Superstar Couple

Chapter 360: Bottom: The Buddha and Demon War?

  The lower part of Chapter 360: The Battle between Buddhas and Demons?

  The battle between gods and monsters is obviously the highlight of the film. The magnificence of the scene makes the fans stunned, their mouths open, and they even forgot the exclamation.

  One-on-one, group fights, and battleships. People are dizzy to watch, want to sigh, want to exclaim, but are afraid of missing the next excitement.

  Excited, excited, but just suffocating.

  That refreshing energy is accumulating, and when it breaks out, it will obviously be unparalleled.

  The Monkey King is domineering and invincible. Under his leadership, the heavenly gods retreat steadily, and even the Jade Emperor is chased by the Monkey King and beaten.

   Seeing victory and looking again, but did not want Buddhism to intervene suddenly.

  Buddha door carried the handle, the lord of Lingshan Tathagata rescued the Jade Emperor and fought against the Monkey King.

In this film, Zhang Le did not follow the original book of "Journey to the West". The Tathagata fights with the Monkey King. There is no gambling, no dog blood writing on the fingers and peeing. The two show their magical powers, and the battle went dark. In the end The Tathagata performed great supernatural powers at the cost of one hand, and the palm of the Tathagata suppressed the Monkey King and ended with a narrow victory.

  The Monkey King was the spiritual pillar of the monster clan in this battle. After he was defeated, the monster clan suddenly showed a defeat, and eventually lost to the heavenly gods and fled.

  The demon clan was defeated, and Huaguo Mountain was reduced to ruins. Xin'er looked at the demon clan being chased by the gods and had to sigh the definition of a demon.

   fled, but Xin'er was at a loss at this time, she didn't know where else she could go. However, in the end, Fat Cat and other little demon persuaded her to take her to Accumulation Hill, and worshipped the monkey king, the demon king Niu Demon king of the demon clan, the demon cow, and the demon king for help!

  The battle between monsters and gods is gradually coming to an end, and the visual impact brought by the successive battles made the audience breathe a sigh of relief. And suddenly a word appeared in their minds who were slowing down: sequel!

  This story is obviously not over, and now more than two hours have passed. There is definitely no time left, and it is impossible to finish the next story. Then there is only a sequel.

  The sequel, how exciting will it be?

  The Monkey King was suppressed under the Wuzhi Mountain where the palms of the Tathagata were spent. Huaguo Mountain became ruins during the war. A large number of demons were killed, captured, and fled countless.

  Xin'er was one of those who escaped, although she was not a monster. And the reason why she ran away was probably because there were not enough little demons with her, who couldn't attract the attention of the gods of the heavenly court at all.

  Xin'er followed the little demon to the Accumulation Hill to find the Bull Demon King, perhaps because she had nowhere to go, but it might be more of her character.

  Just when everyone thought the film was about to end, suddenly the screen turned and a temple appeared. There were two old monks fighting in the temple. As a result, the monk of the host temple lost, and a young monk appeared and defeated the other side.

  But this picture flashes past, as if fast forward. In the end, the old monk in the temple wanted to accept the young monk as a disciple, but he didn't want the young monk to say that the old monk could not teach him what he wanted to learn.

  From their dialogue, the audience knew that the little monk was Tang Xuanzang Tang Seng.

When the old monk asked what he was going to learn, the little monk looked at the white clouds in the sky and said, "I want this day, but I can't cover my eyes, I want this place, I can't bury my heart, and all sentient beings, Understand my intentions, let the Buddhas disappear in smoke!"

  After the little monk finished speaking, the Buddha Tathagata of the Buddhism Lingshan suddenly opened his eyes and secretly said a bad cry. Immediately after regaining his calm, he said: He, actually came back.

  After saying this, the scene of the entire Lingshan was randomly displayed on the screen. And this scene shocked the audience for the last time.

  The upper part of "Xiner's Dream in the Fairy World" ends here.

   "The lower part of the kid is afraid that he is going to fight a Buddha and a monster!" Dadao Feng shook his head, jumped out of the film, and said to Dadao Zhang who was still thinking about it next to him.

   "How do you think he will end this movie in the end?" Zhang Dadao suddenly asked.

  "Who knows how to end it! However, the heroine named Xin'er should return to reality." Dadao Feng said after thinking about it.

  Director Zhang nodded, but the two of them did not act like other audience members. After the movie ended, they got up and walked outside the theater. And when the subtitles ended, a trailer for the lower part of "Xiner's Dream in the Fairy World" suddenly appeared.

  This completely exceeded everyone's expectations, and those who walked slowly were extremely grateful. Those who walked a little slowly turned back quickly, staring at the screen intently. As for those who went fast, they naturally regretted it afterwards.

  Many fans think that this film has a sequel, but they never thought that it is not a sequel at all, but the relationship between the upper and lower parts, but because the fans are too long, they were cut into the upper and lower parts by Zhang Le.

  The trailer is not long, and the opening is what Xiner said to the Monkey King sternly: "Where have you been as the monster monkey king! Look at you now just a talking monkey!"

  While speaking, the monkey king jumped up and down, waving his stick, and occasionally spared his head and neck. Hearing Xin'er's words, he seemed to be irritated by Xin'er's words and suddenly roared: Death!

  The monkey roared, and hit Xin'er's head with a stick. As for what happened afterwards, the stick didn't hit Xin'er, everyone didn't know, because the scene stopped abruptly when the stick hit Xin'er.

  Of course, the trailer is naturally impossible to have only these ten seconds. Naturally, other characters also flashed one by one, especially the Cow Demon King had the most shots, and even Zhang Le even designed a transformation setting for him.

  In addition to these, the scenes of the war between Buddhas and monsters naturally flashed a little.

  I have to say that the master's guess is correct. The big scene in the lower part of "Xiner's Dream in the Fairy World" is the battle between the Buddha and the monster.

  Gods and Buddhas are naturally different, and their fighting styles are naturally different, so the battle between the Buddha and the monster is obviously different from the battle between the gods and monsters. If they are the same, then there is nothing to watch.

  When thinking of monks, I am afraid that many people will think of the word "chanting". Therefore, the setting of the Buddha's power is more embodied in mantras, and the sacred King Kong and various Buddha characters that are transformed from scriptures. Moreover, during the Buddha-monster war, Zhang Le showed the formation more perfect.

  During the war between gods and monsters, there are also formations displayed, but they are all point-to-point, and there is no introduction of systematic deepening. And there is it in the Buddha-Monster War. And there was a battle between the Yaozu's Great Array and the Buddhism Great Array.

  Of course, it was just a flash in the trailer, but in addition to making the audience feel that the scene was as magnificent as the battle between gods and monsters, it also made the audience very interested in the battle between Buddha and monsters. Although the trailer is short, it also makes the audience feel the difference between the battle between the Buddha and the demon and the battle between the gods and the demon.

  Of course, more confidence in Zhang Le. Fans would not believe that Zhang Le would let the two battles be the same to perfuse them.

   "The beautiful scenery of the Fomen Lingshan is over!" Dadao Feng said with a smile and shook his head. (To be continued~^~)

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