Superstar Couple

Chapter 343: Most desired award

   Chapter 343 Most Hopeful Award

  Best film, this last award, there is actually no suspense. The film "Inception" has won nine awards.

  None of the films that have won nine awards are not the best, so what film is the best?

  Thirteen nominations for "Inception" and ten awards, it can be described as sweeping the Golden Dragon Award this year and becoming the biggest winner. However, thinking about the influence of this film and its overwhelming reputation, there is no surprise that it has achieved such amazing results.

  And Zhang Le personally won the best cut, best original screenplay, best director, and best film four statuettes. Without any suspense, Zhang Le not only became the filmmaker with the most Golden Dragon Award winners, but also took the second place a long way away.

  And Zhang Le did this in just a few short years, and he was only thirty years old at this time. He has made countless people feel numb, and it seems that no matter how amazing his achievements Zhang Le made, don't be shocked.

  After the awards ceremony, the media reported on it in detail, and "Inception" and Zhang Le are undoubtedly the most mentioned. It's just that they report from a different angle.

  After attending the Golden Dragon Award ceremony, Yang Xiner’s concert tour has entered the final stage of preparation. The first stop was in Yanjing.

  The stadium of 80,000 people is full of seats, and there are many fans wandering outside the stadium. They did not get the tickets, but they were unwilling to leave.

Although   is Yang Xiner’s concert, it is inevitable to invite guests. It wasn't their husband and wife's concert, but Zhang Le appeared as a guest performer, as it should be.

  In addition to Zhang Le, the singers signed by Xinle Film and Television are naturally indispensable.

   Zhang Le not only appeared as a guest performer, but also acted as the director of the concert. Especially this time the concert stage has been made into a 3D stage, which can be said to have created a new river.

  At the concert, Zhang Le sang a solo song and sang a song with Yang Xiner.

   is Yang Xiner’s concert after all, and she is the protagonist. Zhang Le doesn't want to overpower him.

  The response of this concert is still very good, and it also laid a good foundation for the next concert. Especially the use of 3D stage gives the audience an amazing feeling. This has been said by many media that it has created a new stage form.

  Of course, Zhang Le’s energy is still spent more on movies. The production of "Kung Fu Panda" has entered the final stage.

  After participating in Yang Xiner’s concert, Zhang Le was also preparing for a new film while producing "Kung Fu Panda". Of course, he had to travel to the United States in early April to attend the Oscar awards ceremony.

  Oscar award ceremony, Yang Xiner was busy with her concert tour and did not go with Zhang Le. And Liu Mi was unable to go because his belly was getting bigger and bigger, so he had to regret his absence.

   "Am I here to take advantage of the red carpet?" Feng Lei said to Zhang Le with a smile. He did not receive any nomination, but still participated in this year's Oscars.

   "If I said yes, would you stop going?" Zhang Le said with a smile.

   "No!" Feng Lei said plainly.

  Take advantage of the red carpet, that is also a kind of ability, and it has great benefits for the promotion of one's own popularity.

Of course, the crew of "Inception" will not only go to the award-winning staff, such as the Hollywood star George Bruce, the famous British actor Wil Statham, the famous Bollywood actor Amir Khan and the Japanese singer Ken Kimura. The crew attended this year's Oscars ceremony together.

   "How many awards are you confident this time?" Feng Lei suddenly looked at Zhang Le and asked.

   "The best visual effect!" Zhang Le said.

   "Just this one?" Feng Lei didn't want Zhang Le to just say one.

   "At least I won't go home empty-handed." Zhang Le smiled and said.

   "Sometimes I think you are not a young man, but an old guy of seventies and eighties!" Feng Lei shook his head and said, "Young people should be more confident, or even arrogant."

   Zhang Le smiled and looked at Feng Lei, but did not speak.

   "Okay! When I didn't say it." Feng Lei shook his head and said. For his best friend, Feng Lei can clearly feel that as his grades get better, others have become more and more humble. Perhaps it is not humility, but caution!

  Not full of words, there will always be room.

  The best visual effect, Feng Lei doesn't think there is any suspense. But in his opinion, there are still opportunities for the best foreign language film award and the best original screenplay award.

  Ten nominations, if you only won one or two awards, it would be a shame.

The Oscars ceremony was held in early April, and Zhang Le took the crew to the United States at the end of March. And the people from Xinle Film and Television actually went to the United States for research after the nomination list was announced.

  Tackling key points is not surprising for Oscars. The way to tackle the problem is not to bribe the jury, but to increase public opinion.

  The crew of "Inception" came to the United States, and immediately received the attention of countless media. This movie is the best in the global box office rankings, and has a very good reputation. Ten awards nominated for the Oscars, and it is enough to be seen as a foreign language film nominated by the Oscars.

  What's more, among Chinese directors, the young director Zhang Le, who is the most well-known in the world and the most watched by Hollywood.

  Zhang Le and his party along with the United States, countless media reporters came to ask for interviews. In this regard, Zhang Le did not refuse. He has always been low-key and doesn't care about the exposure rate abroad, but Zhou Run and others really need this.

   However, it is undoubtedly Zhang Le who is more interested in those reporters.

   "Mr. Zhang Le's "Inception" has received ten nominations. How many golden figures are you confident to win?" a reporter asked.

"You can take a few, it depends on how much the jury really likes this film." Zhang Le smiled and said, "However, the more you take, the better. I think any filmmaker will have this idea."

  "Which nomination does Mr. Zhang think is the most likely to win the prize?" The reporter then asked.

   "The best visual effect! If "Inception" does not win this award, it is estimated that other awards will be missed." Zhang Le said with a smile.

  The reporter seemed to agree with Zhang Le’s statement. The first 3D film shook the world with vision. If the best visual effects were not won, the impartiality of the Oscars would be questioned by fans of the world.

  The best visual effect, in the eyes of everyone, there is no suspense. As for other awards, there are only high and low voices.

  Among them, the voice of the best foreign language film is undoubtedly the highest, and even the voice of the best director is not low. In addition to the high quality of "Inception" itself, the main reason for the highest demand for the best foreign language film is that it is not competitive.

   "Which award does Mr. Zhang hope most for "Inception"? The reporter then asked.

  "Best Actor!" Zhang Le said the answer almost without hesitation.

  As soon as his voice came out, everyone was taken aback, especially Zhou Run. Everyone believes that the award Zhang Le wants most should be the best director or the best film. Even for the best original screenplay, the two awards related to him for the best cut are understandable!

   "Why?" The reporter seemed to ask in surprise.

   "China is short of an Oscar actor!" Zhang Le said lightly.

  This answer is not how selfless Zhang Le is. He just hopes that the first Chinese actor at Oscar will be brought out by his Zhang Le movie. (To be continued~^~)

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