Lao Wang's son hesitated. At this time, his parents quickly said, "don't listen to him. Let the girl go. What will you do in the future? Our Lao Wang family will be extinct. If you don't think about yourself, you should think about us."

The young man is in a dilemma. One side is the appeal of his parents, the other side is the protection of justice. When he chooses one side, he will lose the other. He knew that his parents were right. If he let the little girl go this time, he might never get a wife again.

The young man said helplessly, "let me think about it. It's a bit helpless."

Fang Tianxing also knows his dilemma. He puts Huang Haisheng under the tree at the entrance of the village and ties him to the tree. Fang Tianxing drew a circle nearby, "you stay in the circle, don't go out, see your performance, decide how to punish you."

When Fang Tianxing returned to the village, the villagers still had some resistance to him, thinking that he was here to rob the little girl. As a result, Fang Tianxing didn't forcibly take away the little girl, which reduced the villagers' resistance to Fang Tianxing, but they were still very alert.

Fang Tianxing came to Lao Wang's house and knocked on the door. Lao Wang came to open the door. Seeing that it was Fang Tianxing, he was a little displeased. He said with a cold face, "we don't welcome you. You'd better go.".

"Please believe that I have no malice, I am a network author, sincerely want to relieve the pain for you, so that all living beings can be happy." Fang Tianxing said sincerely.

Maybe it's the identity of the Internet author that has touched Lao Wang a little. Thanks to the efforts of countless older Internet authors, it has become a well-known thing that Internet authors protect all living beings.

After thinking about it, Lao Wang finally let Fang Tianxing into the house. In the room, Lao Wang's wife quickly came out and said, "you haven't eaten yet. The old man went to kill the chicken at home. You can stay for a meal."

Lao Wang was a little dissatisfied, but he still ran to the back of the house to catch chickens. Lao Wang's wife warmly called Fang Tianxing, "there is nothing good in our village. I hope you don't dislike it."

Fang Tianxing waved his hand and said, "it's OK. All living beings are equal. No one can be superior."

Lao Wang gave the chicken to his wife. His wife took the chicken to the kitchen. Lao Wang said opposite Fang Tianxing, "drink?"

With that, no matter whether Fang Tianxing answered or not, he directly took out a bucket of bulk wine, and Fang Tianxing replied, "I'll have some, too."

Lao Wang handed a cup to Fang Tianxing, filled it with wine and poured it on himself. He picked up the wine cup, and Fang Tianxing also picked up the wine cup. The entrance of the wine was full of pungent taste. This kind of bulk wine was mostly blended with industrial alcohol, so it was very easy to get on.

Lao Wang has been used to this kind of wine for a long time. On the contrary, this kind of wine can make him feel energetic. Lao Wang sips the wine in his cup. It is extremely spicy and has a pungent taste. This inferior wine is made of alcohol.

Baijiu Baijiu has no advantage in drinking for a long time, but Fang Tian Xing has not opened a reminder, and what they can see is that they can drink inferior liquor. It is good to buy cheap, bulk liquor.

Drink into the stomach, wine between men is a good way to shorten the distance, push the cup in the wine field, you don't drink, enough, brother see you try your best, also know your frank personality, not so much bending.

”It's a long time since I've expressed my heart so much. Let's do the rest“ Lao Wang said gallantly.

But wine can paralyze the nerves, which means that people's once highly tense string relaxed at that moment. With the help of wine, people return to their true appearance and get rid of the shackles temporarily.

Lao Wang said, "I really admire you Internet writers. You can see the situation in our village without you guarding the human readers of the galaxy. Why didn't you network writers help us when they were guarding all living beings? "

Fang Tianxing was lost in thought. After a moment, Fang Tianxing said, "I know that even the sun can't illuminate every place. There are still many suffering people in the world.

Even the omnipotent gods can't take care of everyone. We are sorry. Even if we have such power, we can still imagine that the distribution of social wealth will become unequal again after a period of time due to the differences in personal talents and abilities, and even the differences in physical conditions.

Therefore, we can say that in human society, social inequality is permanent, almost inevitable and irreversible. In the 21st century, the wealth of 10% of the rich people on the earth has exceeded the total wealth of 85% of the other people.

In the age of the universe, the problem becomes more serious. The rich have a galaxy and countless planets, while the poor have no place to live and live a miserable life.

As an old saying goes, you can't imagine the happiness of the rich, but from the perspective of the rich, the pain of the poor is hard for them to understand.

Let me tell you the story of Xia Dongyang, a former reader of mine. He was a businessman, and his family was also a businessman. He has lived a good life since childhood. In his eyes, those poor people are all suffering for themselves because they don't work hard. Later, I brought her to the slum to let him experience the life in the slum, so that he can understand the situation of the poor people. "

Lao Wang said maliciously, "those rich people should die. Why should they be superior? We poor people can only be slaves and bullied“

Fang Tianxing didn't agree with him. He said directly, "you are wrong. The rich are superior and can't feel the pain of the poor, but the poor should never vent their anger on others."

"What, you said I was wrong." Lao Wang said angrily.

"Yes, you are“ Fang Tianxing continued that the social value orientation is single, high-quality resources are limited, competition is disordered, and the evaluation process is unfair.

And many people regard their life as a journey. The conquest and Realization of each goal is the highest mission in this life, and there is no other life content.

People are born with anxiety, lacking both ascending channel and outlet. The discontent in the chest, the plot in the dark box, everyone stands in a different position, does not respect each other, does not understand each other, and has no patience with each other. This kind of all turned into anger, blinded people's eyes.

"Have you ever noticed that you are not only more and more angry, but also more and more resentful to the society. The root of hostility is the tearing and imbalance of the whole social structure.

The more unfair and unequal a society is, the more discriminative it is, and the more violent it is. In a social structure with wide gap between the rich and the poor and serious polarization, it is very easy for the people at the bottom to turn their hatred of injustice into their great hatred of the whole society.

The justice that many people pursue is not the real justice, but the privilege that they hope will come to them. Many people are not angry because they don't care about the common people, but because they are not vested interests.

Have you found that we are often inexplicably unhappy, often without reason of negative energy, and then the heart produces a steady stream of nameless fire. This nameless fire has no place to vent. In our life, we can't yell at our relatives and friends directly, and we can't express ourselves without scruple“

"How can it be like this? Those people enjoy more things. We are poor and have no wealth. It's not fair." Lao Wang said discontentedly.

"In fact, as long as we think about it, our world is not perfect, there are all kinds of absurd problems, which lead to all kinds of negative emotions, and these negative emotions are often expressed in a violent and exaggerated way, which aggravates all kinds of social problems. If there is love in heaven, heaven is old, and the right way in the world is vicissitudes. " Fang Tianxing said.

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