Superstar Athletes’ Black Tech Systems

Chapter 491: Righteous words

Li Liang's press conference soon caused an uproar in the sports world.

Racial issues have always been the red line of the United States. Once mentioned, the consequences will inevitably be huge waves.

Although Li Liang represents a disadvantaged group of Asians, in this place in the United States, as long as you start up, you are not afraid that no one will come out and make waves.

Besides, the problem of Asian-American discrimination in the United States has always been widespread, but no spokesperson has ever come out to cheer.

This is a good time. Li Liang has become a household name in the United States because of his amazing performance in the rookie season.

During his time in the Los Angeles Lakers, the TV show "Behind the Lakers" skyrocketed because of his ratings.

The special feature about Li Liang has created a peak in the ratings of the entire TV series.

After winning the finals MVP in a single game with 60 points in the finals, Li Liang's topic reached its peak, and he appeared on the cover of Time Magazine that year.

Prior to this, only Yao Ming among the Chinese in the basketball world had this honor.

In the new season, Li Liang came to the Clippers. A series of wonderful performances made him always dominate the NBA headlines.

The result came so suddenly that the entire NBA was caught off guard, especially Xiao Hua.

Brother, my Adam Silva has just been on any other day, and you just poked out such a big hole for Laozi to make up?

I thank you.

Li Liang is different from Yao Ming and Jeremy Lin.

Yao Ming is a player trained in the system. Although Li Liang is a Chinese nationality, in theory, he was trained by the American university system.

So he has a say on race issues, and he is very incisive. After all, he has lived and studied in the United States for many years.

Although Jeremy Lin is Chinese, except for his ancestry and descent, he is essentially an American.

Jeremy Lin also suffered a lot of discrimination and differential treatment, but with his strength and status, it is not easy to survive in the NBA.

In places like the NBA, small circles are extremely serious. If you can’t be like Li Liang, you better shut up.

Only Li Liang, his identity, strength, and special influence determine his words. The NBA cannot ignore it, and Xiao Hua has no way not to respond positively.

Otherwise, all the contents of Li Liang’s press conference were announced on Wei Dazhi’s Twitter.

In the past two years, as the only channel for Li Liang's information to be released to the outside world, Wei Dazhi's Twitter attention has reached a terrible level.

And many are not ordinary fans, but friends in the media industry, and their forwarding speed is simply viral.

In less than half a day, TV stations and the media started a big discussion about discrimination against Asians.

Of course, not only Asians, Africans, Latinos, but all were pulled out.

Soon, feminists were also dispatched, because Li Liang's agent was a woman.

This leads to the problem of sexism in the sports world. This is a lot of Nima.

Li Liang is completely the butterfly effect... No, it should be the Dapeng effect. He is not a small butterfly flapping his wings.

On the evening of the end of Li Liang’s press conference, the NBA officially held an urgent press briefing.

This is definitely a huge public relations crisis for Xiao Hua.

In theory, what Li Liang said was his freedom of speech.

At the same time, how other NBA players evaluate Asians is also a free speech.

But at this time, if Xiao Hua dare to stand up and say, "Everyone in the NBA is free to express their views on race", then congratulations to him, Xiao Hua will become the shortest NBA president in history.

Adam Silva, the fifth president of the NBA, (February 1, 2014-February 2, 2014).

That Xiao Hua is really the biggest joke in the United States.

Therefore, on the one hand, Xiao Hua could not prevent Li Liang from speaking, or from Asians.

On the other hand, you can't just confuse this matter casually, saying that everyone loves to say what is their freedom.

He has to give a statement.

In the evening, the newly appointed Adam Silva stood in front of the microphone of the press conference and looked calm.

In fact, a group of panic in his heart, what is this Nima called?

What is this equivalent to, just as an emperor, the next day, the harem has not slept yet, saying there is a man-made counter in Beijing.

And it was the forbidden army that rebelled and hit the Forbidden City, saying that the emperor is old and you don’t give a statement, so don’t be an emperor.

Of course, Xiao Hua is getting old, and the NBA office held a two-hour meeting. The former president Stern personally made suggestions and called Li Liang.

Because Silva called, Li Liang did not answer.

Stern picked up Zhu Shu and said Li Liang was sleeping.

Lying trough, do you sleep at this point?

Did you go home and go to bed after the press conference?

In fact, Li Liang was really sleeping and got new props. Can he watch the system without sleeping?

Then Zhu Shu told Stern that Li Liang was not malicious to the NBA, except that he had received some negative things for a long time, which caused some problems with his mentality. I hope Stern and the NBA official understand.

In addition, Li Liang is willing to accept the penalty of two suspensions and a fine of 50,000 US dollars.

When Stern heard this, he had some problems with his mentality. I believe you are a ghost!

Do you think I forgot about Li Liang’s evaluation results during the rookie mental health survey?

"Psychologically very healthy, overly optimistic about the world, lacking realistic beatings."

Damn, this kind of evaluation result is rarer than any morbid psychology of depression.

This kid's mentality is good, and now he says there is a problem with his mentality?

But Stern couldn't help it. After learning from Li Liang's attitude, Stern instructed Xiao Hua to deal with this issue as quickly as possible, and he must not let it ferment.

At the press conference, Silva explained and explained Li Liang's press release with a little nervousness.

"...In the NBA, any racially discriminatory statements and behaviors will never be allowed, and we will investigate the content of Bruce Lee's complaint..."

Attitudes must be shown, and whatever Li Liang said is true or false, it must be investigated.

To be honest, in a place like the NBA, you have to say that there is no discrimination against Asians or even Africans. Do you think it is possible?

In such a big league, so many athletes with simple minds and well-developed limbs gather together, so many things about **** falling into the stove every day, it is simply impossible to say two swear words and scold two Chinese.

Therefore, the NBA's so-called investigation will not have any definite results, but it will serve as a warning.

Xiao Hua immediately added: "The NBA will have zero tolerance for any racial discrimination. If a similar situation occurs in the future, the NBA will not tolerate anyone."

This is the guiding strategy given by Stern, which is called planning ahead.

The so-called zero tolerance means that we will endure now, and then we will not.

Of course, if something really happens in the future, let's analyze it in detail.

Anyway, the current attitude is absolutely okay. Anyone who wants to criticize the NBA is given a minimum account.

Anyway, Li Liang did not name himself who insulted himself, no need to find a scapegoat.

Li Liang just broke a window paper that everyone knows about the status Xiao Hua just pasted this layer of window paper again.

The press conference took almost an hour, and Xiao Hua was asked many questions by reporters.

In general, Xiao Hua has seen the world after all, these questions are answered one by one.

"The coalition may consider setting up a department to supervise speech and deeds to deal with all kinds of speech issues. Although each of us has the power of freedom of speech, freedom is not without boundaries."

As Xiao Hua said, what he said was justified.

But in a few years, you will violently **** your mouth.

At this moment, Li Liang, who caused the crisis of public opinion, was sleeping at home.

At the moment of completing the "mouth emperor" task, after obtaining new special items, Li Liang was not interested in how to adjust Xiao Hua.

All his attention was on this new gadget, [David Stern's Simulated World].

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