"I know!"

Sitting on the floor of the alchemy room, Chen Hao suddenly realized everything.

He grabbed the Qi Ling herbal powder and looked at it again. Then he immediately recalled the prescription of refining body pill and Qi pill in his mind.

As a result, he soon found that although the herbs on the two prescriptions need some special herbs, they only need herbs that have been used for decades and hundreds of years. Although the lingcao powder he is using now is actually just weeds on the Dragon God Island, each plant has absorbed thousands of years of aura on the Sea Island.

In other words, no wonder he can use weeds to produce powder comparable to the elixir. That's because these weeds can't be regarded as normal weeds at all. They have the aura of thousands of years. Even a pig can make it to heaven.

"No wonder... No wonder!"

Chen haomeng got up and looked out of the window of the alchemy room at the magnificent scenery of the island outside. He thought that everything here didn't look much different from the real world, but in fact there were treasures everywhere.

Here is a cornucopia!

Chen Hao can't help but giggle a few times, knowing that he really made money this time.

"It's really lucky. In the future, depending on the three kinds of pills, it can definitely develop, because there are peaches, nectar, sunflower seeds all year round in Longshen Island, and the common spirit grass is always there all year round, so these pills made now will never lack of raw materials!"

Chen Haoyue thought that he was more and more happy. As a result, he inadvertently kicked the vine that had just been stimulated by lingcao powder, which made it contaminated with more lingcao powder.


Chen Hao suddenly found that a weak call suddenly appeared in his brain, which made him stop.

What's going on?

He took a quick look at the vine under his feet and found that it had grown a lot. Then he seemed to really hear the crazy plant, as if trying to talk to him.

"Lord... Man..."


Chen Hao suddenly took a cold breath. On such an empty Island, he suddenly heard someone talking in his mind. This feeling is really terrible.

But the sound seemed to come from the vine under his feet, and this discovery immediately made people feel more and more incredible.

"Master... Take... Powder..."

Chen Hao heard another call, but this time, with his absolute control over the space opened up in the whole Dragon God Island, he really confirmed that the vine in front of him was talking.

"Damn, this thing is really refined!"

Chen Hao curiously looked at the vine called his master, and then began to summon a ball of powder to spread beside it.

The vine suddenly moved like a long snake, glued the spirit herbal powder to the body, quickly absorbed it into the skin, and made it grow again.

good heavens!

Chen Hao immediately became more interested, and a very bold idea came out of his mind.

So he not only took more lingcao powder, but also took one pill of Taoling pill, Hualing pill and miling pill, which were named casually, and sent them to the vine which is now tens of meters long.

"Do you want to eat?"

Chen Hao at this moment is like a bad uncle with a lollipop to fool children.

"Want to eat..."

Vine responded very honestly.

"Well, would you like to go out to the outside world with me and help me look after my home? I promise that I will give you some delicious elixir as reward every day."

Chen Hao felt that he was very kind.

Just now, he had a whim. If he could take the refined psychic vine and send it to the apartment upstairs, it would be equivalent to bringing a natural alarm to the apartment. Moreover, because the vine can communicate with him directly, it is much better than any powerful alarm in the world.

Moreover, he has just searched the inheritance information, which shows that this kind of psychic vine will not have intelligence until at least a thousand years, and it can automatically develop a lot of defense and attack spells. Originally, it is the most common fairy vegetation used to protect the Mountain Gate in each cave.

He is really lucky this time!

That's why Chen Hao insisted on winning over this psychic vine.

As a result, in Chen Hao's expectation of China, the psychic vine still said intermittently like a child who has just learned to speak: "for the master's sake... There is no need to pay..."


It's a little embarrassing.

Chen Hao looked at the same vines in front of him, and suddenly felt that he had become a villain for nothing.

Everything on the Dragon God Island belongs to him, so after the psychic vine is activated by the spirit herb powder, it seems that it can be naturally controlled by the master of the Dragon God Island.

"Ha ha."

Chen Hao smiles awkwardly, and then "generously" hands the three refined pills to Tongling vine.

"Little rattan..."

"Can't you call me Xiaoman?"

"Of course

Chen Hao could not help but feel a Tucao in his heart, but he still did not prevent the psychic vine from having the idea of wanting to have a female name. He thought that she thought it would be more appropriate to make complaints about women's apartments.


When Chen Hao thought of this, he found that he was taken away from the topic by a little vine who just had a sense.

So he saw the first green vine again.




Chen Hao found that just a few seconds later, the little guy became more energetic. It seems that after their spiritual communication, the Dragon God Island instilled part of the aura of heaven and earth into Xiaoman, making him grow up again.

And this kind of feeling is a little inexplicably comfortable, let people feel like they are communicating with a very smart dog, not... Like communicating with a very cute and sensible child!

Chen Hao thought about it and said to Xiaoman frankly: "well, let's settle down. I'll take you to my home outside, and then you'll take care of my home. I'll give you some pills as compensation to make up for the loss caused by your absence from Longshen island."

Xiaoman seemed to react a little because Chen Hao's words were a little too long, and then he said in his heart, "well... In fact, I can be on Dragon God Island, or I can go out with you!"

Chen Hao was stunned by the answer.

What do you mean you can go out on Dragon God Island?

Xiaoman seems to feel Chen Hao's doubts. Immediately, the control panel raises a branch on the ground and stands in the air. Suddenly, it folds the vine and breaks it in two.

Then Xiaoman controlled the two broken vines to stand up together and said to Chen Hao, "I mean I can leave one part of my body to continue to grow in Longshen Island, and you can take the other part of me out."

Chen Hao was speechless again.

Now even a vine can separate itself

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