Superstar Couple

Chapter 307: Hatred from five million

   Chapter Three Hundred and Seventh Five Million Hate

  The post-production of Inception was completed at the end of the year. Not only did the quality exceed Zhang Le's expectations, but the speed also exceeded his expectations. Although the post-production time of this film is several times that of other films.

  Watching the effect of the movie, Zhang Le felt a lot more relaxed. I am confident, maybe a little exaggerated, but my self-confidence is a lot bigger. This is also the reason why he is in the mood to stay with Yang Xin'er back home with Bao'er for two or three months.

  Yanjing is prosperous, but the air is far from Zhang Le’s hometown. The pace of life in Yanjing is extremely fast, but Zhang Le's hometown is much more casual.

  There is a degree of relaxation, and Zhang Le really needs to change his life and relax.

   "This year, the peach blossoms here will bloom again." Zhang Le said to Yang Xin'er next to him with a smile.

   "Yes!" Yang Xiner looked at Zhang Le and said with a smile. Some things can be understood without words.

   "This little guy seems to like this place very much." Zhang Le looked at Bo'er in his arms, writhing and looking around.

   "This is also very meaningful to her!" Yang Xiner said with a smile.

   "Also." Zhang Le smiled and said, "You said that without this piece of Taoyuan, this little guy can already run on the ground?"

   "Maybe it is not necessarily not born yet." Yang Xiner said.

  Wait until the peach blossoms are full of fragrance! I don’t know if Zhang Le’s words made the wedding of the two of them advance or retreat? This, maybe only God knows.

   "Tomorrow your alma mater celebrates, do I need to go together?" Yang Xin'er suddenly asked.

   "Go, and take a look at the place I studied before." Zhang Le smiled and said.

  Zhang Le came back this time and was invited to participate in the 50th anniversary of his alma mater. He was naturally embarrassed to refuse. Back then. Zhang Le’s family is in difficult conditions, and the school has given him a lot of tuition. Even if the tuition fee is reduced because of his grades, the reduction is a reduction. This is a favor.

  What's more, school is the place where he grew up after all. If there is no emotion, it is impossible. Even the feelings for that school surpassed the feelings for Yanjing Film Academy. Because of that feeling, there is gratitude.

  Yancheng No. 1 Middle School, Zhang Le once spent six years there. He was very familiar with all the plants there. Many years later, when Zhang Le and his wife stepped into this school again, many of them had changed their appearances.

  When he was studying, Zhang Le was a legend in school, and now he has been a legend after many years of graduation.

  He is the pride of this school.

  Zhang Le brought Yang Xiner to his alma mater’s celebration, which caused a sensation in an instant, but even more sensation was that he sponsored five million to update the school’s hardware facilities.

  Five million is nothing to Zhang Le. At the beginning, he and Park Junyi gambling with hundreds of millions of funds were donated at hand, and at that time he did not have such strong funds.

  Five million is really nothing to him. But his money didn't come from the wind. Of course, the main reason for the sensation of this number is the nose drops with another person.

  Last year, it was revealed that Yancheng No. 1 Middle School invited rich and powerful writers to return to school for publicity. For this reason, the school’s finances were already very tight at all costs to entertain journalists from all over the country. Such a request is more than one hundred thousand. The original hope that the writer could sponsor the school ended in his donation of only a few thousand yuan.

   If the school waited for the money to make a name for him, the only activities that he wanted him to participate in were rejected on the grounds of ``do not want this trip to be commercialized''.

  After the rumors, the school leaders screamed and the teachers resented a lot. However, I only blame the school for making the wrong wishful thinking. As a result, the students are deeply poisoned, and the financial deficit almost makes the school environment in disarray!

  The school anniversary did not invite the well-known writer who went out of the school anymore. Instead, he heard that Zhang Le went back to his hometown and sent out the invitation with the idea of ​​giving it a try. Never thought that Zhang Le would attend, and brought his wife Yang Xin'er, who hadn't shown up for a long time. It's just that people didn't expect it. Not only did Zhang Le come with his wife, he also sponsored five million.

  This contrast naturally caused a sensation, and then it fermented.

  Zhang Le didn't know anything about the relationship between his alma mater and the writer, and didn't want to know. Zhang Le is skeptical about whether things are as rumored.

  The school originally had a purpose, and some were suspected of "bad intentions". Not to mention. I am afraid that more of the achievements that people have achieved today are not necessarily due to your school, but through their own efforts.

  Even if the school is kind to him, the "reporting for kindness" aroused the opposition of the other party and made some fierce reactions. It is not impossible.

  What is the face of the school leader, Zhang Le naturally learned. The reason why he sponsored five million. It's not about comparing with whom, but having its own considerations.

  He doesn't have the willfulness of a literati. He is a public figure, and he is more concerned with influence.

  Zhang Le’s current net worth, not to mention donating thousands of dollars, even tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands, may be hyped by the media as "ungrateful" and immediately affect his image.

  Of course, the faces of the school leaders disgusted him, but the students at the school were innocent. Zhang Le's five million is not for the school leaders, but for the school and the students.

  What Zhang Le did not expect was that his actions were compared with the writer by the media, and after another hype, they completely merged the appearance.

  Some media said that Zhang Le used 5 million to express dissatisfaction with someone, insinuating his ungratefulness.

  Some media said that Zhang Le slapped someone with a loud slap of five million, in order to teach them how to behave.

  No matter how the media reported, the writer was pushed to the forefront, and countless people questioned his character.

   Originally, that matter had little effect, but after Zhang Le sponsored and compared, the well-known writer suddenly lay down.

  The media has never minded giving people hatred, and even enjoys it. Because of the hatred, an even more exciting thing will be staged next: the war of tears!

   Since his debut, Zhang Le has staged battles with countless people and countless companies, and almost all ended in victory. Even some time ago, he helped network literature and traditional literature to open fire, and in one fell swoop to reverse the disadvantages of network literature.

  But no one has seen him, what he has had with well-known writers. Many people want to see how wonderful this celebrity from the same school will perform!

   "Unexpectedly, your five million will attract hatred." Yang Xin'er shook her head and said with a smile.

   "The media don't care about the urinary sex, they care what they do." Zhang Le said.

   "You ignore it, it doesn't mean that others ignore it!" Yang Xiner smiled, handed the phone over, and said, "Look, someone says you are rich and self-willed!"

   "Why did Wu Xiaoyong come to join in the fun!" Zhang Le thought it was the well-known writer, but when he took it over, it was Wu Xiaoyong.

   But think about it and you will understand. His five million is undoubtedly driving that person to a wall. Anyone with a little emotional intelligence will remain silent at this time. Because no matter what you say is wrong.

  Only let time go slowly. Jumping out at this time is undoubtedly asking for trouble.

   "Don't he like watching the fun!" Yang Xiner said with a smile.

  Naturally, Wu Xiaoyong does not like to watch the excitement, but the mentality of a villain, because the well-known writer ridiculed him back then. (To be continued.)

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