Jiang Libo was standing in the broken corridor on the third floor. He had taken back the two machetes he had just left in his study. He was standing behind Jiang Qian and looking downstairs.

When he saw that Chen Hao appeared with lidak's spirit in his hand, he was immediately relieved.

"He's up. He's subdued the monster."

Jiang Libo said to several people who were still worried behind him.

"That's good."

Uncle Xu has been vigilant to protect his own miss and little miss, smell speech also not long sigh of relief.


Chen haofei went upstairs and threw lidak on the ground. He said to the crowd, "I've sealed this guy for the time being. I can let Jiang Qian's book destroy him. Maybe I can get some useful information and find out who's targeting you."

"Ah, well, leave it to me!"

Jiang Qian immediately jumps to Chen Hao's side and calls out the book of reincarnation of good and evil without hesitation. She claps it on lidak's body.

Because lidak was completely sealed by the dragon beard needle and had no defensive means, he was shattered by Jiang Qian this time, and all his accomplishments and evil Qi were instantly absorbed.


Chen Hao immediately sensed that his own spiritual power had been nurtured again, and the number was much more than that of any previous time. The second Xuanshui star mark in the dragon ball immediately became bigger and clearer, and even faintly sensed the continuous sound of waves in the star Mark, which made him relaxed and happy.

What's more, Chen Hao found that there seems to be something special in Xuanshui's star trace, just as the first star trace representing good and evil was completely condensed and given him dragon horn sword and dragon whisker needle, which seems to be a kind of dragon magic power.

However, this point will probably appear after the second star Mark reaches its peak and breaks through to the third star mark. It seems that it is not so easy.

As a result, when Chen Hao was addicted to the sudden improvement of his strength, Jiang Qian suddenly said to him, "my big book has extracted the bad man's memory. It seems that there are some useful things in it. Come and have a look with me."

Chen Hao turns his head and finds that Jiang Qian has come to him with a book about the samsara of good and evil.


Chen Hao didn't say anything. He pressed his palm directly on the cover of the big black book.

The next moment, he immediately sensed that Jiang Qian passed some memories to him through the big book in his hand.

As a result, these memories were all broken, and they didn't look very smooth. However, Chen Hao found three pieces of relatively useful information in them as soon as possible.

"It turns out that this man's name is lidak. He is a hybrid of human and vampire. Unfortunately, there is no memory of his childhood in his memory, only a few harmful memories of him when he grew up."

"In addition, he has a secret place for cultivation in Western Sichuan, which seems to be a valley with a little evil. Evil spirit is constantly generated naturally, and no grass grows. It is said that no one can go deep into it. Because there was a dragon dead in it, there was such a high evil spirit, so even he can't enter it. He can only practice outside..."

"Wait, I finally found a useful memory!"

Chen Hao didn't find anything related to Jiang Qian's family until he retrieved the last piece of Li Dake's memory.

However, this memory is relatively vague, only one letter.

There is a check in the envelope, which is lidak's Commission this time, and the items in the envelope are a business card and a piece of paper.

Among them, the business card, which is similar to the normal style, has a golden gate painted on it and a name called "Mr. Di men" written on it.

There is also the paper with the names of "Xiang Junyi" and "Jiang Qian" on it.

"Mr. dimen... It's a funny name, but it should be this man who hired lidak to target Jiang Qian and her mother."

Chen Hao turned his mouth secretly.

Although the news is useful, it's hard to find out what it looks like for a while.

"Well, there don't seem to be many clues. Maybe only the letter in the last paragraph and the name of this guy are of some use. Jiang Qian, please tell your family well."

Chen Hao opened his eyes and said to Jiang Qian.

"Well, just give it to me!"

Jiang Qian opens a pair of big eyes and stares at Chen Hao happily. It's just the feeling that a little fan girl sees her idol.

Chen Hao nodded and subconsciously turned to find Li Hong. As a result, he immediately found that Li Hong was sitting on the ground against a wall. His face looked a little pale, as if the injury had been repeated.

"Ah, Li Hong, why are you sitting here?"


Li Hong pulls the corners of her mouth and smiles at Chen Hao, saying nothing more.

Chen Hao immediately understood that after his attack on lidak just now, four of the five people upstairs were in the same family, and only Li Hong was considered an outsider, so it was normal for no one to pay attention to Li Hong in the subsequent explosion.

But now he has solved lidak, but none of Xiang Junyi and Jiang lipai come to take care of Li Hong.

Chen Hao immediately frowned lightly.

This makes him a little uncomfortable!

So he didn't say anything to Jiang Qian. He went directly to Li Hong and squatted down to check her injury.

"I'm fine. Don't worry."

The bottom of Li Hong's heart was secretly relieved, and a trace of cunning flashed by.

There's no way. In fact, she just sat here on purpose to attract Chen Hao's attention.

After all, in this villa, the only person she can rely on is Chen Hao, and her injuries can only be cured by the other party's guarantee, so she naturally wants to find a way to draw the young man around, instead of being pulled away by a young girl.

Well, it's just to protect yourself carefully!

Li Hong silently praised herself in her heart, and then continued to make a normal and weak state.

In fact, she didn't want to stay here. Instead, she wanted to go back to the small house she rented. She felt that Chen Hao, a powerful landlord, lived downstairs. It really made people feel a sense of security.

Thinking of this, Li Hong looked up at Chen Hao and said in a low voice, "are things done here? When shall we go back?"

Chen Hao is feeling Li Hong's pulse, subconsciously replied: "I want to go back, but it's so late, your injury is not good, delay again, let them find a room, I'll cure you first."


Li Hong nodded gently, and the corners of her mouth rose unconsciously.

On the other hand, Jiang Libo is just finishing listening to the clue Jiang Qian told him, subconsciously turned to find Chen Hao.

Then he immediately saw that Chen Hao was concerned and felt Li Hong's pulse. His eyelids suddenly jumped.

He then remembered that he had just completely ignored Li Hong, especially after Chen Hao forced him downstairs in the battle. He never thought about taking care of Li Hong.

Li Hong is a woman brought by Chen Hao!

Jiang Libo immediately recalled that he saw with his own eyes that Chen Hao went upstairs and the princess took care of the woman. Therefore, according to Zen theory, Chen Hao's relationship with the woman would never be bad.

In this way, they may offend Chen Hao.

It has to be said that Jiang Libo, who looks like an old farmer, has a delicate mind. In addition to guessing Li Hong's identity wrong, he is keen to discover these omissions.

So he immediately thought about how to make up for Chen Hao and Li Hong.

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