our business?"

Li Hong is aware of the Martial Arts Alliance, but she is such a female killer usually will not have any intersection with each other, so doubt is normal.

"I'm not sure if he will help, but I happened to save his niece and relatives, and it seems that he respects a great master Huajin. I think you can try. If you succeed, you will have less trouble with me."

Chen Haoshun said his plan with his heart.

Li Hong nods and agrees with Chen Hao's decision. In fact, she knows that she has no other choice at this time.

"Don't worry, I'll cure you."

Chen Hao comforts Li Hong, and then takes advantage of the situation to scan the liquor at the head of Li Hong's bed. After thinking about it, he immediately starts to put all the liquor into his Dragon God Island space.

These wines may be used in the treatment of Li Hong.

Li Hong was immediately shocked by his amazing hand, and then suddenly remembered something.

"You... You seem to have said that you want to remove the curse for others. Is that true?"

"Well, don't worry. I'll protect you."

Soon, with the consent of Li Hong, who was still in a daze, Chen Hao hugged the other Princess and rushed downstairs quickly.

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