Lidak, it's the name of a half human, half vampire man who's almost 50 years old.

He was born in China, is a hybrid, but from the identity of the wizard can guess his parents is not simple.

First of all, his father is an old man in Western Sichuan who is good at controlling boa constrictor poisons and witchcraft. He is absolutely a very magical person in the local area. What is more magical is that the old man forced to cheat a foreign daughter-in-law who was born as a vampire after going abroad one year.

The combination of the two created an earthquake like sensation in Western Sichuan at that time.

So lidak is a half blood baby born with a golden spoon. With the mysterious and powerful power of his parents, he has been lawless since childhood and can get everything he wants.

When he grew up, he got the inheritance from both parents and mastered an extraordinary ability.

So lidak began to live his own life, wandering in the dark world of China underground. With his powerful ability, he became a broker to help people deal with "troubles". As long as he gave money, he could find someone to solve all problems.

Over time, his reputation is also known to everyone in Western Sichuan.

And "broker" has really become his nickname.

However, no one knows that lidak has been handed down by his parents. He has been studying the combination of vampire and old man's witchcraft. He has created many worm and snake puppets, and even controlled several ghosts. Therefore, every time he helps the employer to complete the task, it's just the puppets and monsters he can control remotely.

Just like this time, he took a list from a big real estate developer in Western Sichuan, killing Xiang Junyi, the real estate queen of Hedong Province, with a commission of 50 million yuan.

Lidak did not hesitate to take the list, came to Jiangcheng, and then sent his favorite curse bee in the past, and through the curse fell on Xiang Junyi's daughter, ready to take the girl as the breakout point, step by step with his favorite way of abuse to kill the target family.

If he succeeds, he will have a few more angry souls in his hands, which will be helpful for his next witchcraft research.

As a result, something unexpected happened.

Lidak lives in a hotel and is practicing. He finds that his spirit has broken contact with the curse soul bee, and his spirit is greatly affected.

This meal made lidak very angry.

Although he can control poisonous insects such as insects and snakes, it's easier for him to use ghosts and Demons when he kills people. He only has one of these precious cursed bees. It took him ten years to cultivate them, but it didn't take him several times to make a mistake.

So lidak immediately went out in person, just killed the target and got 50 million Commission, which could not satisfy him.

He wanted to kill the whole family of the target woman for the sake of the lost curse soul bee, and torment their souls into a resentful soul that can only feel endless pain forever, so as to let him calm down.

Of course, lidak had already learned that Xiang Junyi, the target woman, was known as the real estate queen of Hedong Province, so he went to revenge herself this time, and was also prepared to seize the other party's property.

This operation is not troublesome at all, as long as the other party can completely control everything.

And everything went very well.

Lidak sneaks into Xiang Junyi's back mountain alone in the middle of the night, summons his own spirit body out of the body through secret arts, and so confidently sneaks into Xiang Junyi's home in front of all bodyguards, and attaches himself to each other.

And then

All of a sudden, everything gets tricky!

After Li Dake attached himself, he suddenly found that Xiang Junyi's study had a secret Dharma array, which directly suppressed his spirit in the beautiful woman's body. With his ability, he couldn't get out of trouble quickly.

What's more troublesome is that the martial steward of the family finds Xiang Junyi's abnormality and blocks him in the study.

Lidak has no choice but to use his accumulated venomous resentment to repel the martial housekeeper, and then shut himself in the study to torture the spirit of Junyi, forcing her to hand over all her wealth.

This time, lidak became calm again.

Because he knows that ordinary people's spirits can never resist his resentment and torture. Today, he only needs to rob Xiang Junyi of all his wealth and then commit suicide.

In this way, he can get two huge sums of money through a commission, and he will not be short of money for a long time.

As for the Falun that trapped him, lidak believed in his own strength. As long as he got rid of Xiang Junyi's body, he would certainly be able to leave by force. The reason why he was targeted by the warrior just now was that he was attached to this woman.

Of course, lidak won't forget to find out the person who destroyed his curse bee from Xiang Junyi's memory, so that after he killed Xiang Junyi's family, he will also kill that guy himself.

So when Uncle Xu invited Chen Hao to the third floor, lidak was not in a hurry to torture Xiang Junyi's spirit. He had already turned on the computer in his study and was waiting to transfer money to himself by using the attached woman's body.

But lidak still found someone coming outside the house, and immediately felt the breath of Qi and blood on Uncle Xu, Jiang Libo and Li Hong.

So he turned his eyes and immediately tried to irritate Uncle Xu.

Because as long as the door of the study is opened, there will be a loophole in the array that is now blocking his spiritual body. Let him seize the opportunity to break the array and go out to fight

"Hum, the design of this dharma array is quite secret. I didn't even find the Dharma array inside before I sneaked in, but to save Xiang Junyi, people outside must open the door."

"What's more, martial arts masters like me, who can shell half spirit, are their natural enemies!"

Lidak confidently calls out a stream of evil and black Qi to entangle in his hands, and looks at the door of the study through Xiang Junyi's vision.

He believed that the reason why he was just trapped here by the old warrior was just because of carelessness. This time, no matter who entered the door, he would kill each other with his own witchcraft resentment.

But lidak's confident look didn't last for a few seconds, and he looked at the roof in surprise.

He seems to find that the roof in his view shakes without warning


Lidak's eyes suddenly opened.

He saw a white word on a black background, and something half empty and half solid was suddenly pressed down on him from the roof.

"Like a book?"

Lidak's brain subconsciously came up with this idea, but it was immediately forgotten by him, because he found that the Big Book suddenly filled the whole study.

Where did you get such a big book!

The minimum space of this study is 100 square meters, OK!

Lidak just felt confused, so he faced the things that came to him like the top of the mountain in the air, and tried his best to lift Xiang Junyi's hands, who was attached to the body control, and instinctively wanted to support each other.



Lidak found that the thick book with the black cover went directly through Xiang Junyi's palm, and hit his spirit body very simply. He flew directly from Xiang Junyi's body.

Confused, lidak seems to hear a young girl's excited cry.

"Yes! I really hit the spirit of that disgusting man

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