Superstar Couple

Chapter 291: There is a kind of battle (recommended ticket)

   Chapter 291 There is a kind to fight

  Zhang Le took the time to produce "Little Apple". This song was considered by many people to be produced by Zhang Le Game, but everyone did not expect it to spread instantly like a virus.

  Many netizens called it the best brainwashing song of the year.

  The whole song, the music is fresh and bright, the lyrics are catchy, and it has the style of a retro divine comedy. The song uses a straightforward analogy and a unique rhythm, which instantly brings us back to the era when all young people would go to the dance hall to dance disco.

  There is no "Uncle Bird", no "Brother Mars", and no "Stupid Punk Band". This song is simply a fresh and unforgettable divine song, bringing the ultimate enjoyment of retro electronic music to the audience.

  Of course, this song has been criticized by many musicians, and even some older generation artists are worried about the popularity of this song, and are puzzled by Zhang Le, a musical talent who wrote such a song.

   However, the tens of billions of directors are in the limelight, and they think of being a father recently, so they can only take comfort as a game he wrote for his daughter.

  What's more, Zhang Le can even write "Song of the Pig", let alone "Little Apple"!

  Zhang Le has achieved the name of "Ten Billion Director". Fans who complained about Zhang Le's focus on the film at the time, have now completely lost their temper. They won't say "You come back when you can't get on in the movie circle".

  Almost all of Zhang Le’s films have achieved great success. His fans have been disappointed again and again, and this time they are completely desperate. However, the only comfort is that Zhang Le still produces two music works from time to time.

  Even songs like "Little Apple".

   Zhang Le’s divine song instantly became popular on the Internet and spread to the streets and alleys. From the small cute Lolita Xiao Zhengtai to the gray-haired old grandmother, they can hum. Once became the favorite of the square dancers.

  However. The media now pay more attention to Zhang Le's film works than music works.

  Zhang Le planted such a big somersault on Columbia Film Company, it is impossible to swallow this breath with his temper and suffer this dumb loss. The trend of his new film naturally attracts attention.

  It’s just that now he is a new father, and maybe he is changing the diapers for his children. It is estimated that the new film will wait for a while. However, what people did not expect was that there were surprises.

  Surprise, surprise with joy. Naturally, I am pleased that Zhang Le’s new film has begun preparations. Naturally, Zhang Le was so eager to be surprised. Yang Xiner just finished her confinement.

  Of course, what is even more surprising is that the investment in this film is more than one billion and nearly two billion Chinese dollars, which is more than 200 million 300 million US dollars. This directly broke the film investment record and became the most invested film in film history.

  And such a big investment in the film, Zhang Le actually cheaper outsiders. In the film, Feng Lei only picked up a male second.

  Feng Lei is a well-deserved brother of Xinle Film and Television, and Zhang Le’s best friend. Such a relationship did not win the male second. Naturally it is surprising.

   However, when it was revealed that the male number one was Zhou Run, everyone was relieved.

  Feng Lei is very popular. Moreover, he is still a new actor, but compared with Zhou Run, he is undoubtedly a lot behind. There is no king's taboo against the king. Zhou Run is the male number one. Feng Lei did not lose his identity when he played the second male number.

  Naturally, the heroine cannot be Yang Xin'er, she still needs to rest for a while. And this movie with such a big investment will be the heroine, but it hasn't been heard for a long time. However, everyone knows that under the same conditions, Liu Mi, a contracted artist of Xinle Film and Television, occupies an absolute advantage.

  Now, everyone has to admire Liu Mi's jump to Xinle Film and Television. A "Shaolin Football" made her career go further, and she immediately reaped love. Nowadays, it has attracted much attention because of the only resident female guest of "Brothers on the Run", and even became popular because of it.

   Zhang Le is so eager to prepare a new film. It is naturally reminiscent of the grievances between him and Columbia Pictures.

  He made a movie with such a big investment. Could it be that he plagiarized the movie from Columbia Pictures?

  With Zhang Le’s temper, it seems very possible.

  What kind of film made Zhang Le's investment so huge?

  The action scenes in "Couple" are already huge, and the investment is only more than 100 million U.S. dollars. This film actually more than doubled than "Couple".

  What kind of film, came out soon.

sci-fi movie! It's actually a science fiction movie! This is beyond everyone's expectations.

  This seems to be Zhang Le’s first time shooting a science fiction film. Can he do it? Such questions appeared in the minds of countless people.

  China director filming science fiction films, no one is optimistic about it. Even if Tang Xiao, who has a successful precedent, shoots a science fiction film again, it is estimated that he will not be optimistic about it.

  Zhang Le, is he going to use a science fiction film he is not good at to snipe Colombia's "big dinosaurs"?

  Insult yourself!

  This is the high-level of Columbia Film Company repeatedly asked by the media. Disdainful words spoken inadvertently.

  Whether it is intentional or unintentional, the words "involve one's own humiliation" were introduced into China, setting off a strong storm. Zhang Le is now the pride of China. It is even a symbol of China Movies. Such a person is despised by others. Isn't it contempt for Chinese-language movies and Chinese people?

  On the Internet, there is a lot of curse. Colombia's reputation has been stigmatized. This time, he was directly scolded decently.

   And Zhang Le did not remain silent this time, but just choked back.

  There is a kind to fight!

  The four characters are full of domineering. Didn't you say that I was insulting myself? Then we fight, whoever dies will be humiliated.

  The four words of Zhang Le made the whole Chinese movie fans excited. Once upon a time, director Hua Xia dared to say such things to major Hollywood studios.

  This feels like a refreshing serf singing.

  Amidst the sound of support, there are also greater worries. Can Zhang Le work? Will this young director who has created countless miracles create miracles?

  Many filmmakers are not optimistic about this. Anyone who understands movies knows how much potential the idea of ​​dinosaur resurrection has.

  And this worry became more serious after Columbia Pictures announced the director of the film.

  Jack Johnson, one of the major commercial directors in Hollywood. He is an Oscar for best director with several popular and popular films. In addition, he is also a director who is extremely good at movie special effects and is unique in movie vision.

  He is undoubtedly the best director to shoot this kind of film.

  How Columbia Pictures convinced him to direct this film is not important anymore. The important thing is that he is about to direct this film.

   Zhang Le’s performance in movies seems to be no worse than him, but Jack is a great director who has been famous for many years, and his influence is not comparable to that of a director like Zhang Le like a "nouveau riche". Moreover, Zhang Le has not yet been fully recognized by Hollywood. At least in the eyes of many fans in the world, Zhang Le still cannot be compared with Jack Johnson, an international director.

  Fame, perhaps Zhang Le is bigger than him, but Zhang Le’s status in the international film scene is obviously not as good as Jack Johnson.

  However, there are still many people who believe that this will be a battle between dragons and tigers. (To be continued~^~)

  PS:  I have been insisting on three shifts these days. Although I am tired at work, I still insist on it. Why do some people say that I am just two shifts? After asking for a long-time recommendation ticket, why is it not so good?

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