The comfortable sea breeze, the warm sunshine, the trees with the breeze, and the cabin beside the beach

Chen Hao felt that everything as like as two peas when he first entered Dragon Island.

However, this time he entered the space, and obviously found that after awakening the two star tracks, there were a lot of corresponding news in the Dragon inheritance.

He can now open more Dragon God Island area, no longer just walk around the cabin and the beach, but most importantly, a room in the cabin has been opened to him.

Just need Xuanshui star trace to open.

Chen Hao did not want to, immediately rushed into the hut, spread out his palm, and aimed a stream of Xuanshui star trace's spiritual power at the door lock which was closed in the middle of the room.

In addition to active inquiry, Shenlong heritage can only be activated and reveal useful information when it comes into contact with things related to inheritance. So Chen Hao only knows that Xuanshui Lingli can open the door in the middle of the wooden house, but he doesn't know what's inside.

However, it can be seen from the front row of information that there must be something useful for him in the room.

Click, click.

Xuanshui Lingli infused into the door lock, just like a key turned twice, the door automatically opened inward.

All of a sudden, Chen Hao saw a room with a bronze cauldron and stove about one person high in the middle.

"Wanhua Tianlu!"

When Chen Hao saw the bronze cauldron, a long message came out of his mind for the first time.

"Refining ten thousand demons, refining ten thousand demons, refining ten thousand immortals, refining ten thousand realms... Before heaven and earth came into being, this big cauldron actually refined so many things. It is said that there is nothing in the world that can not be refined. No wonder it is called the name of Wanhua heavenly furnace!"

After a brief look at the origin of the bronze tripod and its function, Chen could not help but be surprised.

Wanhua heavenly furnace can refine alchemy and utensils.

But its biggest advantage is that it can activate the cauldron furnace with its own magic power, and it can refine automatically. It's a god furnace that can be used by any fool. Whether it's Alchemy or refining utensils, just pour in the raw materials and infuse the pure dragon spirit power at the same time.

"I see. This Wanhua heavenly stove is the treasure of the protoss town. It is said that it is closely related to the origin of the dragon's blood, so only the dragon and the dragon's blood can use it."

Chen Hao quickly found out the role of Wanhua furnace, and immediately felt even more happy.

This kind of divine stove is just like a tailor-made one for him. There's no need to study the knowledge of alchemy and medicine. As long as the raw materials are suitable, everything can be refined. It's just like turning on the stove.

"So what can I refine now?"

Chen Hao pondered it for a while, and found that there are many prescriptions and drawings that can be mastered in the double star trace stage in his brain. Among them, there are Lianti Dan and Lianqi Dan, which are useful pills after seeing, and Huichun San, which is used in the treatment. What Shenlong left behind is not a simple prescription.

Unfortunately, looking from left to right, there is no raw material in the wooden house to try.

"By the way, there are many new areas outside. It's better to look for them."

Chen Hao suddenly pats his head and thinks that the Dragon God Island is so big. How can the dragon not leave some useful medicinal materials on it? Anyway, just go out and look for it.

So he immediately rushed out of the room like a flower, scanned everything in the real field with his eyes, and quickly searched the inheritance information in his brain, hoping to find some useful herbs for refining.

As a result, Chen Hao walked around the wooden house for a short time and found that this time he was only given an extra path connecting the back mountain and the beach. At the same time, only the roadside vegetation and a positive advantage were open to him. The flower bed on the front of the wooden house was open to him.

"Why? It's just an ordinary orchid. It's as big as a basketball. It doesn't seem to be a medicinal herb. "

"And this is sunflower. It's taller than me. A melon seed is the size of a palm. You've got giant's disease, right?"

"Well, this is Narcissus, and there is so much nectar in the flower. This... Is also a common variety?"

After thinking about it, Chen Hao went to the flower garden about 100 square meters in size and continued to search the information of various flowers with his sight.

As a result, he made a big circle around the flower garden. It turned out that all of them were variants of common flowers. In the inheritance of knowledge, they were not herbs that could be used to refine pills.

"It's a little hurt..."

Chen Hao sighed secretly, and then walked around the path. As a result, there were some grass and trees near the mountain. There was nothing strange about it. When he went up, he was completely blocked by a strong spiritual barrier and couldn't move.

The only surprise is that there are several peach trees on the side of the road. All the peaches are ripe and can be picked directly.

On the upper edge of Taolin, the mountain spring and stream that Chen Hao had seen just flowed through here. The water was gurgling and the green stones were shining. When he took a sip, he immediately felt refreshed.

"So now the only open places are streams, peach groves, flower beds and beaches."

Chen Hao found something, immediately happy to pick a peach to eat.

He is not afraid of any accident on the Dragon God Island. What he sees now are ordinary natural creatures. After being nurtured by the spiritual power on the Dragon God Island, these plants are like symbiosis with the island, and have a slight resonance with him.

Results a peach to eat, Chen Hao immediately saliva Shengjin, delicious almost bite off the tongue with swallow into the stomach.

Moreover, the rich spiritual power in the peach is exaggerated. Chen Hao feels that the overall spiritual power in his body has increased by more than 10%, which almost enlarges his Xuanshui star trace.

"It's a good thing!"

Chen Hao took a few mouthfuls of the peach and immediately picked another one. Some of the ordinary things that are not clearly in the inheritance information have such a powerful effect.

He believed that if he took the peach out and sold it to the practitioners, God knows what the sky high price would be.

Because he knows the concentration of aura in the outside world. If ordinary people want to absorb the aura of island peaches, they can't do it in ten or eight years.

But Chen Hao greedily put the second peach into the mouth, and immediately found that the aura of the peach just immediately spread to the whole body, and was not directly absorbed by the dragon ball again.

"It seems that Xingchen's step-by-step self-cultivation is good, but in order to keep pure spiritual power, there is a limit of absorption limit when absorbing the aura from the outside world. Now, I can only absorb the aura of a peach every day. If I have more, I can only supplement and consume the aura. "

Chen Hao took a look at the peach in his hand. After thinking about it, he still couldn't hold back his appetite. He ate it in two or three bites. Then he washed his hands by the stream, turned to pick some peaches and walked back to the hut.

The direction of the beach is only a small part open, but it is open and connected to a 100 meter long beach, which can extend about 30 meters into the water, but that's the end.

In this direction, Chen Hao only saw some seaweed for the time being, not even fish.

However, the seaweed here is also nourished by the aura of the island world. It seems that it is also full of aura.

"Wait a minute..."

Chen Hao grabs a piece of seaweed in his hand and takes a look at it. Suddenly, an idea that makes him curious comes out.

Since Wanhua heavenly furnace can refine all things, if you choose to jump out of danfang, can this divine furnace refine anything with ordinary things?

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