"In fact, our Li family and Tianmen organization's predecessor were mortal enemies very early on."

Li Hong finally chooses to believe Chen Hao, and the female killer doesn't know why she is so impulsive.

In her mind, maybe it's because after the collapse of the Li family, she is now the only one who knows, so she doesn't want to keep this secret in her heart for a lifetime.

And Chen Hao, perhaps, is also her most right audience.

Because of his powerful strength and mysterious identity, even Tianmen experts probably have no way to deal with him... Besides, it seems that Li Hong feels like she has found a wonderful and reliable feeling in someone for the first time after she is alone.

Chen Hao listened carefully to Li Hong's explanation and asked: "according to what you said, Tianmen's calculation is premeditated, not just for the sake of your Li family's martial arts secret."


When Li Hong came to her family and Tianmen, she was as cold as ice.

Chen Hao nodded silently.

Li Hong thought for a while and continued: "in fact, when it comes to the Li family and Tianmen, it's almost a thousand years old. At the beginning, the Li family belonged to an organization similar to the alliance of martial arts and Taoism, known as the" Ci Qin Pavilion ". The purpose of this organization is to protect the people all over the world. If there is a fatuous monarch and a ridiculous country, we should join hands to kill it."

Chen Hao slightly raises an eyebrow, some accidents.

"In fact, we didn't really kill a few dujun. In fact, the assassin Pavilion is just a combination of several ancient martial families, struggling to survive in troubled times."

Li Hong continued calmly“ But when China was about to collapse and Kyushu was in turmoil more than a hundred years ago, our families were still in seclusion, but they were found by a man called Qianji Pavilion. I hope we can join hands with them to attack the martial arts masters of Sakura Kingdom and try to hit their land troops hard! "

"And then?"

Chen Hao didn't expect that this incident was related to some important history, so he couldn't help asking.

As a result, Li Hong also looked a little at a loss at this time. After thinking about it, she said, "I don't know exactly what happened later. In a word, some families of CI Qin Pavilion agreed to join hands with Qian Ji Pavilion, and then these people set out. Unfortunately, they were all defeated in the end."

Speaking of this, Li Hong's tone is a little sad: "after that, the ciqin Pavilion became fragmented. Some of the warriors who joined hands with Qianji Pavilion said that there were traitors among them. If they were willing to join hands with them, they would surely win the first World War at that time, instead of killing so many people."

"After that, some of the elders who joined hands with qianjige enthusiastically demanded that they didn't go to war, and several of them made up for it, so that they could hand over the family secrets, and they would continue to fight against the invaders of Cherry Blossom country..."

"As far as I know, several guwu families didn't agree at that time, and then a civil war broke out between the two sides.

Originally, our Li family was a cooperative group with Qianji Pavilion, but we couldn't bear to see this kind of civil war, so we secretly united with several ancient martial families to defeat Qianji Pavilion and some predecessors who belonged to the ciqin Pavilion before,

Since then, the two sides have no relationship with each other

When Chen Hao heard this, he couldn't tell who was right or wrong for a moment. He just guessed subconsciously: "so Qianji Pavilion is Tianmen?"

"That's about it. After the division of the ciqin Pavilion at that time, some survivors of the ciqin Pavilion joined hands with Qianji pavilion to form the Tianmen.

But no one thought that after nearly a hundred years of seclusion, our Li family was suddenly approached by Tianmen and told us to hand over the family's Secret martial arts. But my father didn't agree, so some of my elder martial brothers betrayed me and my family was destroyed. "

Li Hongman said sadly.

"So what does Tianmen do?"

Chen Hao didn't understand. If it's just revenge, there's no need to ask for someone's Secret martial arts. Just do it.

In the case of the Li family, they were forced to exterminate the family only after they demanded that the martial arts should not be passed on secretly.

"They want to be stronger!" Li Hong's answer this time is very firm.

"Now all the warriors of Tianmen are lunatics. They have been collecting a lot of martial arts in the past 100 years, trying to make themselves the most powerful weapon to kill people by combining martial arts with the hidden weapons of Qianji Pavilion, and finally completely destroy the country on the other side of the sea!"

It's revenge for Sakura!

Chen Hao is a Leng at first, then in the heart unexpectedly rose a sincere admiration.

He was a good and hidden indignant youth, so he was extremely indignant at the modern Chinese experience. He really wanted to go back to participate in the rescue of the city and the country, even if he died on the battlefield at that time.

So when I heard that a group of fanatical warriors in Tianmen wanted to destroy Sakura Kingdom, my heart was full of support.

But after a few seconds, he calmed down.

After all, a hundred years later, cherry blossom country has another generation of new people. They are not the same people as the aggressors at that time. Therefore, he can't really raise his anger to the level of killing people.

The most important thing is that in the revenge action, Tianmen even killed his compatriots and made such a crazy move to destroy Li hongmanmen.

From this point, Chen Hao can never agree.

"Well, all I have to say is that the origin of Tianmen is like this. They are doing some crazy things. Anyone who hinders them will be targeted. But these things have nothing to do with me. What I want to do is to revenge my family and completely destroy this crazy organization."

Li Hong slowly sums up the secret she just said, and then her eyes fall on Chen Hao.

Seeing this, Chen Hao shrugged: "you have made it very clear that Tianmen is a lunatic organization, and I have offended them, they will always come to me for trouble, so I will not be polite as long as I meet them in the future, just as I told you before, I don't like those people who will bring me trouble."

"Well, I hope we can cooperate happily in the future, little landlord!"

Li Hong stood at the side of the window and waved to Chen Hao.

The sunlight of the dawn shines on her side, making her feel as if she is in a warm and soft light, just like the smile rising from her lips.

Soon, Xu Shu came to treat them to breakfast.

Chen Hao and Li Hong change their clothes before they go down together. As soon as they get out of the door, they see Jiang Qian peeping at them. His small face is full of discontent and a strong examination.

And then just then.

Chen Hao's phone rings suddenly, and he wen calls him early in the morning.

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